# Logging Sample Configuration File Below is a sample logging configuration file. This file can be tweaked to control how your homeserver will output logs. The value of the `log_config` option in your homeserver config should be the path to this file. To apply changes made to this file, send Synapse a SIGHUP signal (or, if using `systemd`, run `systemctl reload` on the Synapse service). Note that a default logging configuration (shown below) is created automatically alongside the homeserver config when following the [installation instructions](../../setup/installation.md). It should be named `<SERVERNAME>.log.config` by default. Hint: If you're looking for a guide on what each of the fields in the "Processed request" log lines mean, see [Request log format](../administration/request_log.md). ```yaml {{#include ../../sample_log_config.yaml}} ```