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mirror of https://github.com/TwiN/gatus.git synced 2024-12-14 11:58:04 +00:00
Henry Barreto 05565e3d0a
feat(SSH): Add support for SSH endpoint (#473)
* feat(SSH): Add support for SSH endpoint

This commit adds support for SSH endpoint monitoring. Users can now configure an endpoint to be monitored using an SSH command by prefixing the endpoint's URL with ssh:\\. The configuration options for an SSH endpoint include the username, password, and command to be executed on the remote server. In addition, two placeholders are supported for SSH endpoints: [CONNECTED] and [STATUS].

This commit also updates the README to include instructions on how to configure SSH endpoints and the placeholders that can be used in their conditions. The README has been updated to include the new SSH-related options in the endpoints[] configuration object.

Here's a summary of the changes made in this commit:

    Added support for SSH endpoint monitoring
    Updated the documentation to include instructions on how to configure SSH endpoints and the placeholders that can be used in their conditions
2023-09-23 13:37:24 -04:00

480 lines
16 KiB

package core
import (
type EndpointType string
const (
// HostHeader is the name of the header used to specify the host
HostHeader = "Host"
// ContentTypeHeader is the name of the header used to specify the content type
ContentTypeHeader = "Content-Type"
// UserAgentHeader is the name of the header used to specify the request's user agent
UserAgentHeader = "User-Agent"
// GatusUserAgent is the default user agent that Gatus uses to send requests.
GatusUserAgent = "Gatus/1.0"
EndpointTypeDNS EndpointType = "DNS"
EndpointTypeTCP EndpointType = "TCP"
EndpointTypeSCTP EndpointType = "SCTP"
EndpointTypeUDP EndpointType = "UDP"
EndpointTypeICMP EndpointType = "ICMP"
EndpointTypeSTARTTLS EndpointType = "STARTTLS"
EndpointTypeTLS EndpointType = "TLS"
EndpointTypeHTTP EndpointType = "HTTP"
EndpointTypeWS EndpointType = "WEBSOCKET"
EndpointTypeSSH EndpointType = "SSH"
EndpointTypeUNKNOWN EndpointType = "UNKNOWN"
var (
// ErrEndpointWithNoCondition is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint is configured with no conditions
ErrEndpointWithNoCondition = errors.New("you must specify at least one condition per endpoint")
// ErrEndpointWithNoURL is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint is configured with no url
ErrEndpointWithNoURL = errors.New("you must specify an url for each endpoint")
// ErrEndpointWithNoName is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint is configured with no name
ErrEndpointWithNoName = errors.New("you must specify a name for each endpoint")
// ErrEndpointWithInvalidNameOrGroup is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint has an invalid character where it shouldn't
ErrEndpointWithInvalidNameOrGroup = errors.New("endpoint name and group must not have \" or \\")
// ErrUnknownEndpointType is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint has an unknown type
ErrUnknownEndpointType = errors.New("unknown endpoint type")
// ErrInvalidConditionFormat is the error with which Gatus will panic if a condition has an invalid format
ErrInvalidConditionFormat = errors.New("invalid condition format: does not match '<VALUE> <COMPARATOR> <VALUE>'")
// ErrInvalidEndpointIntervalForDomainExpirationPlaceholder is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint
// has both an interval smaller than 5 minutes and a condition with DomainExpirationPlaceholder.
// This is because the free whois service we are using should not be abused, especially considering the fact that
// the data takes a while to be updated.
ErrInvalidEndpointIntervalForDomainExpirationPlaceholder = errors.New("the minimum interval for an endpoint with a condition using the " + DomainExpirationPlaceholder + " placeholder is 300s (5m)")
// ErrEndpointWithoutSSHUsername is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint with SSH monitoring is configured without a user.
ErrEndpointWithoutSSHUsername = errors.New("you must specify a username for each endpoint with SSH")
// ErrEndpointWithoutSSHPassword is the error with which Gatus will panic if an endpoint with SSH monitoring is configured without a password.
ErrEndpointWithoutSSHPassword = errors.New("you must specify a password for each endpoint with SSH")
// Endpoint is the configuration of a monitored
type Endpoint struct {
// Enabled defines whether to enable the monitoring of the endpoint
Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled,omitempty"`
// Name of the endpoint. Can be anything.
Name string `yaml:"name"`
// Group the endpoint is a part of. Used for grouping multiple endpoints together on the front end.
Group string `yaml:"group,omitempty"`
// URL to send the request to
URL string `yaml:"url"`
// DNS is the configuration of DNS monitoring
DNS *DNS `yaml:"dns,omitempty"`
// Method of the request made to the url of the endpoint
Method string `yaml:"method,omitempty"`
// Body of the request
Body string `yaml:"body,omitempty"`
// GraphQL is whether to wrap the body in a query param ({"query":"$body"})
GraphQL bool `yaml:"graphql,omitempty"`
// Headers of the request
Headers map[string]string `yaml:"headers,omitempty"`
// Interval is the duration to wait between every status check
Interval time.Duration `yaml:"interval,omitempty"`
// Conditions used to determine the health of the endpoint
Conditions []Condition `yaml:"conditions"`
// Alerts is the alerting configuration for the endpoint in case of failure
Alerts []*alert.Alert `yaml:"alerts,omitempty"`
// ClientConfig is the configuration of the client used to communicate with the endpoint's target
ClientConfig *client.Config `yaml:"client,omitempty"`
// UIConfig is the configuration for the UI
UIConfig *ui.Config `yaml:"ui,omitempty"`
// NumberOfFailuresInARow is the number of unsuccessful evaluations in a row
NumberOfFailuresInARow int `yaml:"-"`
// NumberOfSuccessesInARow is the number of successful evaluations in a row
NumberOfSuccessesInARow int `yaml:"-"`
// SSH is the configuration of SSH monitoring.
SSH *SSH `yaml:"ssh,omitempty"`
type SSH struct {
// Username is the username to use when connecting to the SSH server.
Username string `yaml:"username,omitempty"`
// Password is the password to use when connecting to the SSH server.
Password string `yaml:"password,omitempty"`
// Validate validates the endpoint
func (s *SSH) ValidateAndSetDefaults() error {
if s.Username == "" {
return ErrEndpointWithoutSSHUsername
if s.Password == "" {
return ErrEndpointWithoutSSHPassword
return nil
// IsEnabled returns whether the endpoint is enabled or not
func (endpoint Endpoint) IsEnabled() bool {
if endpoint.Enabled == nil {
return true
return *endpoint.Enabled
// Type returns the endpoint type
func (endpoint Endpoint) Type() EndpointType {
switch {
case endpoint.DNS != nil:
return EndpointTypeDNS
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "tcp://"):
return EndpointTypeTCP
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "sctp://"):
return EndpointTypeSCTP
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "udp://"):
return EndpointTypeUDP
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "icmp://"):
return EndpointTypeICMP
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "starttls://"):
return EndpointTypeSTARTTLS
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "tls://"):
return EndpointTypeTLS
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "https://"):
return EndpointTypeHTTP
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "ws://") || strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "wss://"):
return EndpointTypeWS
case strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "ssh://"):
return EndpointTypeSSH
return EndpointTypeUNKNOWN
// ValidateAndSetDefaults validates the endpoint's configuration and sets the default value of args that have one
func (endpoint *Endpoint) ValidateAndSetDefaults() error {
// Set default values
if endpoint.ClientConfig == nil {
endpoint.ClientConfig = client.GetDefaultConfig()
} else {
if err := endpoint.ClientConfig.ValidateAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
if endpoint.UIConfig == nil {
endpoint.UIConfig = ui.GetDefaultConfig()
} else {
if err := endpoint.UIConfig.ValidateAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
if endpoint.Interval == 0 {
endpoint.Interval = 1 * time.Minute
if len(endpoint.Method) == 0 {
endpoint.Method = http.MethodGet
if len(endpoint.Headers) == 0 {
endpoint.Headers = make(map[string]string)
// Automatically add user agent header if there isn't one specified in the endpoint configuration
if _, userAgentHeaderExists := endpoint.Headers[UserAgentHeader]; !userAgentHeaderExists {
endpoint.Headers[UserAgentHeader] = GatusUserAgent
// Automatically add "Content-Type: application/json" header if there's no Content-Type set
// and endpoint.GraphQL is set to true
if _, contentTypeHeaderExists := endpoint.Headers[ContentTypeHeader]; !contentTypeHeaderExists && endpoint.GraphQL {
endpoint.Headers[ContentTypeHeader] = "application/json"
for _, endpointAlert := range endpoint.Alerts {
if err := endpointAlert.ValidateAndSetDefaults(); err != nil {
return err
if len(endpoint.Name) == 0 {
return ErrEndpointWithNoName
if strings.ContainsAny(endpoint.Name, "\"\\") || strings.ContainsAny(endpoint.Group, "\"\\") {
return ErrEndpointWithInvalidNameOrGroup
if len(endpoint.URL) == 0 {
return ErrEndpointWithNoURL
if len(endpoint.Conditions) == 0 {
return ErrEndpointWithNoCondition
for _, c := range endpoint.Conditions {
if endpoint.Interval < 5*time.Minute && c.hasDomainExpirationPlaceholder() {
return ErrInvalidEndpointIntervalForDomainExpirationPlaceholder
if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", ErrInvalidConditionFormat, err)
if endpoint.DNS != nil {
return endpoint.DNS.validateAndSetDefault()
if endpoint.Type() == EndpointTypeUNKNOWN {
return ErrUnknownEndpointType
// Make sure that the request can be created
_, err := http.NewRequest(endpoint.Method, endpoint.URL, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(endpoint.Body)))
if err != nil {
return err
if endpoint.SSH != nil {
return endpoint.SSH.ValidateAndSetDefaults()
return nil
// DisplayName returns an identifier made up of the Name and, if not empty, the Group.
func (endpoint Endpoint) DisplayName() string {
if len(endpoint.Group) > 0 {
return endpoint.Group + "/" + endpoint.Name
return endpoint.Name
// Key returns the unique key for the Endpoint
func (endpoint Endpoint) Key() string {
return util.ConvertGroupAndEndpointNameToKey(endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name)
// EvaluateHealth sends a request to the endpoint's URL and evaluates the conditions of the endpoint.
func (endpoint *Endpoint) EvaluateHealth() *Result {
result := &Result{Success: true, Errors: []string{}}
// Parse or extract hostname from URL
if endpoint.DNS != nil {
result.Hostname = strings.TrimSuffix(endpoint.URL, ":53")
} else {
urlObject, err := url.Parse(endpoint.URL)
if err != nil {
} else {
result.Hostname = urlObject.Hostname()
// Retrieve IP if necessary
if endpoint.needsToRetrieveIP() {
// Retrieve domain expiration if necessary
if endpoint.needsToRetrieveDomainExpiration() && len(result.Hostname) > 0 {
var err error
if result.DomainExpiration, err = client.GetDomainExpiration(result.Hostname); err != nil {
// Call the endpoint (if there's no errors)
if len(result.Errors) == 0 {
} else {
result.Success = false
// Evaluate the conditions
for _, condition := range endpoint.Conditions {
success := condition.evaluate(result, endpoint.UIConfig.DontResolveFailedConditions)
if !success {
result.Success = false
result.Timestamp = time.Now()
// Clean up parameters that we don't need to keep in the results
if endpoint.UIConfig.HideURL {
for errIdx, errorString := range result.Errors {
result.Errors[errIdx] = strings.ReplaceAll(errorString, endpoint.URL, "<redacted>")
if endpoint.UIConfig.HideHostname {
for errIdx, errorString := range result.Errors {
result.Errors[errIdx] = strings.ReplaceAll(errorString, result.Hostname, "<redacted>")
result.Hostname = ""
return result
func (endpoint *Endpoint) getIP(result *Result) {
if ips, err := net.LookupIP(result.Hostname); err != nil {
} else {
result.IP = ips[0].String()
func (endpoint *Endpoint) call(result *Result) {
var request *http.Request
var response *http.Response
var err error
var certificate *x509.Certificate
endpointType := endpoint.Type()
if endpointType == EndpointTypeHTTP {
request = endpoint.buildHTTPRequest()
startTime := time.Now()
if endpointType == EndpointTypeDNS {
endpoint.DNS.query(endpoint.URL, result)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeSTARTTLS || endpointType == EndpointTypeTLS {
if endpointType == EndpointTypeSTARTTLS {
result.Connected, certificate, err = client.CanPerformStartTLS(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "starttls://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
} else {
result.Connected, certificate, err = client.CanPerformTLS(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "tls://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
result.CertificateExpiration = time.Until(certificate.NotAfter)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeTCP {
result.Connected = client.CanCreateTCPConnection(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "tcp://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeUDP {
result.Connected = client.CanCreateUDPConnection(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "udp://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeSCTP {
result.Connected = client.CanCreateSCTPConnection(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "sctp://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeICMP {
result.Connected, result.Duration = client.Ping(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "icmp://"), endpoint.ClientConfig)
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeWS {
result.Connected, result.Body, err = client.QueryWebSocket(endpoint.URL, endpoint.ClientConfig, endpoint.Body)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
if err != nil {
} else if endpointType == EndpointTypeSSH {
var cli *ssh.Client
result.Connected, cli, err = client.CanCreateSSHConnection(strings.TrimPrefix(endpoint.URL, "ssh://"), endpoint.SSH.Username, endpoint.SSH.Password, endpoint.ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
result.Success, result.HTTPStatus, err = client.ExecuteSSHCommand(cli, endpoint.Body, endpoint.ClientConfig)
if err != nil {
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
} else {
response, err = client.GetHTTPClient(endpoint.ClientConfig).Do(request)
result.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
if err != nil {
defer response.Body.Close()
if response.TLS != nil && len(response.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
certificate = response.TLS.PeerCertificates[0]
result.CertificateExpiration = time.Until(certificate.NotAfter)
result.HTTPStatus = response.StatusCode
result.Connected = response.StatusCode > 0
// Only read the Body if there's a condition that uses the BodyPlaceholder
if endpoint.needsToReadBody() {
result.Body, err = io.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
result.AddError("error reading response body:" + err.Error())
// Close HTTP connections between watchdog and endpoints to avoid dangling socket file descriptors
// on configuration reload.
// More context on https://github.com/TwiN/gatus/issues/536
func (endpoint *Endpoint) Close() {
if endpoint.Type() == EndpointTypeHTTP {
func (endpoint *Endpoint) buildHTTPRequest() *http.Request {
var bodyBuffer *bytes.Buffer
if endpoint.GraphQL {
graphQlBody := map[string]string{
"query": endpoint.Body,
body, _ := json.Marshal(graphQlBody)
bodyBuffer = bytes.NewBuffer(body)
} else {
bodyBuffer = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(endpoint.Body))
request, _ := http.NewRequest(endpoint.Method, endpoint.URL, bodyBuffer)
for k, v := range endpoint.Headers {
request.Header.Set(k, v)
if k == HostHeader {
request.Host = v
return request
// needsToReadBody checks if there's any condition that requires the response Body to be read
func (endpoint *Endpoint) needsToReadBody() bool {
for _, condition := range endpoint.Conditions {
if condition.hasBodyPlaceholder() {
return true
return false
// needsToRetrieveDomainExpiration checks if there's any condition that requires a whois query to be performed
func (endpoint *Endpoint) needsToRetrieveDomainExpiration() bool {
for _, condition := range endpoint.Conditions {
if condition.hasDomainExpirationPlaceholder() {
return true
return false
// needsToRetrieveIP checks if there's any condition that requires an IP lookup
func (endpoint *Endpoint) needsToRetrieveIP() bool {
for _, condition := range endpoint.Conditions {
if condition.hasIPPlaceholder() {
return true
return false