251 lines
9.3 KiB
Common Lisp
251 lines
9.3 KiB
Common Lisp
;; MIND: The tilde character "~" must be escaped like this '~~' to use it as a literal.
;; Define Your Webpage
(defvar *config*
:webmaster "Tommy Skaug"
:title "Thoughts"
:description "Greetings. I am a cyber security professional with more than a decade of operational experience.
I appreciate solving emerging and existing problems with novel and simple approaches."
:url "https://www.252.no/" ;; the trailing slash is mandatory! RSS links will fail without it. Notice the '~~' to produce a literal '~'
:rss-item-number 20 ;; limit total amount of items in RSS feed to 10
:date-format "%MonthName %DayNumber %Year" ;; format for date %DayNumber %DayName %MonthNumber %MonthName %Year
:default-converter :markdown2
:html t ;; 't' to enable export to a html website / 'nil' to disable
:gopher nil ;; 't' to enable export to a gopher website / 'nil' to disable
:gemini nil ;; 't' to enable export to a gemini capsule / 'nil' to disable
:gemini-path "gemini://gemini.252.no" ;; absolute path of your gemini capsule
:gemini-index "index.gmi" ;; filename of index file
;(converter :name :gemini :extension ".md" :command "./gemini.sh %OUT %IN")
(converter :name :markdown :extension ".md" :command "peg-markdown -t html -o %OUT data/%IN")
(converter :name :markdown2 :extension ".md" :command "mm-sh %OUT data/%IN")
(converter :name :org-mode :extension ".org"
:command (concatenate 'string
"emacs data/%IN --batch --eval '(with-temp-buffer (org-mode) "
"(insert-file \"%IN\") (org-html-export-as-html nil nil nil t)"
"(princ (buffer-string)))' --kill | tee %OUT"))
;; Define your articles and their display-order on the website below.
;; Display Order is 'lifo', i.e. the top entry in this list gets displayed as the topmost entry.
;; An Example Of A Minimal Definition:
;; (post :id "4" :date "2015-12-31" :title "Happy new year" :tag "news")
;; An Example Of A Definitions With Options:
;; (post :id "4" :date "2015-05-04" :title "The article title" :tag "news" :author "Me" :tiny "Short description for home page")
;; A Note On Keywords:
;; :author can be omitted. If so, it's value gets replaced by the value of :webmaster.
;; :tiny can be omitted. If so, the article's full text gets displayed on the all-articles view. (most people don't want this.)
;;(post :title "test"
;; :id "t" :date "20171214" :tag "cl-yag" :converter :org-mode)
;; CSS
;;(post :title "CSS For cl-yag"
;; :id "css" :date "20171202" :tag "cl-yag"
;; :author "lambda" :tiny "Read more")
;;(post :title "README"
;; :id "README" :date "20171202" :tag "cl-yag"
;; :author "lambda" :tiny "Read cl-yag's README")
(post :title "Using LimaCharlie for Centralized Logging from Traefik"
:id "traefik-centralized-logging"
:date "20230425"
:tag "sdn docker compose logging limacharlie adapter traefik accesslogs configuration"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Software-Defined Networking Made Possible with Docker and Tailscale"
:id "sdn"
:date "20230424"
:tag "sdn docker tailscale traefik compose funnel configuration"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Setting up NixOS on vps2day"
:id "nixos-vps2day"
:date "20210717"
:tag "nixos vps2day installation"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Decommissioning Matrix: Moving to XMPP for Instant Messaging"
:id "xmpp"
:date "20210516"
:tag "matrix xmpp decommissioned transtion messaging"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Email Records Show Microsoft Dominating In Norwegian Businesses and Government"
:id "microsoft-dominating-email"
:date "20210330"
:tag "microsoft o365 cloud google amazon distribution trends monopoly"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Finding Cyber Security Signals in The RSS and Twitter Noise"
:id "signals-feeds"
:date "20210216"
:tag "feed twitter otx rss aggregation search graph gremlin"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Using GnuPG with OpenSSL for Encryption and Decryption"
:id "gpg-openssl"
:date "20201118"
:tag "openssl ssh gnupg encryption decryption crypto"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "SSH Certificates and Keys in Apple T2 On-host"
:id "ssh-certs-apple-t2"
:date "20201014"
:tag "architecture ssh apple t2"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "SSH Certificate Signing, Proxying and Smartcards"
:id "ssh-ca-proxyjump"
:date "20201013"
:tag "architecture ssh proxyjump smartcard pkcs11 ssh-ca certificates signing"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Taking The Cyber Highground: Reverse Proxies to The Rescue"
:id "vantage"
:date "20201007"
:tag "beyondcorp zerotrust microsegmentation monitoring traceability defendable architecture"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Avoiding Distractions in Modern Computing"
:id "distractions"
:date "20200613"
:tag "personal workflow unix"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Automatically Locking OpenBSD When Closing Lid"
:id "apm-lock"
:date "20200520"
:tag "apm lock openbsd"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "New Blog Plan"
:id "new-format"
:date "20200519"
:tag "blog"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "The Basics of osquery: Fleet Monitoring"
:id "osquery"
:date "20180817"
:tag "forensics remote endpoint logging monitoring"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Taking Cyber Security to The Next Level With Cognitive Automation"
:id "cognitive-automation"
:date "20180805"
:tag "automation concept cognition"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Travelling With Electronic Devices"
:id "travel"
:date "20180803"
:tag "travel digital devices chromeos ios"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Using Matrix For Out-of-Band Communications"
:id "matrix"
:date "20180711"
:tag "matrix e2e realtime"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Telemetry and Modern Workspaces: A Three-Headed Hound"
:id "telemetry"
:date "20180225"
:tag "telemetry architecture"
:tiny "Telemetry for cyber security is currently at a
crossroads. While past methods have been efficient by
being based on network monitoring, the current
revolution in encryption and the distributed workspace
makes it insufficient to solely rely on network
monitoring. Through this post we are going to focus on
the current challenges."
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Indicators: A Nightmare"
:id "indicators"
:date "20180221"
:tag "indicators communications storage format standards"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Graphs at Scale, Titan-Rexster: Gephi Visualization Options"
:id "graphs-scale"
:date "20150216"
:tag "graph rexster gephi scaling visualization"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "A Graph Experiment with Threats and Incidents"
:id "graph-experiment"
:date "20150216"
:tag "python graph neo4j applied"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Booting a Mac Mini (OCT 2014) with Debian 8.0 "
:id "mac-mini-debian"
:date "20150206"
:tag "macmini mac apple debian boot installation os"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Search All The Maltego Graphs"
:id "maltego-search"
:date "20141004"
:tag "maltego search cli"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Remote Forensics is the New Black"
:id "remote-forensics"
:date "20140920"
:tag "forensics remote"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Converting PST Archives In OS X/Linux with libpst"
:id "converting-pst"
:date "20140828"
:tag "conversion pst email linux osx"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Performance Tuning for jNetPcap In a Clustered Environment"
:id "jnetpcap-tuning"
:date "20140616"
:tag "jnetpcap cluster tuning"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Comments on the Norwegian Privacy Report 2014 - Current State and Trends"
:id "privacy-report-2014"
:date "20140130"
:tag "chilling privacy opinion"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "An OpenIOC Graph: A Different Kind of Rule Scheme"
:id "an-openioc-graph-a-different-kind-of-rule-scheme"
:date "20140128"
:tag "indicators"
:tiny "Currently indicators are represented in local
Maltego graphs or in other places where it is hard to work
with them, and not least share them between systems. This
article describes a system where indicators is loaded into a
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "Reading MSG and EML Files on the Command Line"
:id "msg-eml"
:date "20131008"
:tag "msg eml convert macos nix"
:author "Tommy Skaug")
(post :title "A Novel Way of Detecting Malicious PDF Documents"
:id "novel-pdf-detection"
:date "20120317"
:tag "clustering javascript anomaly shadowserver dataset"
:author "Tommy Skaug")