[tool.towncrier] package = "synapse" filename = "CHANGES.md" directory = "changelog.d" issue_format = "[\\#{issue}](https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/{issue})" [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "feature" name = "Features" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "bugfix" name = "Bugfixes" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "docker" name = "Updates to the Docker image" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "doc" name = "Improved Documentation" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "removal" name = "Deprecations and Removals" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "misc" name = "Internal Changes" showcontent = true [tool.ruff] line-length = 88 target-version = "py39" [tool.ruff.lint] # See https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/rules/#error-e # for error codes. The ones we ignore are: # E501: Line too long (black enforces this for us) # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # # flake8-bugbear compatible checks. Its error codes are described at # https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/rules/#flake8-bugbear-b # B023: Functions defined inside a loop must not use variables redefined in the loop ignore = [ "B023", "E501", "E731", ] select = [ # pycodestyle "E", "W", # pyflakes "F", # isort "I001", # flake8-bugbear "B0", # flake8-comprehensions "C4", # flake8-2020 "YTT", # flake8-slots "SLOT", # flake8-debugger "T10", # flake8-pie "PIE", # flake8-executable "EXE", ] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] combine-as-imports = true section-order = ["future", "standard-library", "third-party", "twisted", "first-party", "testing", "local-folder"] known-first-party = ["synapse"] [tool.ruff.lint.isort.sections] twisted = ["twisted", "OpenSSL"] testing = ["tests"] [tool.ruff.format] quote-style = "double" indent-style = "space" skip-magic-trailing-comma = false line-ending = "auto" [tool.maturin] manifest-path = "rust/Cargo.toml" module-name = "synapse.synapse_rust" [tool.poetry] name = "matrix-synapse" version = "1.124.0rc2" description = "Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol" authors = ["Matrix.org Team and Contributors "] license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later" readme = "README.rst" repository = "https://github.com/element-hq/synapse" packages = [ { include = "synapse" }, ] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Topic :: Communications :: Chat", ] include = [ { path = "AUTHORS.rst", format = "sdist" }, { path = "book.toml", format = "sdist" }, { path = "changelog.d", format = "sdist" }, { path = "CHANGES.md", format = "sdist" }, { path = "CONTRIBUTING.md", format = "sdist" }, { path = "demo", format = "sdist" }, { path = "docs", format = "sdist" }, { path = "INSTALL.md", format = "sdist" }, { path = "mypy.ini", format = "sdist" }, { path = "scripts-dev", format = "sdist" }, { path = "synmark", format="sdist" }, { path = "sytest-blacklist", format = "sdist" }, { path = "tests", format = "sdist" }, { path = "UPGRADE.rst", format = "sdist" }, { path = "Cargo.toml", format = "sdist" }, { path = "Cargo.lock", format = "sdist" }, { path = "rust/Cargo.toml", format = "sdist" }, { path = "rust/build.rs", format = "sdist" }, { path = "rust/src/**", format = "sdist" }, ] exclude = [ { path = "synapse/*.so", format = "sdist"} ] [tool.poetry.build] script = "build_rust.py" generate-setup-file = true [tool.poetry.scripts] synapse_homeserver = "synapse.app.homeserver:main" synapse_worker = "synapse.app.generic_worker:main" synctl = "synapse._scripts.synctl:main" export_signing_key = "synapse._scripts.export_signing_key:main" generate_config = "synapse._scripts.generate_config:main" generate_log_config = "synapse._scripts.generate_log_config:main" generate_signing_key = "synapse._scripts.generate_signing_key:main" hash_password = "synapse._scripts.hash_password:main" register_new_matrix_user = "synapse._scripts.register_new_matrix_user:main" synapse_port_db = "synapse._scripts.synapse_port_db:main" synapse_review_recent_signups = "synapse._scripts.review_recent_signups:main" update_synapse_database = "synapse._scripts.update_synapse_database:main" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.9.0" # Mandatory Dependencies # ---------------------- # we use the TYPE_CHECKER.redefine method added in jsonschema 3.0.0 jsonschema = ">=3.0.0" # We choose 2.0 as a lower bound: the most recent backwards incompatible release. # It seems generally available, judging by https://pkgs.org/search/?q=immutabledict immutabledict = ">=2.0" # We require 2.1.0 or higher for type hints. Previous guard was >= 1.1.0 unpaddedbase64 = ">=2.1.0" # We require 2.0.0 for immutabledict support. canonicaljson = "^2.0.0" # we use the type definitions added in signedjson 1.1. signedjson = "^1.1.0" # validating SSL certs for IP addresses requires service_identity 18.1. service-identity = ">=18.1.0" # Twisted 18.9 introduces some logger improvements that the structured # logger utilises Twisted = {extras = ["tls"], version = ">=18.9.0"} treq = ">=15.1" # Twisted has required pyopenssl 16.0 since about Twisted 16.6. pyOpenSSL = ">=16.0.0" PyYAML = ">=5.3" pyasn1 = ">=0.1.9" pyasn1-modules = ">=0.0.7" bcrypt = ">=3.1.7" # 10.0.1 minimum is mandatory here because of libwebp CVE-2023-4863. # Packagers that already took care of libwebp can lower that down to 5.4.0. Pillow = ">=10.0.1" # We use SortedDict.peekitem(), which was added in sortedcontainers 1.5.2. sortedcontainers = ">=1.5.2" pymacaroons = ">=0.13.0" msgpack = ">=0.5.2" phonenumbers = ">=8.2.0" # we use GaugeHistogramMetric, which was added in prom-client 0.4.0. prometheus-client = ">=0.4.0" # we use `order`, which arrived in attrs 19.2.0. # Note: 21.1.0 broke `/sync`, see https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/9936 attrs = ">=19.2.0,!=21.1.0" netaddr = ">=0.7.18" # Jinja 2.x is incompatible with MarkupSafe>=2.1. To ensure that admins do not # end up with a broken installation, with recent MarkupSafe but old Jinja, we # add a lower bound to the Jinja2 dependency. Jinja2 = ">=3.0" bleach = ">=1.4.3" # We use `assert_never`, which were added in `typing-extensions` 4.1. typing-extensions = ">=4.1" # We enforce that we have a `cryptography` version that bundles an `openssl` # with the latest security patches. cryptography = ">=3.4.7" # ijson 3.1.4 fixes a bug with "." in property names ijson = ">=3.1.4" matrix-common = "^1.3.0" # We need packaging.verison.Version(...).major added in 20.0. packaging = ">=20.0" # We support pydantic v1 and pydantic v2 via the pydantic.v1 compat module. # See https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/15858 pydantic = ">=1.7.4, <3" # This is for building the rust components during "poetry install", which # currently ignores the `build-system.requires` directive (c.f. # https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/6154). Both `pip install` and # `poetry build` do the right thing without this explicit dependency. # # This isn't really a dev-dependency, as `poetry install --no-dev` will fail, # but the alternative is to add it to the main list of deps where it isn't # needed. setuptools_rust = ">=1.3" # This is used for parsing multipart responses python-multipart = ">=0.0.9" # Optional Dependencies # --------------------- matrix-synapse-ldap3 = { version = ">=0.1", optional = true } psycopg2 = { version = ">=2.8", markers = "platform_python_implementation != 'PyPy'", optional = true } psycopg2cffi = { version = ">=2.8", markers = "platform_python_implementation == 'PyPy'", optional = true } psycopg2cffi-compat = { version = "==1.1", markers = "platform_python_implementation == 'PyPy'", optional = true } pysaml2 = { version = ">=4.5.0", optional = true } authlib = { version = ">=0.15.1", optional = true } # systemd-python is necessary for logging to the systemd journal via # `systemd.journal.JournalHandler`, as is documented in # `contrib/systemd/log_config.yaml`. # Note: systemd-python 231 appears to have been yanked from pypi systemd-python = { version = ">=231", optional = true } lxml = { version = ">=4.5.2", optional = true } sentry-sdk = { version = ">=0.7.2", optional = true } opentracing = { version = ">=2.2.0", optional = true } jaeger-client = { version = ">=4.0.0", optional = true } txredisapi = { version = ">=1.4.7", optional = true } hiredis = { version = "*", optional = true } Pympler = { version = "*", optional = true } parameterized = { version = ">=0.7.4", optional = true } idna = { version = ">=2.5", optional = true } pyicu = { version = ">=2.10.2", optional = true } [tool.poetry.extras] # NB: Packages that should be part of `pip install matrix-synapse[all]` need to be specified # twice: once here, and once in the `all` extra. matrix-synapse-ldap3 = ["matrix-synapse-ldap3"] postgres = ["psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat"] saml2 = ["pysaml2"] oidc = ["authlib"] # systemd-python is necessary for logging to the systemd journal via # `systemd.journal.JournalHandler`, as is documented in # `contrib/systemd/log_config.yaml`. systemd = ["systemd-python"] url-preview = ["lxml"] sentry = ["sentry-sdk"] opentracing = ["jaeger-client", "opentracing"] jwt = ["authlib"] # hiredis is not a *strict* dependency, but it makes things much faster. # (if it is not installed, we fall back to slow code.) redis = ["txredisapi", "hiredis"] # Required to use experimental `caches.track_memory_usage` config option. cache-memory = ["pympler"] test = ["parameterized", "idna"] # Allows for better search for international characters in the user directory. This # requires libicu's development headers installed on the system (e.g. libicu-dev on # Debian-based distributions). user-search = ["pyicu"] # The duplication here is awful. I hate hate hate hate hate it. However, for now I want # to ensure you can still `pip install matrix-synapse[all]` like today. Two motivations: # 1) for new installations, I want instructions in existing documentation and tutorials # out there to still work. # 2) I don't want to hard-code a list of extras into CI if I can help it. The ideal # solution here would be something like https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/3413 # Poetry 1.2's dependency groups might make this easier. But I'm not trying that out # until there's a stable release of 1.2. # # NB: the strings in this list must be *package* names, not extra names. # Some of our extra names _are_ package names, which can lead to great confusion. all = [ # matrix-synapse-ldap3 "matrix-synapse-ldap3", # postgres "psycopg2", "psycopg2cffi", "psycopg2cffi-compat", # saml2 "pysaml2", # oidc and jwt "authlib", # url-preview "lxml", # sentry "sentry-sdk", # opentracing "jaeger-client", "opentracing", # redis "txredisapi", "hiredis", # cache-memory "pympler", # improved user search "pyicu", # omitted: # - test: it's useful to have this separate from dev deps in the olddeps job # - systemd: this is a system-based requirement ] [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] # We pin development dependencies in poetry.lock so that our tests don't start # failing on new releases. Keeping lower bounds loose here means that dependabot # can bump versions without having to update the content-hash in the lockfile. # This helps prevents merge conflicts when running a batch of dependabot updates. ruff = "0.7.3" # Type checking only works with the pydantic.v1 compat module from pydantic v2 pydantic = "^2" # Typechecking lxml-stubs = ">=0.4.0" mypy = "*" mypy-zope = "*" types-bleach = ">=4.1.0" types-commonmark = ">=0.9.2" types-jsonschema = ">=3.2.0" types-netaddr = ">=" types-opentracing = ">=2.4.2" types-Pillow = ">=8.3.4" types-psycopg2 = ">=2.9.9" types-pyOpenSSL = ">=20.0.7" types-PyYAML = ">=5.4.10" types-requests = ">=2.26.0" types-setuptools = ">=57.4.0" # Dependencies which are exclusively required by unit test code. This is # NOT a list of all modules that are necessary to run the unit tests. # Tests assume that all optional dependencies are installed. # parameterized<0.7.4 can create classes with names that would normally be invalid # identifiers. trial really does not like this when running with multiple workers. parameterized = ">=0.7.4" idna = ">=2.5" # The following are used by the release script click = ">=8.1.3" # GitPython was == 3.1.14; bumped to 3.1.20, the first release with type hints. GitPython = ">=3.1.20" commonmark = ">=0.9.1" pygithub = ">=1.55" # The following are executed as commands by the release script. twine = "*" # Towncrier min version comes from https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/3425. Rationale unclear. towncrier = ">=18.6.0rc1" # Used for checking the Poetry lockfile tomli = ">=1.2.3" [build-system] # The upper bounds here are defensive, intended to prevent situations like # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/13849 and # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/14079 where we see buildtime or # runtime errors caused by build system changes. # We are happy to raise these upper bounds upon request, # provided we check that it's safe to do so (i.e. that CI passes). requires = ["poetry-core>=1.1.0,<=1.9.1", "setuptools_rust>=1.3,<=1.10.2"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.cibuildwheel] # Skip unsupported platforms (by us or by Rust). # See https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io/en/stable/options/#build-skip for the list of build targets. # We skip: # - CPython 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8: EOLed # - PyPy 3.7 and 3.8: we only support Python 3.9+ # - musllinux i686: excluded to reduce number of wheels we build. # c.f. https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/12595#discussion_r963107677 # - PyPy on Aarch64 and musllinux on aarch64: too slow to build. # c.f. https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/14259 skip = "cp36* cp37* cp38* pp37* pp38* *-musllinux_i686 pp*aarch64 *-musllinux_aarch64" # We need a rust compiler. # # We temporarily pin Rust to 1.82.0 to work around # https://github.com/element-hq/synapse/issues/17988 before-all = "curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain 1.82.0 -y --profile minimal" environment= { PATH = "$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" } # For some reason if we don't manually clean the build directory we # can end up polluting the next build with a .so that is for the wrong # Python version. before-build = "rm -rf {project}/build" build-frontend = "build" test-command = "python -c 'from synapse.synapse_rust import sum_as_string; print(sum_as_string(1, 2))'" [tool.cibuildwheel.linux] # Wrap the repair command to correctly rename the built cpython wheels as ABI3. repair-wheel-command = "./.ci/scripts/auditwheel_wrapper.py -w {dest_dir} {wheel}" [tool.cibuildwheel.macos] # Wrap the repair command to correctly rename the built cpython wheels as ABI3. repair-wheel-command = "./.ci/scripts/auditwheel_wrapper.py --require-archs {delocate_archs} -w {dest_dir} {wheel}"