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documentation / Testing Policies
Testing Policies
The resources definitions for testing are located in /test directory. Each test contains a pair of files: one is the resource definition, and the second is the kyverno policy for this definition.
Test using kubectl
To do this you should install kyverno to the cluster.
For example, to test the simplest kyverno policy for ConfigMap, create the policy and then the resource itself via kubectl:
cd test/ConfigMap
kubectl create -f policy-CM.yaml
kubectl create -f CM.yaml
Then compare the original resource definition in CM.yaml with the actual one:
kubectl get -f CM.yaml -o yaml
Test using the Kyverno CLI
The Kyverno Command Line Interface (CLI) tool allows writing and testing policies without having to apply local policy changes to a cluster. You can also test policies without a Kubernetes clusters, but results may vary as default values will not be filled in.
Building the CLI
You will need a Go environment setup.
- Clone the Kyverno repo
git clone https://github.com/nirmata/kyverno/
- Build the CLI
cd kyverno/cmd/kyverno
go build
Or, you can directly build and install the CLI using go get
go get -u https://github.com/nirmata/kyverno/cmd/kyverno
Using the CLI
The CLI loads default kubeconfig ($HOME/.kube/config) to test policies in Kubernetes cluster. If no kubeconfig is found, the CLI will test policies on raw resources.
To test a policy using the CLI type:
kyverno apply @<policy> @<resource YAML file or folder>
For example:
kyverno apply @../../examples/cli/policy-deployment.yaml @../../examples/cli/resources
To test a policy with the specific kubeconfig:
kyverno apply @../../examples/cli/policy-deployment.yaml @../../examples/cli/resources --kubeconfig $PATH_TO_KUBECONFIG_FILE
In future releases, the CLI will support complete validation and generation of policies.