In another post I wrote about how telemetry is a challenge [1] of a changing and more diverse and modern landscape. Recently I have reviewed some device inventory and endpoint detection tools that will add to the solution. In the future I will get back to my view on Mozilla InvestiGator (MIG) [2], but this post will focus on a telemetry collection tool that I have grown fond of: osquery [3]. osquery was originally developed by Facebook for the purpose of [4]: > Maintaining real-time insight into the current state of your infrastructure[...] With osquery data is abstracted, in the operating system in which the agent runs, to a SQL-based interface. It contains a near-infinite amount of available data, which is perfect to a network defender. osquery can even parse native sqlite-databases, which there are lots of in macOS. It also works in a distributed mode like GRR and MiG. In practical terms this means that queries are distributed. On the other hand, events can be streamed as well when considering operational security. ![Example of the hardware_events table when plugging in and then detaching a Yubikey](/static/img/data/osquery_hardware_events.png) Since 2014 osquery has been open sourced and now has a large community developing about every aspect of the tool. According to the briefs that's online several major institutions, including Facebook, now uses osquery in service networks. osquery is cross-platform, and now supports: Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and macOS. That is also some of what separates it from its alternatives, like sysmon. Posts about osquery that you should review before moving on: * Doug Wilson's excellent presentation on FIRST 2018 (security-usage focused) [5] * Managing osquery with Kolide (an osquery tls server) [6] * Another post on applying osquery for security [7] * Palantir on osquery [8] So that was a couple of links to get you started. The next section shows you how to quickly get a lab environment up and running. ## Setup and Configuration ### Prerequisites There's only two things that you need setup for the rest of this article if you are on macOS, which can both be easily installed using Homebrew [9]: brew install go yarn Also you need to configure your Go-path, which can basically be: echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.bash_profile ### Server Setup Setup Docker image of Kolide Fleet [10]: mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ cd $GOPATH/src/ git clone cd fleet make deps && make generate && make docker-compose up Populate the database: ./build/fleet prepare db You are now ready to boot up the web UI and API server: ./build/fleet serve --auth_jwt_key=3zqHl2cPa0tMmaCa9vPSEq6dcwN7oLbP Get enrollment secret and certificate from the Kolide UI at ``https://localhost:8080`` after doing the registration process. ![Kolide enrollment](/static/img/data/kolide-enrollment.png) ### Client Setup Make the API-token (enrollment secret) persistent at the end-point: export {enrollment-secret} > /etc/osquery/enrollment.secret Define flags file in ``/private/var/osquery/osquery.flags``. This one the client uses to apply the centralised tls logging method, which is the API Kolide has implemented. It is also certificate pinned, so all is good. --enroll_secret_path=/etc/osquery/enrollment.secret --tls_server_certs=/etc/osquery/kolide.crt --tls_hostname=localhost:8080 --host_identifier=uuid --enroll_tls_endpoint=/api/v1/osquery/enroll --config_plugin=tls --config_tls_endpoint=/api/v1/osquery/config --config_tls_refresh=10 --disable_distributed=false --distributed_plugin=tls --distributed_interval=10 --distributed_tls_max_attempts=3 --distributed_tls_read_endpoint=/api/v1/osquery/distributed/read --distributed_tls_write_endpoint=/api/v1/osquery/distributed/write --logger_plugin=tls --logger_tls_endpoint=/api/v1/osquery/log --logger_tls_period=10 You can start the osquery daemon on the client by using the following command. At this point you should start thinking about packaging, which is detailed in the osquery docs [11]. /usr/local/bin/osqueryd --disable_events=false \ --flagfile=/private/var/osquery/osquery.flags osquery also has an interactive mode if you would like to test the local instance, based on a local configuration file: sudo osqueryi --disable_events=false \ --config_path=/etc/osquery/osquery.conf \ --config_path=/etc/osquery/osquery.conf To make the client persistent on macOS, use the following documentation from osquery [12]. ### Managing the Kolide Configuration For this part I found what worked best was using the Kolide CLI client [13]: ./build/fleetctl config set --address https://localhost:8080 ./build/fleetctl login ./build/fleetctl apply -f ./options.yaml The ``options.yaml`` I used for testing was the following. This setup also involves setting up the osquery File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) [14], which I wasn't able to get working by the patching curl command [15] in the docs. The config monitors changes in files under ``/etc`` and a test directory at ``/var/tmp/filetest``. apiVersion: v1 kind: options spec: config: decorators: load: - SELECT uuid AS host_uuid FROM system_info; - SELECT hostname AS hostname FROM system_info; file_paths: etc: - /etc/%% test: - /var/tmp/filetest/%% options: disable_distributed: false distributed_interval: 10 distributed_plugin: tls distributed_tls_max_attempts: 3 distributed_tls_read_endpoint: /api/v1/osquery/distributed/read distributed_tls_write_endpoint: /api/v1/osquery/distributed/write logger_plugin: tls logger_tls_endpoint: /api/v1/osquery/log logger_tls_period: 10 pack_delimiter: / overrides: {} ## Next Steps Through this article we've reviewed some of the basic capabilities of osquery and also had a compact view on a lab-setup demonstrating centralised logging, to Kolide, using the tls API of osquery. A couple of things that I would have liked to see was support for OpenBSD [16], Android and Ios [17]. The local setup obviously does not scale beyond your own computer. I briefly toyed with the idea that this would be a perfect fit for ingesting into a Hadoop environment, and not surprising there's a nice starting point over at the Hortonworks forums [18]. There's a lot of open source information on osquery. I also found the Uptycs blog useful [19]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]