Run as non-root user |
policy_validate_deny_runasrootuser.yaml |
Disallow privileged and privilege escalation |
policy_validate_container_disallow_priviledgedprivelegesecalation.yaml |
Disallow use of host networking and ports |
policy_validate_host_network_port.yaml |
Disallow use of host filesystem |
policy_validate_host_path.yaml |
Disallow hostPID and hostIPC |
policy_validate_hostpid_hosipc.yaml |
Require read only root filesystem |
policy_validate_not_readonly_rootfilesystem.yaml |
Disallow node ports |
policy_validate_disallow_node_port.yaml |
Allow trusted registries |
policy_validate_image_registries.yaml |
Require resource requests and limits |
policy_validate_pod_resources.yaml |
Require pod liveness and readiness probes |
policy_validate_pod_probes.yaml |
Require an image tag |
policy_validate_image_tag_notspecified_deny.yaml |
Disallow latest tag and pull IfNotPresent |
policy_validate_image_latest_ifnotpresent_deny.yaml |
Require a namespace (disallow default) |
policy_validate_default_namespace.yaml |
Disallow use of kube-system namespace |
Prevent mounting of default service account |
policy_validate_disallow_default_serviceaccount.yaml |
Require a default network policy |
policy_validate_default_network_policy.yaml |
Require namespace quotas and limit ranges |
policy_validate_namespace_quota.yaml |