The Kyverno policy engine runs as an admission webhook and requires a CA-signed certificate and key to setup secure TLS communication with the kube-apiserver (the CA can be self-signed).
Kyverno can request a CA signed certificate-key pair from `kube-controller-manager`. This method requires that the kube-controller-manager is configured to act as a certificate signer. To verify that this option is enabled for your cluster, check the command-line args for the kube-controller-manager. If `--cluster-signing-cert-file` and `--cluster-signing-key-file` are passed to the controller manager with paths to your CA's key-pair, then you can proceed to install Kyverno using this method.
**Deploying on EKS requires enabling a command-line argument `--fqdn-as-cn` in the 'kyverno' container in the deployment, due to a current limitation with the certificates returned by EKS for CSR(bug:**
Note that the above command will install the last released (stable) version of Kyverno. If you want to install the latest version, you can edit the `install.yaml` and update the image tag.
You can install your own CA-signed certificate, or generate a self-signed CA and use it to sign a certifcate. Once you have a CA and X.509 certificate-key pair, you can install these as Kubernetes secrets in your cluster. If Kyverno finds these secrets, it uses them. Otherwise it will request the kube-controller-manager to generate a certificate (see Option 1 above).
Here are the commands to create a self-signed root CA, and generate a signed certificate and key using openssl (you can customize the certificate attributes for your deployment):
**NOTE: The annotation on the TLS pair secret is used by Kyverno to identify the use of self-signed certificates and checks for the required root CA secret**
Kyverno uses secrets created above to setup TLS communication with the kube-apiserver and specify the CA bundle to be used to validate the webhook server's certificate in the admission webhook configurations.
Kyverno, in `foreground` mode, leverages admission webhooks to manage incoming api-requests, and `background` mode applies the policies on existing resources. It uses ServiceAccount `kyverno-service-account`, which is bound to multiple ClusterRole, which defines the default resources and operations that are permitted.
The `generate` rule creates a new resource, and to allow kyverno to create resource kyverno ClusterRole needs permissions to create/update/delete. This can be done by adding the resource to the ClusterRole `kyverno:generatecontroller` used by kyverno or by creating a new ClusterRole and a ClusterRoleBinding to kyverno's default ServiceAccount.
Here is a script that generates a self-signed CA, a TLS certificate-key pair, and the corresponding kubernetes secrets: [helper script](/scripts/
During Kyverno installation, it creates a ClusterRole `kyverno:policyviolations` which has the `list,get,watch` operations on resource `policyviolations`. To grant access to a namespace admin, configure the following YAML file then apply to the cluster.
To run controller in this mode you should prepare a TLS key/certificate pair for debug webhook, then start controller with kubeconfig and the server address.
1. Run `scripts/ --service=localhost --serverIP=<server_IP>`, where <server_IP> is the IP address of the host where controller runs. This scripts will generate a TLS certificate for debug webhook server and register this webhook in the cluster. it also registers a CustomResource policy.
# Filter Kubernetes resources that admission webhook should not process
The admission webhook checks if a policy is applicable on all admission requests. The Kubernetes kinds that are not be processed can be filtered by adding the configmap named `init-config` in namespace `kyverno` and specifying the resources to be filtered under `data.resourceFilters`.
The configmap is picked from the envenvironment variable `INIT_CONFIG` passed to the kyverno deployment spec. The resourceFilters configuration can be updated dynamically at runtime.