Tommy Skaug
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## Key Takeaways
* SSH has a key-signing concept that in combination with a
smartcard provides a lean, off-disk process
* A SSH-CA provides the possibility of managing access
without a central point of failure
* The use of SSH Jumphost is an easier way to tunnel
sessions end-to-end encrypted, while still maintaining
visibility and control through a central point
## Introduction
This post is an all-in-one capture of my recent discoveries with
SSH. It is an introduction for a technical audience.
It turns out that SSH is ready for a zero trust and
microsegmentation approach, which is important for
management of servers. Everything described in this post is
available as open source software, but some parts require a
smartcard or two, such as a Yubikey (or a Nitrokey if you
prefer open source. I describe both).
I also go into detail on how to configure the CA key without
letting the key touch the computer, which is an important
The end-result should be a more an architecture providing a better
overview of the infrastructure and a second logon-factor
independent of phones and OATH.
My exploration started when I read a 2016-article by
Facebook engineering [1]. Surprised, but concerned with the
configuration overhead and reliability I set out to test the
SSH-CA concept. Two days later all my servers were on a new
SSH-CA works predictably like follows:
[ User generates key on Yubikey ]
[ ssh-keygen generates CA key ] --------> [ signs pubkey of Yubikey ]
| - for a set of security zones
| - for users
| |
| |
| v
v pubkey cert is distributed to user
[ CA cert and zones pushed to servers ] -
- auth_principals/root (root-everywhere)
- auth_principals/web (zone-web)
The commands required in a nutshell:
# on client
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
# on server
$ ssh-keygen -C CA -f ca
$ ssh-keygen -s ca -I <id-for-logs> -n zone-web -V +1w -z 1
# on client
cp ~/.ssh/
Please refer to the next section for a best practice storage
of your private key.
On the SSH server, add the following to the SSHD config:
TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/
AuthorizedPrincipalsFile /etc/ssh/auth_principals/%u
What was conceptually new for me was principals and
authorization files per server. This is how it works:
1. Add a security zone, like zone-web, during certificate
signing - "ssh-keygen * -n zone-web *". Local username does
not matter
2. Add a file per user on the SSH server, where zone-web
is added where applicable -
e.g. "/etc/ssh/auth_principals/some-user" contains "zone-web"
3. Login with the same user as given in the zone file - "ssh some-user@server"
This is the same as applying a role instead of a name to the
authorization system, while something that IDs the user is
added to certificate and logged when used.
This leaves us with a way better authorization and
authentication scheme than authorized_keys that everyone
uses. Read on to get the details for generating the CA key
## Keeping Private Keys Off-disk
An important principle I have about private keys is to
rather cross-sign and encrypt two keys than to store one on
disk. This was challenged for the SSH-CA design. Luckily I found
an article describing the details of PKCS11 with ssh-keygen
> If you're using pkcs11 tokens to hold your ssh key, you
> may need to run ssh-keygen -D $PKCS11_MODULE_PATH
> ~/.ssh/ so that you have a public key to
> sign. If your CA private key is being held in a pkcs11
> token, you can use the -D parameter, in this case the -s
> parameter has to point to the public key of the CA.
Yubikeys on macOS 11 (Big Sur) requires the yubico-piv-tool
to provide PKCS#11 drivers. It can be installed using
$ brew install yubico-piv-tool
$ PKCS11_MODULE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib
Similarly the procedure for Nitrokey are:
$ brew cask install opensc
$ PKCS11_MODULE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/
Generating a key on-card for Yubikey:
$ yubico-piv-tool -s 9a -a generate -o public.pem
For the Nitrokey:
$ pkcs11-tool -l --login-type so --keypairgen --key-type RSA:2048
Using the exported CA pubkey and the private key on-card a
certificate may now be signed and distributed to the user.
$ ssh-keygen -D $PKCS11_MODULE_PATH -e >
$ ssh-keygen -D $PKCS11_MODULE_PATH -s -I example -n zone-web \
-V +1w -z 1
Enter PIN for 'OpenPGP card (User PIN)':
Signed user key .ssh/ id "example" serial 1 for zone-web
valid from 2020-10-13T15:09:00 to 2020-10-20T15:10:40
The same concept goes for a user smart-card, except that is
a plug and play as long as you have the gpg-agent
running. When the (the signed certificate of
e.g. a Yubikey) is located in ~/.ssh, SSH will find the
corresponding private key automatically. The workflow will
be something along these lines:
[ User smartcard ] -----------> [ CA smartcard ]
^ |
| | signs
sends back
## A Simple Bastion Host Setup
The other thing I wanted to mention was the -J option of
ssh, ProxyJump.
ProxyJump allows a user to confidentially, without risk of a
man-in-the-middle (MitM), to tunnel the session through a
central bastion host end-to-end encrypted.
Having end-to-end encryption for an SSH proxy may seem
counter-intuitive since it cannot inspect the
content. I believe it is the better option due to:
* It is a usability compromise, but also a security
compromise in case the bastion host is compromised.
* Network access and application authentication (and even
authorization) goes through a hardened point.
* In addition the end-point should also log what happens on
the server to a central syslog server.
* A bastion host should always be positioned in front of the
server segments, not on the infrastructure perimeter.
A simple setup looks like the following:
[ client ] ---> [ bastion host ] ---> [ server ]
Practically speaking a standalone command will look like
ssh -J
An equivalent .ssh/config will look like:
User sshjump
Port 22
User some-user
Port 22
With the above configuration the user can compress the
ProxyJump SSH-command to "ssh".
## Further Work
The basic design shown above requires one factor which is
probably not acceptable in larger companies: someone needs
to manually sign and rotate certificates. There are some
options mentioned in open sources, where it is normally to
avoid having certificates on clients and having an
authorization gateway with SSO. This does however introduce
a weakness in the chain.
I am also interested in using SSH certificates on iOS, but
that has turned out to be unsupported in all apps I have
tested so far. It is however on the roadmap of Termius,
hopefully in the near-future. Follow updates on this subject
on my Honk thread about it [4].
For a smaller infrastructure like mine, I have found the
manual approach to be sufficient so far.
[1] Scalable and secure access with SSH:
[2] Using a CA with SSH:
[3] Using PIV for SSH through PKCS #11: