Fan-Control-Daemon ==================== Introduction --------------------- This is an enhanced version of [Allan McRae mbpfan]( Fan-Control-Daemon is a daemon that uses input from coretemp module and sets the fan speed using the applesmc module. This enhanced version assumes any number of processors and fans (max. 10). * It only uses the temperatures from the processors as input. * It requires coretemp and applesmc kernel modules to be loaded. * It requires root use * It daemonizes or stays in foreground * Verbose mode for both syslog and stdout * Users can configure it using the file /etc/mbpfan.conf Supported GNU/Linux Distributions --------------------------------- We provide scripts to to load mbpfan daemon at system boot for many distros. Please note that the support is provided by volunteers. mbpfan needs tests and bug reports. Supported distributions: - Ubuntu - Debian - Fedora - RedHat - CentOS - Gentoo Tested Macbook Models --------------------- - Macbook Pro 8,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.6.2) - MacBook Pro 8,1 13" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2.0) - Macbook Pro 6,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.5.0) - MacBook Pro 6,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2.0) - MacBook Pro 2,2 15" (Intel Core 2 Duo - Linux 3.4.4) Warning ------- Be sure to load the kernel modules **applesmc** and **coretemp**. Compile Instructions --------------------- Compile with make Install Instructions -------------------- Install with sudo make install It copies mbpfan to /usr/sbin and mbpfan.conf to /etc Run The Tests (Recommended) --------------------------- It is recommended to run the tests after installing the program sudo ./bin/mbpfan -t or sudo make tests Run Instructions ---------------- If not installed, run with sudo bin/mbpfan If installed, manually run with sudo mbpfan If installed and using the init file, run with (Ubuntu example) sudo service mbpfan start Starting at boot ---------------- **Ubuntu** For upstart based init systems (Ubuntu), an example upstart job has been provided for use in place of the LSB-style init script. To use, execute: sudo cp mbpfan.upstart /etc/init/mbpfan.conf sudo start mbpfan **Debian** An init file suitable for /lib/lsb/init-functions (Debian) is located in the main folder of the source files, called mbpfan.init.debian Rename it to mbpfan, give it execution permissions (chmod +x mbpfan) and move it to /etc/init.d Then, add it to the default runlevels with (as root): sudo update-rc.d mbpfan defaults **Redhat, CentOS, Fedora** An init file suitable for /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions (RHEL/CentOS & Fedora) is also located at the same place, this file is called mbpfan.init.redhat. Also rename it to mbpfan, give it execution permissions and move it to /etc/init.d To add the script to the default runlevels, run the following as root: chkconfig --level 2345 mbpfan on && chkconfig --level 016 mbpfan off **Gentoo** An init file is available for gentoo users: mbpfan.init.gentoo To install, run as root: cp mbpfan.init.gentoo /etc/init.d/mbpfan To automatically run mbpfan at boot, run as root: rc-update add mbpfan default **systemd** As a special bonus, a service file for systemd is also included. To use it, execute the following (as root): sudo cp mbpfan.service /usr/lib/systemd/system sudo ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/mbpfan.service /etc/systemd/system/mbpfan.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start mbpfan.service To start the service automatically at boot, also execute the following: sudo systemctl enable mbpfan.service Usage ------- Usage: ./mbpfan OPTION(S) -h Show the help screen -f Run in foreground -t Run the tests -v Be (a lot) verbose License --------------------- GNU General Public License version 3 Based On --------------------- * * * * *