mbpfan ==================== Introduction --------------------- This is an enhanced version of [Allan McRae mbpfan](http://allanmcrae.com/2010/05/simple-macbook-pro-fan-daemon/) mbpfan is a daemon that uses input from coretemp module and sets the fan speed using the applesmc module. This enhanced version assumes any number of processors and fans (max. 10). * It only uses the temperatures from the processors as input. * It requires coretemp and applesmc kernel modules to be loaded. * It requires root use * It daemonizes or stays in foreground * Verbose mode for both syslog and stdout * Users can configure it using the file /etc/mbpfan.conf Supported GNU/Linux Distributions --------------------------------- We provide scripts to to load mbpfan daemon at system boot for many distros. Please note that the support is provided by volunteers. mbpfan needs tests and bug reports. Supported distributions: - Ubuntu - Debian - Archlinux - Fedora - RedHat - CentOS - Gentoo - Alpine - Trisquel Tested Macbook Models --------------------- This section reports those models where mbpfan was tested successfully. It does not necessarily mean that the daemon does not work on non-listed models. - MacBook Pro 12,1 13" (Intel i5 - Linux 4.20) - MacBook Pro 11,1 13" (Intel i5 - Linux 3.14, Linux 3.15) - MacBook Pro 9,2 13" (Intel i5/i7 - Linux 3.10) - MacBook Pro 8,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.6.2) - MacBook Pro 8,1 13" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2.0) - MacBook Pro 7,1 15" (Intel Core 2 Duo - Linux 3.13) - MacBook Pro 6,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.5.0) - MacBook Pro 6,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2.0) - MacBook Pro 2,2 15" (Intel Core 2 Duo - Linux 3.4.4) - MacBook Air 5,2 13" (Intel i5 - Linux 3.16) - MacBook Air 1,1 13" (Intel Core Duo - Linux 4.4, Linux 4.8) - MacBook 1,1 (Intel Core Duo - Linux 3.16) Tested iMac/Mini Models ------------------ This section reports the iMac/Mac-mini models where mbpfan was tested successfully. - iMac Retina 16.2 21.5" (Intel i5 - Linux 4.4.0 Ubuntu 16.04) - iMac 12,1 21.5" (Intel i7 - Linux 4.6.4) - iMac 5,1 17" (Intel T7400 (Core 2 Duo) - Linux 14.04 Ubuntu) - Mac Mini 2,1 (Core 2 Duo - Linux 4.4.0) - Mac Mini 5,3 (Core i7 2.0 - Linux 4.4.0 elementary/Ubuntu) - Mac Mini 6,1 (Core i7 2.3 - Linux 4.7.3-4-ck Archlinux) Warning ------- Be sure to load the kernel modules **applesmc** and **coretemp**. These modules are often automatically loaded when booting up GNU/Linux on a Macbook. If that is not the case, you should make sure to load them at system startup. This is _usually_ achieved by inserting the following two lines in the file `/etc/modules` ``` coretemp applesmc ``` Please check the relevant documentation of your GNU/Linux distribution. Arch Linux --------- See [mbpfan-git at AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mbpfan-git/). Otherwise, please refer to the Generic Instructions. Ubuntu ------ Install the ```build-essential``` package. Then, refer to the Generic Install Instructions. Otherwise, a step-by-step [tutorial for beginners is available on my website](https://ineed.coffee/3838/a-beginners-mbpfan-tutorial-for-ubuntu/). Gentoo ------ Type the following command to add the overlay sudo layman -a andjscott Then install it sudo emerge -av mbpfan Generic Install Instructions ------------------------- Compile with make Install with sudo make install It copies mbpfan to /usr/sbin, mbpfan.conf to /etc (and overwrites existing files), README.md to /usr/share/doc/mbpfan, and mbpfan.8.gz to /usr/share/man/man8 Run the tests now, see two sections below. If you would like to compile with Clang instead of GCC, simply set your system's default compiler to be Clang (tested with Clang 3.8) Run The Tests (Recommended) --------------------------- It is recommended to run the tests after installing the program. Please run the following command _from within the source directory_. sudo ./bin/mbpfan -t or sudo make tests Run Instructions ---------------- If not installed, run with sudo bin/mbpfan If installed, manually run with sudo mbpfan If installed and using the init file, run with (Ubuntu example) sudo service mbpfan start Starting at boot ---------------- **Ubuntu** For systemd based init systems (Ubuntu 16.04+), the file mbpfan.service has been provided. For using it, execute: sudo cp mbpfan.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl enable mbpfan.service For upstart based init systems (Ubuntu before 16.04), an example upstart job has been provided. For using it, execute: sudo cp mbpfan.upstart /etc/init/mbpfan.conf sudo start mbpfan **Debian** An init file suitable for /lib/lsb/init-functions (Debian) is located in the main folder of the source files, called mbpfan.init.debian Rename it to mbpfan, give it execution permissions (chmod +x mbpfan) and move it to /etc/init.d Then, add it to the default runlevels with (as root): sudo update-rc.d mbpfan defaults **Redhat, CentOS, Fedora** An init file suitable for /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions (RHEL/CentOS & Fedora) is also located at the same place, this file is called mbpfan.init.redhat. Also rename it to mbpfan, give it execution permissions and move it to /etc/init.d To add the script to the default runlevels, run the following as root: chkconfig --level 2345 mbpfan on && chkconfig --level 016 mbpfan off **Gentoo** To automatically run mbpfan at boot, run as root: rc-update add mbpfan default **systemd** As a special bonus, a service file for systemd is also included. To use it, execute the following (as root): sudo cp mbpfan.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl enable mbpfan.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start mbpfan.service To start the service automatically at boot, also execute the following: sudo systemctl enable mbpfan.service Usage ------- Usage: ./mbpfan OPTION(S) -h Show the help screen -f Run in foreground -t Run the tests -v Be (a lot) verbose License --------------------- GNU General Public License version 3 Based On --------------------- * http://allanmcrae.com/2010/05/simple-macbook-pro-fan-daemon/ * http://allanmcrae.com/2011/08/mbp-fan-daemon-update/ * https://launchpad.net/macfanctld * http://paste2.org/p/862259 * http://www.lobotomo.com/products/FanControl/