* gitlab: getAllSecrets Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <dominik@zeiger.biz> * Update pkg/provider/gitlab/gitlab.go Co-authored-by: Gustavo Fernandes de Carvalho <gusfcarvalho@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <domizei385@users.noreply.github.com> Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <dominik@zeiger.biz> * gitlab: added some test coverage Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <dominik@zeiger.biz> Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <dominik@zeiger.biz> Signed-off-by: Dominik Zeiger <domizei385@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Gustavo Fernandes de Carvalho <gusfcarvalho@gmail.com>
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Getting Started
You must have a working Go environment and then clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/external-secrets/external-secrets.git
cd external-secrets
Note: many of the make
commands use yq, version 4.2X.X or higher.
If you want to run controller tests you also need to install kubebuilder's envtest
The recommended way to do so is to install setup-envtest
Here is an example on how to set it up:
go install sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/tools/setup-envtest@latest
# list available versions
setup-envtest list --os $(go env GOOS) --arch $(go env GOARCH)
# To use a specific version
setup-envtest use -p path 1.20.2
#To set environment variables
source <(setup-envtest use 1.20.2 -p env --os $(go env GOOS) --arch $(go env GOARCH))
for more information, please see setup-envtest docs
Building & Testing
The project uses the make
build system. It'll run code generators, tests and
static code analysis.
Building the operator binary and docker image:
make build
make docker.build IMG=external-secrets:latest
Run tests and lint the code: (golangci-lint@1.49.0 is needed.)
make test
make lint # OR
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.49.0 golangci-lint run
Build the documentation:
make docs
To install the External Secret Operator into a Kubernetes Cluster run:
helm repo add external-secrets https://charts.external-secrets.io
helm repo update
helm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets
You can alternatively run the controller on your host system for development purposes:
make crds.install
make run
To remove the CRDs run:
make crds.uninstall
If you need to test some other k8s integrations and need the operator to be deployed to the actual cluster while developing, you can use the following workflow:
kind create cluster --name external-secrets
export TAG=v2
export IMAGE=eso-local
#For building in linux
docker build . -t $IMAGE:$TAG --build-arg TARGETARCH=amd64 --build-arg TARGETOS=linux
#For building in MacOS (OSX)
#docker build . -t $IMAGE:$TAG --build-arg TARGETARCH=amd64 --build-arg TARGETOS=darwin
#For building in ARM
#docker build . -t $IMAGE:$TAG --build-arg TARGETARCH=arm --build-arg TARGETOS=linux
make helm.generate
helm upgrade --install external-secrets ./deploy/charts/external-secrets/ --set image.repository=$IMAGE --set image.tag=$TAG
!!! note "Contributing Flow" The HOW TO guide for contributing is at the Contributing Process page.
We use mkdocs material and mike to generate this
documentation. See /docs
for the source code and /hack/api-docs
for the build process.
When writing documentation it is advised to run the mkdocs server with livereload:
make docs.serve
Run the following command to run a complete build. The rendered assets are available under /site
make docs
make docs.serve
Open http://localhost:8000
in your browser.
Since mike uses a branch to create/update documentation, any docs operation will create a diff on your local gh-pages
When finished writing/reviewing the docs, clean up your local docs branch changes with git branch -D gh-pages