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2023-12-04 22:57:52 -08:00
lib Create mkChartsWithNixhelm; export appT 2023-12-03 23:03:36 -08:00
src Fix mk.namespaces bug: allow DEFAULT to be unset 2023-12-04 22:57:52 -08:00
templates/default Continue writing README; add template 2023-12-04 22:57:52 -08:00
.gitignore Name Make recipe after output file 2023-11-23 17:12:33 -08:00
default.nix Format 2023-12-04 19:39:28 -08:00
flake.lock Create mkChartsWithNixhelm; export appT 2023-12-03 23:03:36 -08:00
flake.nix Continue writing README; add template 2023-12-04 22:57:52 -08:00
LICENSE License under Apache-2.0 2023-11-16 20:46:03 -08:00
README.rst Continue writing README; add template 2023-12-04 22:57:52 -08:00

.. vim: set et sw=2:


Problem: You have twenty or thirty Helm releases, all of which you template semi-manually to `retain WYSIWYG control`_. Deploying new applications involves tremendous amounts of copy-pasta.

Solution: Use Nix. With Nix, you can `ensure chart integrity`_, `generate repetitive data`_ in `subroutines`_, and `easily reuse variable data`_.

Turboprop templates your Helm charts for you, making an individual Nix derivation of each one; each of these derivations is then gathered into a mega-derivation complete with Kustomizations for every namespace and service. In short, you're two commands away from full cluster reconciliation::

  nix build && kubectl diff -k ./result

.. _retain WYSIWYG control: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/bfb00ecb2747dc711abfc27d9cf788ca1d7c637b/examples/chart.md#best-practice
.. _ensure chart integrity: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/charts/intel/device-plugins-gpu/default.nix#L5
.. _generate repetitive data: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/services/svc/gateway/default.nix#L25-26
.. _subroutines: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/services/svc/gateway/default.nix#L8-10
.. _easily reuse variable data: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/system/kube-system/csi-driver-nfs/default.nix#L16


- `Vladimir Pouzanov`_'s "`Nix and Kubernetes\: Deployments Done Right`_" (and `its notes`_) is the reason this project exists.
- Early on, I used `heywoodlh's Kubernetes flake`_ as a starting point.
- Once I discovered `Haumea`_, Turboprop *really* started coming together.

.. _Vladimir Pouzanov: https://github.com/farcaller
.. _Nix and Kubernetes\: Deployments Done Right: https://media.ccc.de/v/nixcon-2023-35290-nix-and-kubernetes-deployments-done-right
.. _its notes: https://gist.github.com/farcaller/c87c03fbb55eaeaeb840b938455f37ff
.. _heywoodlh's Kubernetes flake: https://github.com/heywoodlh/flakes/blob/aa5a52a/kube/flake.nix
.. _Haumea: https://github.com/nix-community/haumea



To start, add this flake to your flake's inputs, along with ``nixpkgs`` and ``flake-utils``:

.. code-block:: nix

    inputs = {
      nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs";
      flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
      turboprop = {
        url = "sourcehut:~goorzhel/turboprop";
        inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Next, put it to use in your flake's output:

.. code-block:: nix

    outputs = {self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, turboprop}:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
      pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};

      turbo = turboprop.lib.${system};

      mkDerivation = turbo.mkDerivation {
        user = {
          # We'll get to this
          app-template = turbo.app-template;
    in {
        packages.default = let
          pname = "my-k8s-flake";
          mkDerivation {
            inherit pname;
            version = "rolling";
            src = builtins.path {
              path = ./.;
              name = pname;

            serviceRoot = ./services;
            nsMetadata = {};

Now set that aside for the time being.

Example service module

This is a module that defines a *service derivation*:

.. code-block:: nix

    { charts, lib, user, ... }: {  # 1
      builder = lib.builders.helmChart; # 1.2; 2.1
      args = {  # < - - - - - - - - - - - 2.2
        chart = charts.jetstack.cert-manager; # 1.1
        values = {
          featureGates = "ExperimentalGatewayAPISupport=true";
          installCRDs = true;
          prometheus = {

            enabled = true;
            servicemonitor = {
              enabled = true;
              prometheusInstance = "monitoring";
          startupapicheck.podLabels."sidecar.istio.io/inject" = "false";
      extraObjects = [  # 2.3
          apiVersion = "cert-manager.io/v1";
          kind = "ClusterIssuer";
          metadata.name = user.vars.k8sCert.name; # 1.3
          spec.ca.secretName = user.vars.k8sCert.name;


1. The module takes as input:

  #. A tree of *chart derivations*;
  #. the Turboprop library; and
  #. the Nixpkgs for the current system (``pkgs``); and
  #. user data specific to your flake. You may `omit any of these input variables`_.

2. The module has the output signature ``{builder, args, extraObjects}``.

  #. ``builder`` is the Turboprop builder that will create your derivation. Most often, you will use ``helmChart``; other builders exist for scenarios such as deploying a `collection of Kubernetes objects`_ or a `single remote YAML file`_. You may even `define your own builder`_.
  #. ``args`` are arguments passed to the builder. Refer to each builder's signature below.
  #. ``extraObjects`` are objects to deploy alongside the chart.

.. _omit any of these input variables: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/system/gateway-system/gateway-api/default.nix#L1
.. _collection of Kubernetes objects: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/services/svc/gateway/default.nix#L12
.. _single remote YAML file: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/system/gateway-system/gateway-api/default.nix#L2
.. _define your own builder: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/kubernetes/tree/f3cba6831621288228581b7ad7b6762d6d58a966/item/services/svc/breezewiki/default.nix#L6

Creating a service tree

Turboprop operates on *trees* of Nix modules, both in the filesystem sense (nested directories) and the Nix sense (nested attrsets), and uses `Haumea`_ to do so. A service tree consists of

#. an arbitrarily-named root, such as ``./services``, which contains
#. zero or more intermediate directories (we'll get to this), which each contain
#. directories representing Kubernetes namespaces, which each contain
#. Nix modules representing a templated deployment.

We'll start with building a flake containing two applications:

- the `Gateway API`_, and
- `Breezewiki`_ (through `app-template`_).

.. _Gateway API: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/
.. _Breezewiki: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/
.. _app-template: https://bjw-s.github.io/helm-charts/docs/app-template/

Normally, one would also deploy a Gateway controller, but this suffices for the example.

.. code-block:: nix

  # services/gateway-system/gateway-api/default.nix
  {lib, ...}: {
    builder = lib.builders.derivation;
    args = {
      src = lib.fetchers.remoteYAMLFile rec {
        version = "1.0.0";
        url = "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v${version}/experimental-install.yaml";
        hash = "sha256-bGAdzteHKpQNdvpmeuEmunGMtMbblw0Lq0kSjswRkqM=";

.. code-block:: nix

  # services/default/breezewiki/default.nix
  {charts, lib, user, ...}: {
    builder = user.app-template.build;
    args = {
      mainImage = "quay.io/pussthecatorg/breezewiki:latest";
      values = {
        service.main.ports.http.port = 10416;
        route.main = {
          enabled = true;
          hostnames = ["breezewiki.example.com"];
          parentRefs = [
              name = "gateway";
              namespace = "default";
              sectionName = "https";
          rules = [
              backendRefs = [
                  name = "breezewiki";
                  namespace = "default";
                  port = 10416;

Ordering services by provided APIs




Turboprop overlays `its own charts`_ atop `Nixhelm's`_.

.. _its own charts: https://git.sr.ht/~goorzhel/turboprop/tree/main/item/charts
.. _Nixhelm's: https://github.com/farcaller/nixhelm/tree/master/charts





``{name, version, url, hash, chartPath, vPrefixInRef?} -> <derivation: a dir containing a Helm chart>``

Fetch a Helm chart from a Git repository. Useful in the absence of a published Helm repo.

- **name** (str): The name of the Git repo.
- **version** (str): The tag to check out, which should resemble ``1.0.0``.
- **url** (str): The URL of the Git repo.
- **vPrefixInRef** (bool, default: ``false``): Whether the Git tag begins with an utterly redundant ``v``.
- **chartHash** (str): An `SRI-style hash`_.

``{repo, chart, version, chartHash?} -> <derivation: a dir containing a Helm chart>``

Re-export of `kubelib.downloadHelmChart`_.

- **repo** (str): The repository from which to download the chart.
- **chart** (str): The name of the chart.
- **version** (str): The version of the chart, which will also be the derivation's version.
- **chartHash** (str, default: `fakeHash`_): An `SRI-style hash`_.

.. _kubelib.downloadHelmChart: https://github.com/farcaller/nix-kube-generators/blob/cdb5810a8d5d553cdd0d04fa53378d5105b529b2/lib/default.nix#L49
.. _fakeHash: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/5b528f99f73c4fad127118a8c1126b5e003b01a9/lib/deprecated.nix#L304

``{version, url, hash} -> <derivation: a YAML file>``

Fetch a remote file. Useful for applications distributed as a YAML stream, e.g., the `Gateway API`_.

- **version** (str): The version of the application, which will also be the derivation's version.
- **url** (str): The URL from which to fetch the file.
- **hash** (str): An `SRI-style hash`_.

.. _Gateway API: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/tag/v1.0.0


Builder functions build a service derivation.

Builders receive ``name`` and ``namespace`` through Turboprop, so these two variables will be documented once:

- **name** (str): The name of the service. Usually reflected in the label ``app.kubernetes.io/instance``, as well as the derivation's name.
- **namespace** (str): The namespace into which to deploy the service.

``{name, namespace, src, ...} -> <derivation>``

Copy a derivation verbatim. Useful in conjunction with a fetcher that produces a single file, like ``lib.fetchers.remoteYAMLFile``.

- **src** (derivation): The derivation to copy.

``{name, namespace, chart, values?, includeCRDs?, kubeVersion?, apiVersions?} -> <derivation: a YAML file of Helm output>``

Wrapped re-export of `kubelib.fromHelm`_ that sets ``metadata.namespace`` on all templated objects lacking it. As such, its signature is identical to `kubelib.buildHelmChart`_.

- **chart** (derivation): The chart from which to build.
- **values** (attrs, default: ``{}``): Values to pass into the chart.
- **includeCRDs** (bool, default: ``true``): Whether to include CustomResourceDefinitions in the template output.
- **kubeVersion** (str, default: ``pkgs.kubernetes.version``): The Kubernetes version to target.
- **apiVersions** ([str], default: ``[]``): Sets `Capabilities.APIVersions`_.

.. _kubelib.fromHelm: https://github.com/farcaller/nix-kube-generators/blob/cdb5810a8d5d553cdd0d04fa53378d5105b529b2/lib/default.nix#L123
.. _kubelib.buildHelmChart: https://github.com/farcaller/nix-kube-generators/blob/cdb5810a8d5d553cdd0d04fa53378d5105b529b2/lib/default.nix#L82-L90
.. _Capabilities.APIVersions: https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/builtin_objects/#helm


.. _SRI-style hash: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_Hash

### namespaces

Assign extra metadata in ``namespaces.nix``. For example,
``svc = {labels."istio.io/rev" = "1-18-1"}``
is the equivalent of
``k label ns/svc istio.io/rev=1-18-1``


Service (unbuilt)

``{charts, lib, pkg, user} -> {builder, args, extraObjects}``

Service (loaded)

``{kubeVersion, apiVersion} -> {out, extra}``