This patch creates a owner-dependent relationship between the
nfd-worker pod and the NodeFeature object that it creates. With this
change the orphaned NodeFeature object(s) gets automatically
garbage-collected when the nfd-worker pod goes away, without the need
for manual clean-up actions.
The "combined" overlay, deploying nfd-master and nfd-worker in the same
pod (with a daemonset) doesn't make sense anymore as we have enabled
NodeFeature API. There is no direct communication between nfd-master and
nfd-worker anymore, Moreover, the combined deployment can be seen as
broken as there is one NodeFeature controller (i.e. nfd-master) on each
node, causing them to race against each other, all processing all
NodeFeature objects.
Fix flakyness of unit tests by adding back the sorting of matched
feature elements that was unadvisedly removed in
63c22551df. This might help debugging some
corner cases in real-life scenarios (when using templating), too.
Add new autoDefaultNs (default is "true") config option to nfd-master.
Setting the config option to false stops NFD from automatically adding
the "" prefix to labels, annotations and
extended resources. Taints are not affected as for them no prefix is
automatically added. The user-visible part of enabling the option change
is that NodeFeatureRules, local feature files, hooks and configuration
of the "custom" may need to be altereda (if the auto-prefixing is
relied on).
For now, the config option defaults to "true", meaning no change in
default behavior. However, the intent is to change the default to
"false" in a future release, deprecating the option and eventually
removing it (forcing it to "false").
The goal of stopping doing "auto-prefixing" is to simplify the operation
(of nfd and users). Make the naming more straightforward and easier to
understand and debug (kind of WYSIWYG), eliminating peculiar corner
1. Make validation simpler and unambiguous
2. Remove "overloading" of names, i.e. the mapping two values to the
same actual name. E.g. previously something like
labels: bar
foo: baz
Could actually result in node label: baz
3. Make the processing/usagee of the "rule.matched" and "local.labels"
feature in NodeFeatureRules unambiguous and more understadable. E.g.
previously you could have node label
" bar" but in the NodeFeatureRule
you'd need to use the unprefixed name "local-foo" or the fully
prefixed name, depending on what was specified in the feature file (or
hook) on the node(s).
NOTE: setting autoDefaultNs to false is a breaking change for users who
rely on automatic prefixing with the default
namespace. NodeFeatureRules, feature files, hooks and custom rules
(configuration of the "custom" source of nfd-worker) will need to be
altered. Unprefixed labels, annoations and extended resources will be
denied by nfd-master.
Make the handling of unprefixed names (of labels, annotations and
extended resources) well-defined and predictable. Previously the
resulting output was not predictable in case the same name was coming in
both the unprefixed and prefixed form, say unprefixed "foo=bar" coming from
one source (be it nfd-worker or NodeFeature(Rule)) and
"" from a NodeFeature(Rule).
Previously the output value was randomly either "bar" or "baz".
This patch adds prefixes to all names early in the processing
"pipeline", preventing random name clashes later on.
Fix NodeFeatureRule templating in cases where multiple matchFeatures
terms are targeting the same feature. Previously, only matched feature
elements from the last matcher terms were used as the input to the
template. However, the input should contain all matched elements from
all matcher terms.
For example, consider the example rule snippet below:
labelsTemplate: |
{{ range .pci.device }}{{ .class }}-{{ .device }}=exists
{{ end }}
- feature: pci.device
class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^03"]}
vendor: {op: In, value: ["1234"]}
- feature: pci.device
class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^12"]}
This rule matches if both a pci device of class 03 from vendor 1234
exists and a pci device of class 12 (from any vendor) exists.
Previously, the template would only generate labels from the devices in
class 12 (as that's the last term). With this patch the template creates
device labels from devices in both classes 03 and 12.
In some occasions the node status (capacity) takes a lot of time to
update. Increase the timeout on extended resource tests. Revert the default
timeout back to 10s.