# git-sv Semantic versioning tool for git based on conventional commits. [![Build Status](https://ci.thegeeklab.de/api/badges/thegeeklab/git-sv/status.svg)](https://ci.thegeeklab.de/repos/thegeeklab/git-sv) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv) [![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/thegeeklab/git-sv)](https://github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/graphs/contributors) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/github/license/thegeeklab/git-sv)](https://github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/blob/main/LICENSE) ## Getting Started ### Requirements - Git 2.17+ ### Installing - Download the latest release and add the binary to your path. - Optional: Set `GITSV_HOME` to define user configurations. Check the [Configuration](#configuration) topic for more information. If you want to install from source using `go install`, just run: ```Shell # keep in mind that with this, it will compile from source and won't show the version on cli -h. go install github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/cmd/git-sv@latest # if you want to add the version on the binary, run this command instead. GITSV_VERSION=$(go list -f '{{ .Version }}' -m github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv@latest | sed 's/v//') && go install --ldflags "-X main.Version=$SGITSV_VERSION" github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/cmd/git-sv@v$GITSV_VERSION ``` ### Configuration #### YAML There are 3 configuration levels when using git-sv: [default](#default), [repository](#repository). All of them are merged considering the follow priority: **repository > user > default**. To see the current configuration, run: ```Shell git sv cfg show ``` ##### Configuration Types ###### Default To check the default configuration, run: ```Shell git sv cfg default ``` ###### Repository Create a `.gitsv/config.yml` file on the root of your repository, e.g. [.gitsv/config.yml](.gitsv/config.yml). ##### Configuration format ```Yaml version: "1.1" #configuration version versioning: # versioning bump update-major: [] # Commit types used to bump major. update-minor: [feat] # Commit types used to bump minor. update-patch: [build, ci, chore, fix, perf, refactor, test] # Commit types used to bump patch. # When type is not present on update rules and is unknown (not mapped on commit message types); # if ignore-unknown=false bump patch, if ignore-unknown=true do not bump version ignore-unknown: false tag: pattern: "%d.%d.%d" # Pattern used to create git tag. filter: "" # Enables you to filter for considerable tags using git pattern syntax release-notes: # Deprecated!!! please use 'sections' instead! # Headers names for release notes markdown. To disable a section just remove the header # line. It's possible to add other commit types, the release note will be created # respecting the following order: feat, fix, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore, docs, style, breaking-change. headers: breaking-change: Breaking Changes feat: Features fix: Bug Fixes sections: # Array with each section of release note. Check template section for more information. - name: Features # Name used on section. section-type: commits # Type of the section, supported types: commits, breaking-changes. commit-types: [feat] # Commit types for commit section-type, one commit type cannot be in more than one section. - name: Bug Fixes section-type: commits commit-types: [fix] - name: Breaking Changes section-type: breaking-changes branches: # Git branches config. prefix: ([a-z]+\/)? # Prefix used on branch name, it should be a regex group. suffix: (-.*)? # Suffix used on branch name, it should be a regex group. disable-issue: false # Set true if there is no need to recover issue id from branch name. skip: [master, main, developer] # List of branch names ignored on commit message validation. skip-detached: false # Set true if a detached branch should be ignored on commit message validation. commit-message: types: [ build, ci, chore, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, test, ] # Supported commit types. header-selector: "" # You can put in a regex here to select only a certain part of the commit message. Please define a regex group 'header'. scope: # Define supported scopes, if blank, scope will not be validated, if not, only scope listed will be valid. # Don't forget to add "" on your list if you need to define scopes and keep it optional. values: [] footer: issue: # Use "issue: {}" if you wish to disable issue footer. key: jira # Name used to define an issue on footer metadata. key-synonyms: [Jira, JIRA] # Supported variations for footer metadata. use-hash: false # If false, use : separator. If true, use # separator. add-value-prefix: "" # Add a prefix to issue value. issue: regex: "[A-Z]+-[0-9]+" # Regex for issue id. ``` #### Templates **git-sv** uses _go templates_ to format the output for `release-notes` and `changelog`, to see how the default template is configured check [template directory](cmd/git-sv/resources/templates). It's possible to overwrite the default configuration by adding `.gitsv/templates` on your repository. The cli expects that at least 2 files exists on your directory: `changelog-md.tpl` and `releasenotes-md.tpl`. ```Shell .gitsv └── templates ├── changelog-md.tpl └── releasenotes-md.tpl ``` Everything inside `.gitsv/templates` will be loaded, so it's possible to add more files to be used as needed. ##### Variables To execute the template the `releasenotes-md.tpl` will receive a single `ReleaseNote` and `changelog-md.tpl` will receive a list of `ReleaseNote` as variables. Each `ReleaseNoteSection` will be configured according with `release-notes.section` from configuration file. The order for each section will be maintained and the `SectionType` is defined according with `section-type` attribute as described on the table below. | section-type | ReleaseNoteSection | | ---------------- | -------------------------------- | | commits | ReleaseNoteCommitsSection | | breaking-changes | ReleaseNoteBreakingChangeSection | > :warning: currently only `commits` and `breaking-changes` are supported as `section-types`, using a different value for this field will make the section to be removed from the template variables. ### Running Run `git-sv` to get the list of available parameters: ```Shell git-sv ``` #### Run as git command If `git-sv` is configured on your path, you can use it like a git command: ```Shell git sv git sv current-version git sv next-version ``` #### Usage Use `--help` or `-h` to get usage information, don't forget that some commands have unique options too: ```Shell $ git-sv --help NAME: git-sv - Semantic version for git. USAGE: git-sv [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 20e64f8 COMMANDS: config, cfg cli configuration current-version, cv get last released version from git next-version, nv generate the next version based on git commit messages commit-log, cl list all commit logs according to range as jsons commit-notes, cn generate a commit notes according to range release-notes, rn generate release notes changelog, cgl generate changelog tag, tg generate tag with version based on git commit messages commit, cmt execute git commit with convetional commit message helper validate-commit-message, vcm use as prepare-commit-message hook to validate and enhance commit message help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version ``` ##### Use range Commands like `commit-log` and `commit-notes` has a range option. Supported range types are: `tag`, `date` and `hash`. By default, it's used [--date=short](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---dateltformatgt) at `git log`, all dates returned from it will be in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Range `tag` will use `git for-each-ref refs/tags` to get the last tag available if `start` is empty, the others types won't use the existing tags. It's recommended to always use a start limit in an old repository with a lot of commits. Range `date` use git log `--since` and `--until`. It's possible to use all supported formats from [git log](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---sinceltdategt). If `end` is in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, `sv` will add a day on git log command to make the end date inclusive. Range `tag` and `hash` are used on git log [revision range](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt-ltrevisionrangegt). If `end` is empty, `HEAD` will be used instead. ```Shell # get commit log as json using a inclusive range git-sv commit-log --range hash --start 7ea9306~1 --end c444318 # return all commits after last tag git-sv commit-log --range tag ``` ## Contributors Special thanks to all [contributors](https://github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/graphs/contributors). If you would like to contribute, please see the [instructions](https://github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). This project is a fork of [sv4git](https://github.com/bvieira/sv4git) from Beatriz Vieira. Thanks for your work. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/thegeeklab/git-sv/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details.