/** * mbpfan.c - automatically control fan for MacBook Pro * Copyright (C) 2010 Allan McRae * Modifications by Rafael Vega * Modifications (2012) by Daniel Graziotin * Modifications (2012) by Ismail Khatib * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * 2014-06-22 - v1.7.0 * * Notes: * Assumes any number of processors and fans (max. 10) * It uses only the temperatures from the processors as input. * Requires coretemp and applesmc kernel modules to be loaded. * Requires root use * * Tested models: * MacBook Pro 8.1 13" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2) * MacBook Pro 6,2 15" (Intel i7 - Linux 3.2) * MacBook Pro 2,2 15" (Intel Core 2 Duo - Linux 3.4.4) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mbpfan.h" #include "global.h" #include "settings.h" /* lazy min/max... */ #define min(a,b) a < b ? a : b #define max(a,b) a > b ? a : b int min_fan_speed = 2000; int max_fan_speed = 6200; /* temperature thresholds * low_temp - temperature below which fan speed will be at minimum * high_temp - fan will increase speed when higher than this temperature * max_temp - fan will run at full speed above this temperature */ int low_temp = 63; // try ranges 55-63 int high_temp = 66; // try ranges 58-66 int max_temp = 86; // do not set it > 90 int polling_interval = 7; typedef struct s_sensors t_sensors; typedef struct s_fans t_fans; bool is_legacy_kernel() { struct utsname kernel; uname(&kernel); char *str_kernel_version; str_kernel_version = strtok(kernel.release, "."); if (atoi(str_kernel_version) != 3){ syslog(LOG_INFO, "mbpfan detected a non 3.x.x linux kernel. Detected version: %s. Exiting.\n", kernel.release); printf("mbpfan detected a non 3.x.x linux kernel. Detected version: %s. Exiting.\n", kernel.release); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } str_kernel_version = strtok(NULL, "."); int kernel_version = atoi(str_kernel_version); if(verbose) { printf("Detected kernel version: %s\n", kernel.release); printf("Detected kernel minor revision: %s\n", str_kernel_version); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel version: %s", kernel.release); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Detected kernel minor revision: %s", str_kernel_version); } } return (kernel_version < 15); } t_sensors *retrieve_sensors() { t_sensors *sensors_head = NULL; t_sensors *s = NULL; char *path = NULL; char *path_begin = NULL; if (is_legacy_kernel()) { if(verbose) { printf("Using legacy sensor path for kernel < 3.15.0\n"); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Using legacy path for kernel < 3.15.0"); } } path_begin = (char *) "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/temp"; } else { if(verbose) { printf("Using new sensor path for kernel >= 3.0.15\n"); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Using new sensor path for kernel >= 3.0.15"); } } path_begin = (char *) "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon"; int counter; for (counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++) { char hwmon_path[strlen(path_begin)+1]; sprintf(hwmon_path, "%s%d", path_begin, counter); // thanks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18192998/plain-c-opening-a-directory-with-fopen fopen(hwmon_path, "wb"); if (errno == EISDIR) { path_begin = (char*) malloc(sizeof( char ) * (strlen(hwmon_path) + strlen("/temp") + 1)); strcpy(path_begin, hwmon_path); strcat(path_begin, "/temp"); if(verbose) { printf("Found hwmon path at %s\n", path_begin); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Found hwmon path at %s\n", path_begin); } } break; } } } const char *path_end = "_input"; int path_size = strlen(path_begin) + strlen(path_end) + 2; char number[2]; sprintf(number,"%d",0); int sensors_found = 0; int counter = 0; for(counter = 0; counter<10; counter++) { path = (char*) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_size); sprintf(number,"%d",counter); path[0] = '\0'; strncat( path, path_begin, strlen(path_begin) ); strncat( path, number, strlen(number) ); strncat( path, path_end, strlen(path_begin) ); FILE *file = fopen(path, "r"); if(file != NULL) { s = (t_sensors *) malloc( sizeof( t_sensors ) ); s->path = (char *) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_size); strcpy(s->path, path); fscanf(file, "%d", &s->temperature); if (sensors_head == NULL) { sensors_head = s; sensors_head->next = NULL; } else { t_sensors *tmp = sensors_head; while (tmp->next != NULL) { tmp = tmp->next; } tmp->next = s; tmp->next->next = NULL; } fclose(file); sensors_found++; } free(path); path = NULL; } if(verbose) { printf("Found %d sensors\n", sensors_found); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Found %d sensors", sensors_found); } } return sensors_head; } t_fans *retrieve_fans() { t_fans *fans_head = NULL; t_fans *fan = NULL; char *path_output = NULL; char *path_manual = NULL; const char *path_begin = "/sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan"; const char *path_output_end = "_output"; const char *path_man_end = "_manual"; int path_min_size = strlen(path_begin) + strlen(path_output_end) + 2; int path_man_size = strlen(path_begin) + strlen(path_man_end) + 2; char number[2]; sprintf(number,"%d",0); int counter = 0; int fans_found = 0; for(int counter = 0; counter<10; counter++) { path_output = (char*) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_min_size); path_output[0] = '\0'; path_manual = (char*) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_man_size); path_manual[0] = '\0'; sprintf(number,"%d",counter); strncat( path_output, path_begin, strlen(path_begin) ); strncat( path_output, number, strlen(number) ); strncat( path_output, path_output_end, strlen(path_begin) ); strncat( path_manual, path_begin, strlen(path_begin) ); strncat( path_manual, number, strlen(number) ); strncat( path_manual, path_man_end, strlen(path_begin) ); FILE *file = fopen(path_output, "r"); if(file != NULL) { fan = (t_fans *) malloc( sizeof( t_fans ) ); fan->fan_output_path = (char *) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_min_size); fan->fan_manual_path = (char *) malloc(sizeof( char ) * path_man_size); strcpy(fan->fan_output_path, path_output); strcpy(fan->fan_manual_path, path_manual); if (fans_head == NULL) { fans_head = fan; fans_head->next = NULL; } else { t_fans *tmp = fans_head; while (tmp->next != NULL) { tmp = tmp->next; } tmp->next = fan; tmp->next->next = NULL; } fclose(file); fans_found++; } free(path_output); path_output = NULL; free(path_manual); path_manual = NULL; } if(verbose) { printf("Found %d fans\n", fans_found); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Found %d fans", fans_found); } } return fans_head; } void set_fans_man(t_fans *fans) { t_fans *tmp = fans; FILE *file; while(tmp != NULL) { file = fopen(tmp->fan_manual_path, "rw+"); if(file != NULL) { fprintf(file, "%d", 1); fclose(file); } tmp = tmp->next; } } t_sensors *refresh_sensors(t_sensors *sensors) { t_sensors *tmp = sensors; while(tmp != NULL) { FILE *file = fopen(tmp->path, "r"); if(file != NULL) { fscanf(file, "%d", &tmp->temperature); fclose(file); } tmp = tmp->next; } return sensors; } /* Controls the speed of the fan */ void set_fan_speed(t_fans* fans, int speed) { t_fans *tmp = fans; FILE *file; while(tmp != NULL) { file = fopen(tmp->fan_output_path, "rw+"); if(file != NULL) { fprintf(file, "%d", speed); fclose(file); } tmp = tmp->next; } } unsigned short get_temp(t_sensors* sensors) { sensors = refresh_sensors(sensors); int sum_temp = 0; unsigned short temp = 0; t_sensors* tmp = sensors; int number_sensors = 0; while(tmp != NULL) { sum_temp += tmp->temperature; tmp = tmp->next; number_sensors++; } // just to be safe if (number_sensors == 0) { number_sensors++; } temp = (unsigned short)( ceil( (float)( sum_temp ) / (number_sensors * 1000) ) ); return temp; } void retrieve_settings(const char* settings_path) { Settings *settings = NULL; int result = 0; FILE *f = NULL; if (settings_path == NULL) { f = fopen("/etc/mbpfan.conf", "r"); } else { f = fopen(settings_path, "r"); } if (f == NULL) { /* Could not open configfile */ if(verbose) { printf("Couldn't open configfile, using defaults\n"); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Couldn't open configfile, using defaults"); } } } else { settings = settings_open(f); fclose(f); if (settings == NULL) { /* Could not read configfile */ if(verbose) { printf("Couldn't read configfile\n"); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Couldn't read configfile"); } } } else { /* Read configfile values */ result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "min_fan_speed"); if (result != 0) { min_fan_speed = result; } result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "max_fan_speed"); if (result != 0) { max_fan_speed = result; } result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "low_temp"); if (result != 0) { low_temp = result; } result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "high_temp"); if (result != 0) { high_temp = result; } result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "max_temp"); if (result != 0) { max_temp = result; } result = settings_get_int(settings, "general", "polling_interval"); if (result != 0) { polling_interval = result; } /* Destroy the settings object */ settings_delete(settings); } } } void mbpfan() { int old_temp, new_temp, fan_speed, steps; int temp_change; int step_up, step_down; retrieve_settings(NULL); t_sensors* sensors = retrieve_sensors(); t_fans* fans = retrieve_fans(); set_fans_man(fans); new_temp = get_temp(sensors); fan_speed = 2000; set_fan_speed(fans, fan_speed); if(verbose) { printf("Sleeping for %d seconds\n", polling_interval); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Sleeping for %d seconds", polling_interval); } } sleep(polling_interval); step_up = (float)( max_fan_speed - min_fan_speed ) / (float)( ( max_temp - high_temp ) * ( max_temp - high_temp + 1 ) / 2 ); step_down = (float)( max_fan_speed - min_fan_speed ) / (float)( ( max_temp - low_temp ) * ( max_temp - low_temp + 1 ) / 2 ); while(1) { old_temp = new_temp; new_temp = get_temp(sensors); if(new_temp >= max_temp && fan_speed != max_fan_speed) { fan_speed = max_fan_speed; } if(new_temp <= low_temp && fan_speed != min_fan_speed) { fan_speed = min_fan_speed; } temp_change = new_temp - old_temp; if(temp_change > 0 && new_temp > high_temp && new_temp < max_temp) { steps = ( new_temp - high_temp ) * ( new_temp - high_temp + 1 ) / 2; fan_speed = max( fan_speed, ceil(min_fan_speed + steps * step_up) ); } if(temp_change < 0 && new_temp > low_temp && new_temp < max_temp) { steps = ( max_temp - new_temp ) * ( max_temp - new_temp + 1 ) / 2; fan_speed = min( fan_speed, floor(max_fan_speed - steps * step_down) ); } if(verbose) { printf("Old Temp %d: New Temp: %d, Fan Speed: %d\n", old_temp, new_temp, fan_speed); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Old Temp %d: New Temp: %d, Fan Speed: %d", old_temp, new_temp, fan_speed); } } set_fan_speed(fans, fan_speed); if(verbose) { printf("Sleeping for %d seconds\n", polling_interval); if(daemonize) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Sleeping for %d seconds", polling_interval); } } sleep(polling_interval); } }