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Developer Guide

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Table of contents

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  1. TOC {:toc}

Building from Source

Download the source code

git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery
cd node-feature-discovery

Docker Build

Build the container image

See customizing the build below for altering the container image registry, for example.


Push the container image

Optional, this example with Docker.

docker push <IMAGE_TAG>

Change the job spec to use your custom image (optional)

To use your published image from the step above instead of the k8s.gcr.io/nfd/node-feature-discovery image, edit image attribute in the spec template(s) to the new location (<registry-name>/<image-name>[:<version>]).

Building Locally

You can also build the binaries locally

make build

This will compile binaries under bin/

Customizing the Build

There are several Makefile variables that control the build process and the name of the resulting container image. The following are targeted targeted for build customization and they can be specified via environment variables or makefile overrides.

Variable Description Default value
HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX Prefix of system directories for feature discovery (local builds) / (local builds) /host- (container builds)
IMAGE_BUILD_CMD Command to build the image docker build
IMAGE_BUILD_EXTRA_OPTS Extra options to pass to build command empty
IMAGE_PUSH_CMD Command to push the image to remote registry docker push
IMAGE_REGISTRY Container image registry to use k8s.gcr.io/nfd
IMAGE_TAG_NAME Container image tag name <nfd version>
IMAGE_EXTRA_TAG_NAMES Additional container image tag(s) to create when building image empty
K8S_NAMESPACE nfd-master and nfd-worker namespace kube-system
KUBECONFIG Kubeconfig for running e2e-tests empty
E2E_TEST_CONFIG Parameterization file of e2e-tests (see example) empty

For example, to use a custom registry:

make IMAGE_REGISTRY=<my custom registry uri>

Or to specify a build tool different from Docker, It can be done in 2 ways:

  1. via environment
IMAGE_BUILD_CMD="buildah bud" make
  1. by overriding the variable value
make  IMAGE_BUILD_CMD="buildah bud"


Unit tests are automatically run as part of the container image build. You can also run them manually in the source code tree by simply running:

make test

End-to-end tests are built on top of the e2e test framework of Kubernetes, and, they required a cluster to run them on. For running the tests on your test cluster you need to specify the kubeconfig to be used:

make e2e-test KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config

Running Locally

You can run NFD locally, either directly on your host OS or in containers for testing and development purposes. This may be useful e.g. for checking features-detection.


When running as a standalone container labeling is expected to fail because Kubernetes API is not available. Thus, it is recommended to use --no-publish command line flag. E.g.

$ export NFD_CONTAINER_IMAGE=gcr.io/k8s-staging-nfd/node-feature-discovery:master
$ docker run --rm --name=nfd-test ${NFD_CONTAINER_IMAGE} nfd-master --no-publish
2019/02/01 14:48:21 Node Feature Discovery Master <NFD_VERSION>
2019/02/01 14:48:21 gRPC server serving on port: 8080

Command line flags of nfd-master:

$ docker run --rm ${NFD_CONTAINER_IMAGE} nfd-master --help
  nfd-master [--prune] [--no-publish] [--label-whitelist=<pattern>] [--port=<port>]
     [--ca-file=<path>] [--cert-file=<path>] [--key-file=<path>]
     [--verify-node-name] [--extra-label-ns=<list>] [--resource-labels=<list>]
  nfd-master -h | --help
  nfd-master --version

  -h --help                       Show this screen.
  --version                       Output version and exit.
  --prune                         Prune all NFD related attributes from all nodes
                                  of the cluster and exit.
  --kubeconfig=<path>             Kubeconfig to use [Default: ]
  --port=<port>                   Port on which to listen for connections.
                                  [Default: 8080]
  --ca-file=<path>                Root certificate for verifying connections
                                  [Default: ]
  --cert-file=<path>              Certificate used for authenticating connections
                                  [Default: ]
  --key-file=<path>               Private key matching --cert-file
                                  [Default: ]
  --verify-node-name              Verify worker node name against CN from the TLS
                                  certificate. Only has effect when TLS authentication
                                  has been enabled.
  --no-publish                    Do not publish feature labels
  --label-whitelist=<pattern>     Regular expression to filter label names to
                                  publish to the Kubernetes API server.
                                  NB: the label namespace is omitted i.e. the filter
                                  is only applied to the name part after '/'.
                                  [Default: ]
  --extra-label-ns=<list>         Comma separated list of allowed extra label namespaces
                                  [Default: ]
  --resource-labels=<list>        Comma separated list of labels to be exposed as extended resources.
                                  [Default: ]


In order to run nfd-worker as a "stand-alone" container against your standalone nfd-master you need to run them in the same network namespace:

$ docker run --rm --network=container:nfd-test ${NFD_CONTAINER_IMAGE} nfd-worker
2019/02/01 14:48:56 Node Feature Discovery Worker <NFD_VERSION>

If you just want to try out feature discovery without connecting to nfd-master, pass the --no-publish flag to nfd-worker.

Command line flags of nfd-worker:

$ docker run --rm ${NFD_CONTAINER_IMAGE} nfd-worker --help

  nfd-worker [--no-publish] [--sources=<sources>] [--label-whitelist=<pattern>]
     [--oneshot | --sleep-interval=<seconds>] [--config=<path>]
     [--options=<config>] [--server=<server>] [--server-name-override=<name>]
     [--ca-file=<path>] [--cert-file=<path>] [--key-file=<path>]
  nfd-worker -h | --help
  nfd-worker --version

  -h --help                   Show this screen.
  --version                   Output version and exit.
  --config=<path>             Config file to use.
                              [Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf]
  --options=<config>          Specify config options from command line. Config
                              options are specified in the same format as in the
                              config file (i.e. json or yaml). These options
                              will override settings read from the config file.
                              [Default: ]
  --ca-file=<path>            Root certificate for verifying connections
                              [Default: ]
  --cert-file=<path>          Certificate used for authenticating connections
                              [Default: ]
  --key-file=<path>           Private key matching --cert-file
                              [Default: ]
  --server=<server>           NFD server address to connecto to.
                              [Default: localhost:8080]
  --server-name-override=<name> Name (CN) expect from server certificate, useful
                              in testing
                              [Default: ]
  --sources=<sources>         Comma separated list of feature sources.
                              [Default: cpu,custom,iommu,kernel,local,memory,network,pci,storage,system,usb]
  --no-publish                Do not publish discovered features to the
                              cluster-local Kubernetes API server.
  --label-whitelist=<pattern> Regular expression to filter label names to
                              publish to the Kubernetes API server.
                              NB: the label namespace is omitted i.e. the filter
                              is only applied to the name part after '/'.
                              [Default: ]
  --oneshot                   Label once and exit.
  --sleep-interval=<seconds>  Time to sleep between re-labeling. Non-positive
                              value implies no re-labeling (i.e. infinite
                              sleep). [Default: 60s]

NOTE Some feature sources need certain directories and/or files from the host mounted inside the NFD container. Thus, you need to provide Docker with the correct --volume options in order for them to work correctly when run stand-alone directly with docker run. See the template spec for up-to-date information about the required volume mounts.


All documentation resides under the docs directory in the source tree. It is designed to be served as a html site by GitHub Pages.

Building the documentation is containerized in order to fix the build environment. The recommended way for developing documentation is to run:

make site-serve

This will build the documentation in a container and serve it under localhost:4000/ making it easy to verify the results. Any changes made to the docs/ will automatically re-trigger a rebuild and are reflected in the served content and can be inspected with a simple browser refresh.

In order to just build the html documentation run:

make site-build

This will generate html documentation under docs/_site/.