120 lines
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120 lines
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Org Mode
#+DATE: 2024-10-12
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+macro: issue [[https://code.252.no/tommy/containers/issues/$1][issue #$1]]
#+macro: pr [[https://code.252.no/tommy/containers/pulls/$1][PR #$1]]
#+export_file_name: kagi
#+property: header-args:elisp :results none :exports code
<div align="center">
<h1>Container Collection</h1>
_Containers for Kubernetes deployment_
<img src="https://code.252.no/tommy/containers/raw/branch/main/assets/macchiato-palette.png" width="600" align="center"/>
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** Available Images
| Container | Channel | Image |
|[[https://code.252.no/https:/pkgs/container/forgejo-runner-stable][forgejo-runner-stable]] | stable | code.252.no/https:/forgejo-runner-stable |
** Container Rules
Containers in this project should be useful in Kubernetes. They will be:
- [[https://semver.org/][semantically versioned]]
- [[https://rootlesscontaine.rs/][rootless]]
- logging to stdout in JSON format if possible
- using [[https://testdriven.io/tips/59de3279-4a2d-4556-9cd0-b444249ed31e/][one process per container]]
- having no [[https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay][s6-overlay]]
- built on [[https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine][Alpine]]
- [[https://glossary.cncf.io/immutable-infrastructure/][immutable]]
- do no monkey business after deployed
Additionally I may in the future support:
- [[https://www.docker.com/blog/multi-arch-build-and-images-the-simple-way/][multiple architecture]]. For now containers are
generated for amd64
## Tag immutability
Instead of using immutable version tags as seen on e.g. [[https://fleet.linuxserver.io/][linuxserver.io]] we
use [[https://www.letsdebug.it/post/41-calendar-versioning/][calver]] and sha256-digests.
If pinning an image to the sha256 digest, tools like [Renovate](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate) support
updating the container on a digest or application version change.
The schema used is: =YYYY.MM.Minor@sha256:digest=. This is not as pretty, but functional and immutable. Examples:
| Container | Immutable |
| =code.252.no/tommy/containers/forgejo-runner:v24.10.1= | ❌ |
| =code.252.no/tommy/containers/forgejo-runner:v24.10.1@sha256:1234...= | ✅ |
** Kubernetes Pod Security Standard
In Kubernetes we assume that you have pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce set to
[[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-standards/#restricted][restricted]]. There may be
some exceptions to this if the container actually requires more privileges.
E.g. for the =forgejo-runner=, which runs as user ID =1000=, this means that the following settings should be
used for the pod (all containers in a pod):
#+begin_src yaml
runAsUser: 1000
runAsGroup: 1000
fsGroup: 1000
For a container this means:
#+begin_src yaml
- name: forgejo-runner
runAsUser: 1001
drop: ["ALL"]
privileged: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
runAsNonRoot: true
type: RuntimeDefault
** Configuration volume
For applications that need to have persistent configuration data the config volume is hardcoded to `/config`
inside the container.
** Deprecations
Containers here can be **deprecated** at any point, this could be for any reason described below.
1. The upstream application is **no longer actively developed**
2. The upstream application has an **official upstream container** that follows closely to the mission statement described here
3. The upstream application has been **replaced with a better alternative**
4. The **maintenance burden** of keeping the container here **is too bothersome**
** Credits
The structure of this repo was inspired and partially ripped off from