# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import io import os import shutil import tempfile from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.media.filepath import MediaFilePaths from synapse.media.media_storage import MediaStorage from synapse.media.storage_provider import ( FileStorageProviderBackend, StorageProviderWrapper, ) from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import UserID from synapse.util import Clock from tests import unittest from tests.media.test_media_storage import small_png from tests.test_utils import SMALL_PNG class FederationMediaDownloadsTest(unittest.FederatingHomeserverTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: super().prepare(reactor, clock, hs) self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="synapse-tests-") self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.test_dir) self.primary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "primary") self.secondary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "secondary") hs.config.media.media_store_path = self.primary_base_path storage_providers = [ StorageProviderWrapper( FileStorageProviderBackend(hs, self.secondary_base_path), store_local=True, store_remote=False, store_synchronous=True, ) ] self.filepaths = MediaFilePaths(self.primary_base_path) self.media_storage = MediaStorage( hs, self.primary_base_path, self.filepaths, storage_providers ) self.media_repo = hs.get_media_repository() def test_file_download(self) -> None: content = io.BytesIO(b"file_to_stream") content_uri = self.get_success( self.media_repo.create_content( "text/plain", "test_upload", content, 46, UserID.from_string("@user_id:whatever.org"), ) ) # test with a text file channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/{content_uri.media_id}", ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(200, channel.code) content_type = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("content-type") assert content_type is not None assert "multipart/mixed" in content_type[0] assert "boundary" in content_type[0] # extract boundary boundary = content_type[0].split("boundary=")[1] # split on boundary and check that json field and expected value exist stripped = channel.text_body.split("\r\n" + "--" + boundary) # TODO: the json object expected will change once MSC3911 is implemented, currently # {} is returned for all requests as a placeholder (per MSC3196) found_json = any( "\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{}" in field for field in stripped ) self.assertTrue(found_json) # check that the text file and expected value exist found_file = any( "\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Disposition: inline; filename=test_upload\r\n\r\nfile_to_stream" in field for field in stripped ) self.assertTrue(found_file) content = io.BytesIO(SMALL_PNG) content_uri = self.get_success( self.media_repo.create_content( "image/png", "test_png_upload", content, 67, UserID.from_string("@user_id:whatever.org"), ) ) # test with an image file channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/{content_uri.media_id}", ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(200, channel.code) content_type = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("content-type") assert content_type is not None assert "multipart/mixed" in content_type[0] assert "boundary" in content_type[0] # extract boundary boundary = content_type[0].split("boundary=")[1] # split on boundary and check that json field and expected value exist body = channel.result.get("body") assert body is not None stripped_bytes = body.split(b"\r\n" + b"--" + boundary.encode("utf-8")) found_json = any( b"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{}" in field for field in stripped_bytes ) self.assertTrue(found_json) # check that the png file exists and matches what was uploaded found_file = any(SMALL_PNG in field for field in stripped_bytes) self.assertTrue(found_file) def test_federation_etag(self) -> None: """Test that federation ETags work""" content = io.BytesIO(b"file_to_stream") content_uri = self.get_success( self.media_repo.create_content( "text/plain", "test_upload", content, 46, UserID.from_string("@user_id:whatever.org"), ) ) channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/{content_uri.media_id}", ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(200, channel.code) # We expect exactly one ETag header. etags = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("ETag") self.assertIsNotNone(etags) assert etags is not None # For mypy self.assertEqual(len(etags), 1) etag = etags[0] # Refetching with the etag should result in 304 and empty body. channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/{content_uri.media_id}", custom_headers=[("If-None-Match", etag)], ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(channel.code, 304) self.assertEqual(channel.is_finished(), True) self.assertNotIn("body", channel.result) class FederationThumbnailTest(unittest.FederatingHomeserverTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: super().prepare(reactor, clock, hs) self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="synapse-tests-") self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.test_dir) self.primary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "primary") self.secondary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "secondary") hs.config.media.media_store_path = self.primary_base_path storage_providers = [ StorageProviderWrapper( FileStorageProviderBackend(hs, self.secondary_base_path), store_local=True, store_remote=False, store_synchronous=True, ) ] self.filepaths = MediaFilePaths(self.primary_base_path) self.media_storage = MediaStorage( hs, self.primary_base_path, self.filepaths, storage_providers ) self.media_repo = hs.get_media_repository() def test_thumbnail_download_scaled(self) -> None: content = io.BytesIO(small_png.data) content_uri = self.get_success( self.media_repo.create_content( "image/png", "test_png_thumbnail", content, 67, UserID.from_string("@user_id:whatever.org"), ) ) # test with an image file channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/thumbnail/{content_uri.media_id}?width=32&height=32&method=scale", ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(200, channel.code) content_type = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("content-type") assert content_type is not None assert "multipart/mixed" in content_type[0] assert "boundary" in content_type[0] # extract boundary boundary = content_type[0].split("boundary=")[1] # split on boundary and check that json field and expected value exist body = channel.result.get("body") assert body is not None stripped_bytes = body.split(b"\r\n" + b"--" + boundary.encode("utf-8")) found_json = any( b"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{}" in field for field in stripped_bytes ) self.assertTrue(found_json) # check that the png file exists and matches the expected scaled bytes found_file = any(small_png.expected_scaled in field for field in stripped_bytes) self.assertTrue(found_file) def test_thumbnail_download_cropped(self) -> None: content = io.BytesIO(small_png.data) content_uri = self.get_success( self.media_repo.create_content( "image/png", "test_png_thumbnail", content, 67, UserID.from_string("@user_id:whatever.org"), ) ) # test with an image file channel = self.make_signed_federation_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/federation/v1/media/thumbnail/{content_uri.media_id}?width=32&height=32&method=crop", ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(200, channel.code) content_type = channel.headers.getRawHeaders("content-type") assert content_type is not None assert "multipart/mixed" in content_type[0] assert "boundary" in content_type[0] # extract boundary boundary = content_type[0].split("boundary=")[1] # split on boundary and check that json field and expected value exist body = channel.result.get("body") assert body is not None stripped_bytes = body.split(b"\r\n" + b"--" + boundary.encode("utf-8")) found_json = any( b"\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{}" in field for field in stripped_bytes ) self.assertTrue(found_json) # check that the png file exists and matches the expected cropped bytes found_file = any( small_png.expected_cropped in field for field in stripped_bytes ) self.assertTrue(found_file)