Kyverno installs an admission webhook that requires a CA-signed certificate and key to setup TLS communication with the kube-apiserver. In-cluster mode, there are 2 ways to configure the admission webhook TLS configuration:
* Kyverno generates certificate and key pair for user, and a signed certificate is issued against the certificate signing request generated by Kyverno. This setup requires a 'certificate signer' configured in the cluster. The kube-controller-manager provides a default implementation of a signer which can be used to issue certificates. To verify if it is enabled, check if the command args `--cluster-signing-cert-file` and `--cluster-signing-key-file` are passed to the controller manager with paths to your CA's key-pair.
Kyverno uses secrets created above to define the TLS configuration for the webserver hook and specify the CA bundle used to validate the webhook's server certificate in the admission webhook configurations.
To deploy the Kyverno project, run `kubectl create -f definitions/install.yaml`. You can ignore the error 'namespaces "kyverno" already exists', which occurs as we previously created the namespace while creating the secrets.
*If tls pair secret is created and secret for root CA is not defined, then Kyverno follows its default behaviour of generating new tls pair and generate certificate signing request for issuer to issue certificate.*
Script to generate self-signed certificate and corresponding kubernetes secrets: [helper script](/scripts/