Pushing images is very similar to [building local images](#building-local-images), except that built images will be published on a remote image registry.
When pushing images you can specify the registry you want to publish images to by setting the `REGISTRY` environment variable (default value is `ghcr.io`).
When publishing images, we are using the following strategy:
- All published images are tagged with `latest`. Images tagged with `latest` should not be considered stable and can come from multiple release branches or main.
- In addition to `latest`, dev images are tagged with the following pattern `<major>.<minor>-dev-N-<git hash>` where `N` is a two-digit number beginning at one for the major-minor combination and incremented by one on each subsequent tagged image.
- In addition to `latest`, release images are tagged with the following pattern `<major>.<minor>.<patch>-<pre release>`. The pre release part is optional and only applies to pre releases (`-beta.1`, `-rc.2`, ...).
Authenticating to the remote registry is done automatically in the `Makefile` with `ko login`.
To allow authentication you will need to set `REGISTRY_USERNAME` and `REGISTRY_PASSWORD` environment variables before invoking targets responsible for pushing images.
> **Note**: You can push all images at once by running `make ko-publish-all` or `make ko-publish-all-dev`.
#### Pushing kyvernopre image
To push `kyvernopre` image on a remote registry, run:
# push stable image
make ko-publish-kyvernopre
# push dev image
make ko-publish-kyvernopre-dev
The resulting image should be available remotely, named `ghcr.io/kyverno/kyvernopre` (by default, if `REGISTRY` environment variable was not set).
#### Pushing kyverno image
To push `kyverno` image on a remote registry, run:
# push stable image
make ko-publish-kyverno
# push dev image
make ko-publish-kyverno-dev
The resulting image should be available remotely, named `ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno` (by default, if `REGISTRY` environment variable was not set).
#### Pushing cli image
To push `cli` image on a remote registry, run:
# push stable image
make ko-publish-cli
# push dev image
make ko-publish-cli-dev
The resulting image should be available remotely, named `ghcr.io/kyverno/kyverno-cli` (by default, if `REGISTRY` environment variable was not set).
If you already have a local KinD cluster running, you can skip this step.
To create a local KinD cluster, run:
make kind-create-cluster
You can override the k8s version by setting the `KIND_IMAGE` environment variable (default value is `kindest/node:v1.24.0`).
You can also override the KinD cluster name by setting the `KIND_NAME` environment variable (default value is `kind`).
### Build and load local images
To build local images and load them on a local KinD cluster, run:
# build kyvernopre image and load it in KinD cluster
make kind-load-kyvernopre
# build kyverno image and load it in KinD cluster
make kind-load-kyverno
# build kyvernopre and kyverno images and load them in KinD cluster
make kind-load-all
You can override the KinD cluster name by setting the `KIND_NAME` environment variable (default value is `kind`).
### Deploy with helm
To build local images, load them on a local KinD cluster, and deploy helm charts, run:
# build images, load them in KinD cluster and deploy kyverno helm chart
make kind-deploy-kyverno
# deploy kyverno-policies helm chart
make kind-deploy-kyverno-policies
# build images, load them in KinD cluster and deploy helm charts
make kind-deploy-all
This will build local images, load built images in every node of the KinD cluster, and deploy `kyverno` and/or `kyverno-policies` helm charts in the cluster (overriding image repositories and tags).
You can override the KinD cluster name by setting the `KIND_NAME` environment variable (default value is `kind`).