mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 18:57:10 +00:00
nfd-master: predictable handling of unprefixed names
Make the handling of unprefixed names (of labels, annotations and extended resources) well-defined and predictable. Previously the resulting output was not predictable in case the same name was coming in both the unprefixed and prefixed form, say unprefixed "foo=bar" coming from one source (be it nfd-worker or NodeFeature(Rule)) and "feature.node.kubernetes.io/foo=baz" from a NodeFeature(Rule). Previously the output value was randomly either "bar" or "baz". This patch adds prefixes to all names early in the processing "pipeline", preventing random name clashes later on.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 54 additions and 32 deletions
@ -422,20 +422,21 @@ func TestSetLabels(t *testing.T) {
vendorFeatureLabel := "vendor." + nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs + "/feature-4"
vendorProfileLabel := "vendor." + nfdv1alpha1.ProfileLabelNs + "/feature-5"
mockLabels := map[string]string{
"feature-1": "val-1",
"valid.ns/feature-2": "val-2",
"random.denied.ns/feature-3": "val-3",
"kubernetes.io/feature-4": "val-4",
"sub.ns.kubernetes.io/feature-5": "val-5",
vendorFeatureLabel: "val-6",
vendorProfileLabel: "val-7",
"--invalid-name--": "valid-val",
"valid-name": "--invalid-val--"}
"feature-1": "val-0",
"feature.node.kubernetes.io/feature-1": "val-1",
"valid.ns/feature-2": "val-2",
"random.denied.ns/feature-3": "val-3",
"kubernetes.io/feature-4": "val-4",
"sub.ns.kubernetes.io/feature-5": "val-5",
vendorFeatureLabel: "val-6",
vendorProfileLabel: "val-7",
"--invalid-name--": "valid-val",
"valid-name": "--invalid-val--"}
expectedPatches := []apihelper.JsonPatch{
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/annotations",
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/labels", nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs+"/feature-1", mockLabels["feature-1"]),
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/labels", "feature.node.kubernetes.io/feature-1", mockLabels["feature.node.kubernetes.io/feature-1"]),
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/labels", "valid.ns/feature-2", mockLabels["valid.ns/feature-2"]),
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/labels", vendorFeatureLabel, mockLabels[vendorFeatureLabel]),
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/metadata/labels", vendorProfileLabel, mockLabels[vendorProfileLabel]),
@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ func TestSetLabels(t *testing.T) {
apihelper.NewJsonPatch("add", "/status/capacity", nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs+"/feature-3", mockLabels["feature-3"]),
mockMaster.config.ResourceLabels = map[string]struct{}{"feature-3": {}, "feature-1": {}}
mockMaster.config.ResourceLabels = map[string]struct{}{"feature.node.kubernetes.io/feature-3": {}, "feature-1": {}}
mockHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient, workerName).Return(mockNode, nil)
mockHelper.On("PatchNodeStatus", mockClient, mockNodeName, mock.MatchedBy(jsonPatchMatcher(expectedStatusPatches))).Return(nil)
@ -503,7 +504,7 @@ func TestFilterLabels(t *testing.T) {
mockMaster := newMockMaster(mockHelper)
Convey("When using dynamic values", t, func() {
labelName := "testLabel"
labelName := "ns/testLabel"
labelValue := "@test.feature.LSM"
features := nfdv1alpha1.Features{
Attributes: map[string]nfdv1alpha1.AttributeFeatureSet{
@ -523,9 +523,6 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) updateMasterNode() error {
func (m *nfdMaster) filterFeatureLabels(labels Labels, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features) (Labels, ExtendedResources) {
outLabels := Labels{}
for name, value := range labels {
// Add possibly missing default ns
name := addNs(name, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
if value, err := m.filterFeatureLabel(name, value, features); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "ignoring label", "labelKey", name, "labelValue", value)
@ -537,8 +534,7 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) filterFeatureLabels(labels Labels, features *nfdv1alpha1.Fea
// Remove labels which are intended to be extended resources
extendedResources := ExtendedResources{}
for extendedResourceName := range m.config.ResourceLabels {
// Add possibly missing default ns
extendedResourceName = addNs(extendedResourceName, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
extendedResourceName := addNs(extendedResourceName, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
if value, ok := outLabels[extendedResourceName]; ok {
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(value); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "bad label value encountered for extended resource", "labelKey", extendedResourceName, "labelValue", value)
@ -563,6 +559,9 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) filterFeatureLabel(name, value string, features *nfdv1alpha1
// Check label namespace, filter out if ns is not whitelisted
ns, base := splitNs(name)
if ns == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("labels without namespace (prefix/) not allowed")
if ns != nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs && ns != nfdv1alpha1.ProfileLabelNs &&
!strings.HasSuffix(ns, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelSubNsSuffix) && !strings.HasSuffix(ns, nfdv1alpha1.ProfileLabelSubNsSuffix) {
// If the namespace is denied, and not present in the extraLabelNs, label will be ignored
@ -764,8 +763,11 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) nfdAPIUpdateOneNode(nodeName string) error {
// NOTE: changing the rule api to support handle multiple objects instead
// of merging would probably perform better with lot less data to copy.
features = objs[0].Spec.DeepCopy()
features.Labels = addNsToMapKeys(features.Labels, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
for _, o := range objs[1:] {
s := o.Spec.DeepCopy()
s.Labels = addNsToMapKeys(s.Labels, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
klog.V(4).InfoS("merged nodeFeatureSpecs", "newNodeFeatureSpec", utils.DelayedDumper(features))
@ -790,9 +792,6 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) nfdAPIUpdateOneNode(nodeName string) error {
func filterExtendedResources(features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, extendedResources ExtendedResources) ExtendedResources {
outExtendedResources := ExtendedResources{}
for name, value := range extendedResources {
// Add possibly missing default ns
name = addNs(name, nfdv1alpha1.ExtendedResourceNs)
capacity, err := filterExtendedResource(name, value, features)
if err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "failed to create extended resources", "extendedResourceName", name, "extendedResourceValue", value)
@ -807,6 +806,9 @@ func filterExtendedResources(features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, extendedResources E
func filterExtendedResource(name, value string, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features) (string, error) {
// Check if given NS is allowed
ns, _ := splitNs(name)
if ns == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("extended resource without namespace (prefix/) not allowed")
if ns != nfdv1alpha1.ExtendedResourceNs && !strings.HasSuffix(ns, nfdv1alpha1.ExtendedResourceSubNsSuffix) {
if ns == "kubernetes.io" || strings.HasSuffix(ns, ".kubernetes.io") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("namespace %q is not allowed", ns)
@ -834,9 +836,7 @@ func filterExtendedResource(name, value string, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features)
func (m *nfdMaster) refreshNodeFeatures(cli *kubernetes.Clientset, nodeName string, labels map[string]string, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features) error {
if labels == nil {
labels = make(map[string]string)
labels = addNsToMapKeys(labels, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs)
crLabels, crAnnotations, crExtendedResources, crTaints := m.processNodeFeatureRule(nodeName, features)
@ -1011,13 +1011,13 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) processNodeFeatureRule(nodeName string, features *nfdv1alpha
taints = append(taints, ruleOut.Taints...)
for k, v := range ruleOut.Labels {
for k, v := range addNsToMapKeys(ruleOut.Labels, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureLabelNs) {
labels[k] = v
for k, v := range ruleOut.ExtendedResources {
for k, v := range addNsToMapKeys(ruleOut.ExtendedResources, nfdv1alpha1.ExtendedResourceNs) {
extendedResources[k] = v
for k, v := range ruleOut.Annotations {
for k, v := range addNsToMapKeys(ruleOut.Annotations, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureAnnotationNs) {
annotations[k] = v
@ -1285,6 +1285,25 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) configure(filepath string, overrides string) error {
return nil
// addNsToMapKeys creates a copy of a map with the namespace (prefix) added to
// unprefixed keys. Prefixed keys in the input map will take presedence, i.e.
// if the input contains both prefixed (say "prefix/name") and unprefixed
// ("name") name the unprefixed key will be ignored.
func addNsToMapKeys(in map[string]string, nsToAdd string) map[string]string {
out := make(map[string]string, len(in))
for k, v := range in {
if strings.Contains(k, "/") {
out[k] = v
} else {
fqn := path.Join(nsToAdd, k)
if _, ok := in[fqn]; !ok {
out[fqn] = v
return out
// addNs adds a namespace if one isn't already found from src string
func addNs(src string, nsToAdd string) string {
if strings.Contains(src, "/") {
@ -1404,11 +1423,11 @@ func (m *nfdMaster) filterFeatureAnnotations(annotations map[string]string) map[
outAnnotations := make(map[string]string)
for annotation, value := range annotations {
// Add possibly missing default ns
annotation := addNs(annotation, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureAnnotationNs)
ns, _ := splitNs(annotation)
if ns == "" {
klog.ErrorS(fmt.Errorf("annotations without namespace (prefix/) not allowed"), fmt.Sprintf("Ignoring annotation %s", annotation))
// Check annotation namespace, filter out if ns is not whitelisted
if ns != nfdv1alpha1.FeatureAnnotationNs && !strings.HasSuffix(ns, nfdv1alpha1.FeatureAnnotationSubNsSuffix) {
// If the namespace is denied, and not present in the extraLabelNs, label will be ignored
@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ spec:
attr_2: "9"
# Labels to be created
e2e-nodefeature-test-1: "obj-1"
e2e-nodefeature-test-1: "foo"
# The prefixed name should take precedence over the non-prefixed name above
feature.node.kubernetes.io/e2e-nodefeature-test-1: "obj-1"
e2e-nodefeature-test-2: "obj-1"
# Override feature from nfd-worker
fake-fakefeature3: "overridden"
Add table
Reference in a new issue