2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
# Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
# Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>.
# Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
# <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
# [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
import base64
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
import io
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
import json
import os
import re
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
import shutil
2025-02-10 17:53:24 +01:00
from typing import Any , BinaryIO , ClassVar , Dict , List , Optional , Sequence , Tuple , Type
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from unittest . mock import MagicMock , Mock , patch
from urllib import parse
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from urllib . parse import quote , urlencode
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
from parameterized import parameterized , parameterized_class
from PIL import Image as Image
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from twisted . internet import defer
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from twisted . internet . _resolver import HostResolution
from twisted . internet . address import IPv4Address , IPv6Address
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from twisted . internet . defer import Deferred
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from twisted . internet . error import DNSLookupError
from twisted . internet . interfaces import IAddress , IResolutionReceiver
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from twisted . python . failure import Failure
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from twisted . test . proto_helpers import AccumulatingProtocol , MemoryReactor
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from twisted . web . http_headers import Headers
from twisted . web . iweb import UNKNOWN_LENGTH , IResponse
2024-07-22 02:33:17 -07:00
from twisted . web . resource import Resource
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from synapse . api . errors import HttpResponseException
from synapse . api . ratelimiting import Ratelimiter
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from synapse . config . oembed import OEmbedEndpointConfig
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from synapse . http . client import MultipartResponse
from synapse . http . types import QueryParams
from synapse . logging . context import make_deferred_yieldable
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
from synapse . media . _base import FileInfo , ThumbnailInfo
from synapse . media . thumbnailer import ThumbnailProvider
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from synapse . media . url_previewer import IMAGE_CACHE_EXPIRY_MS
from synapse . rest import admin
from synapse . rest . client import login , media
from synapse . server import HomeServer
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from synapse . types import JsonDict , UserID
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from synapse . util import Clock
from synapse . util . stringutils import parse_and_validate_mxc_uri
from tests import unittest
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
from tests . media . test_media_storage import (
TestImage ,
empty_file ,
2024-10-23 18:26:01 +01:00
small_cmyk_jpeg ,
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
small_lossless_webp ,
small_png ,
small_png_with_transparency ,
from tests . server import FakeChannel , FakeTransport , ThreadedMemoryReactorClock
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
from tests . test_utils import SMALL_PNG
from tests . unittest import override_config
try :
import lxml
except ImportError :
lxml = None # type: ignore[assignment]
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
class MediaDomainBlockingTests ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
remote_media_id = " doesnotmatter "
remote_server_name = " evil.com "
servlets = [
media . register_servlets ,
admin . register_servlets ,
login . register_servlets ,
def make_homeserver (
self , reactor : ThreadedMemoryReactorClock , clock : Clock
) - > HomeServer :
config = self . default_config ( )
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
return self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config )
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . store = hs . get_datastores ( ) . main
# Inject a piece of media. We'll use this to ensure we're returning a sane
# response when we're not supposed to block it, distinguishing a media block
# from a regular 404.
file_id = " abcdefg12345 "
file_info = FileInfo ( server_name = self . remote_server_name , file_id = file_id )
2024-05-29 11:14:42 +01:00
media_storage = hs . get_media_repository ( ) . media_storage
ctx = media_storage . store_into_file ( file_info )
( f , fname ) = self . get_success ( ctx . __aenter__ ( ) )
f . write ( SMALL_PNG )
self . get_success ( ctx . __aexit__ ( None , None , None ) )
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
self . get_success (
self . store . store_cached_remote_media (
origin = self . remote_server_name ,
media_id = self . remote_media_id ,
media_type = " image/png " ,
media_length = 1 ,
time_now_ms = clock . time_msec ( ) ,
upload_name = " test.png " ,
filesystem_id = file_id ,
self . register_user ( " user " , " password " )
self . tok = self . login ( " user " , " password " )
@override_config (
# Disable downloads from the domain we'll be trying to download from.
# Should result in a 404.
" prevent_media_downloads_from " : [ " evil.com " ] ,
" dynamic_thumbnails " : True ,
def test_cannot_download_blocked_media_thumbnail ( self ) - > None :
Same test as test_cannot_download_blocked_media but for thumbnails .
response = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/evil.com/ { self . remote_media_id } ?width=100&height=100 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
content = { " width " : 100 , " height " : 100 } ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( response . code , 404 )
@override_config (
# Disable downloads from a domain we won't be requesting downloads from.
# This proves we haven't broken anything.
" prevent_media_downloads_from " : [ " not-listed.com " ] ,
" dynamic_thumbnails " : True ,
def test_remote_media_thumbnail_normally_unblocked ( self ) - > None :
Same test as test_remote_media_normally_unblocked but for thumbnails .
response = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/evil.com/ { self . remote_media_id } ?width=100&height=100 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( response . code , 200 )
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
class URLPreviewTests ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
if not lxml :
skip = " url preview feature requires lxml "
servlets = [ media . register_servlets ]
hijack_auth = True
user_id = " @test:user "
end_content = (
b " <html><head> "
b ' <meta property= " og:title " content= " ~matrix~ " /> '
b ' <meta property= " og:description " content= " hi " /> '
b " </head></html> "
def make_homeserver ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock ) - > HomeServer :
config = self . default_config ( )
config [ " url_preview_enabled " ] = True
config [ " max_spider_size " ] = 9999999
config [ " url_preview_ip_range_blacklist " ] = (
" " ,
" " ,
" 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff " ,
" 2001:800::/21 " ,
config [ " url_preview_ip_range_whitelist " ] = ( " " , )
config [ " url_preview_accept_language " ] = [
" en-UK " ,
" en-US;q=0.9 " ,
" fr;q=0.8 " ,
" *;q=0.7 " ,
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
hs = self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config )
# After the hs is created, modify the parsed oEmbed config (to avoid
# messing with files).
# Note that HTTP URLs are used to avoid having to deal with TLS in tests.
hs . config . oembed . oembed_patterns = [
OEmbedEndpointConfig (
api_endpoint = " http://publish.twitter.com/oembed " ,
url_patterns = [
re . compile ( r " http://twitter \ .com/.+/status/.+ " ) ,
] ,
formats = None ,
) ,
OEmbedEndpointConfig (
api_endpoint = " http://www.hulu.com/api/oembed. {format} " ,
url_patterns = [
re . compile ( r " http://www \ .hulu \ .com/watch/.+ " ) ,
] ,
formats = [ " json " ] ,
) ,
return hs
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . media_repo = hs . get_media_repository ( )
assert self . media_repo . url_previewer is not None
self . url_previewer = self . media_repo . url_previewer
self . lookups : Dict [ str , Any ] = { }
class Resolver :
def resolveHostName (
_self ,
resolutionReceiver : IResolutionReceiver ,
hostName : str ,
portNumber : int = 0 ,
addressTypes : Optional [ Sequence [ Type [ IAddress ] ] ] = None ,
transportSemantics : str = " TCP " ,
) - > IResolutionReceiver :
resolution = HostResolution ( hostName )
resolutionReceiver . resolutionBegan ( resolution )
if hostName not in self . lookups :
raise DNSLookupError ( " OH NO " )
for i in self . lookups [ hostName ] :
resolutionReceiver . addressResolved ( i [ 0 ] ( " TCP " , i [ 1 ] , portNumber ) )
resolutionReceiver . resolutionComplete ( )
return resolutionReceiver
self . reactor . nameResolver = Resolver ( ) # type: ignore[assignment]
def _assert_small_png ( self , json_body : JsonDict ) - > None :
""" Assert properties from the SMALL_PNG test image. """
self . assertTrue ( json_body [ " og:image " ] . startswith ( " mxc:// " ) )
self . assertEqual ( json_body [ " og:image:height " ] , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( json_body [ " og:image:width " ] , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( json_body [ " og:image:type " ] , " image/png " )
self . assertEqual ( json_body [ " matrix:image:size " ] , 67 )
def test_cache_returns_correct_type ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: text/html \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( self . end_content ) , )
+ self . end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
# Check the cache returns the correct response
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
# Check the cache response has the same content
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
# Clear the in-memory cache
self . assertIn ( " http://matrix.org " , self . url_previewer . _cache )
self . url_previewer . _cache . pop ( " http://matrix.org " )
self . assertNotIn ( " http://matrix.org " , self . url_previewer . _cache )
# Check the database cache returns the correct response
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
# Check the cache response has the same content
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
def test_non_ascii_preview_httpequiv ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
end_content = (
b " <html><head> "
b ' <meta http-equiv= " Content-Type " content= " text/html; charset=windows-1251 " /> '
b ' <meta property= " og:title " content= " \xe4 \xea \xe0 " /> '
b ' <meta property= " og:description " content= " hi " /> '
b " </head></html> "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual ( channel . json_body [ " og:title " ] , " \u0434 \u043a \u0430 " )
def test_video_rejected ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
end_content = b " anything "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b " Content-Type: video/mp4 \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( end_content ) )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " Requested file ' s content type not allowed for this operation: video/mp4 " ,
} ,
def test_audio_rejected ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
end_content = b " anything "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b " Content-Type: audio/aac \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( end_content ) )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " Requested file ' s content type not allowed for this operation: audio/aac " ,
} ,
def test_non_ascii_preview_content_type ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
end_content = (
b " <html><head> "
b ' <meta property= " og:title " content= " \xe4 \xea \xe0 " /> '
b ' <meta property= " og:description " content= " hi " /> '
b " </head></html> "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " windows-1251 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual ( channel . json_body [ " og:title " ] , " \u0434 \u043a \u0430 " )
def test_overlong_title ( self ) - > None :
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
end_content = (
b " <html><head> "
b " <title> " + b " x " * 2000 + b " </title> "
b ' <meta property= " og:description " content= " hi " /> '
b " </head></html> "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " windows-1251 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
res = channel . json_body
# We should only see the `og:description` field, as `title` is too long and should be stripped out
self . assertCountEqual ( [ " og:description " ] , res . keys ( ) )
def test_ipaddr ( self ) - > None :
IP addresses can be previewed directly .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: text/html \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( self . end_content ) , )
+ self . end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
def test_blocked_ip_specific ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP addresses , found via DNS , are not spidered .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
# No requests made.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " DNS resolution failure during URL preview generation " ,
} ,
def test_blocked_ip_range ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP ranges , IPs found over DNS , are not spidered .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " DNS resolution failure during URL preview generation " ,
} ,
def test_blocked_ip_specific_direct ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP addresses , accessed directly , are not spidered .
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url= " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
# No requests made.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 0 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
{ " errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " , " error " : " IP address blocked " } ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 403 )
def test_blocked_ip_range_direct ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP ranges , accessed directly , are not spidered .
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url= " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 403 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
{ " errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " , " error " : " IP address blocked " } ,
def test_blocked_ip_range_whitelisted_ip ( self ) - > None :
Blocked but then subsequently whitelisted IP addresses can be
spidered .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: text/html \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( self . end_content ) , )
+ self . end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
def test_blocked_ip_with_external_ip ( self ) - > None :
If a hostname resolves a blocked IP , even if there ' s a non-blocked one,
it will be rejected .
# Hardcode the URL resolving to the IP we want.
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [
( IPv4Address , " " ) ,
( IPv4Address , " " ) ,
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " DNS resolution failure during URL preview generation " ,
} ,
def test_blocked_ipv6_specific ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP addresses , found via DNS , are not spidered .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [
( IPv6Address , " 3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
# No requests made.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 0 )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " DNS resolution failure during URL preview generation " ,
} ,
def test_blocked_ipv6_range ( self ) - > None :
Blocked IP ranges , IPs found over DNS , are not spidered .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv6Address , " 2001:800::1 " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 502 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " DNS resolution failure during URL preview generation " ,
} ,
def test_OPTIONS ( self ) - > None :
OPTIONS returns the OPTIONS .
channel = self . make_request (
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 204 )
def test_accept_language_config_option ( self ) - > None :
Accept - Language header is sent to the remote server
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
# Build and make a request to the server
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://example.com " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
# Extract Synapse's tcp client
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
# Build a fake remote server to reply with
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
# Connect the two together
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
# Tell Synapse that it has received some data from the remote server
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: text/html \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( self . end_content ) , )
+ self . end_content
# Move the reactor along until we get a response on our original channel
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body , { " og:title " : " ~matrix~ " , " og:description " : " hi " }
# Check that the server received the Accept-Language header as part
# of the request from Synapse
self . assertIn (
b " Accept-Language: en-UK \r \n "
b " Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.9 \r \n "
b " Accept-Language: fr;q=0.8 \r \n "
b " Accept-Language: *;q=0.7 "
) ,
server . data ,
def test_image ( self ) - > None :
""" An image should be precached if mentioned in the HTML. """
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " cdn.matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = (
b """ <html><body><img src= " http://cdn.matrix.org/foo.png " ></body></html> """
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
# Respond with the HTML.
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
# Respond with the photo.
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 1 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b " Content-Type: image/png \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( SMALL_PNG ) , )
self . pump ( )
# The image should be in the result.
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . _assert_small_png ( channel . json_body )
def test_nonexistent_image ( self ) - > None :
""" If the preview image doesn ' t exist, ensure some data is returned. """
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = (
b """ <html><body><img src= " http://cdn.matrix.org/foo.jpg " ></body></html> """
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
# There should not be a second connection.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 1 )
# The image should not be in the result.
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertNotIn ( " og:image " , channel . json_body )
@unittest.override_config (
{ " url_preview_url_blacklist " : [ { " netloc " : " cdn.matrix.org " } ] }
def test_image_blocked ( self ) - > None :
""" If the preview image doesn ' t exist, ensure some data is returned. """
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " cdn.matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = (
b """ <html><body><img src= " http://cdn.matrix.org/foo.jpg " ></body></html> """
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
# There should not be a second connection.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 1 )
# The image should not be in the result.
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertNotIn ( " og:image " , channel . json_body )
def test_oembed_failure ( self ) - > None :
""" If the autodiscovered oEmbed URL fails, ensure some data is returned. """
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = b """
< title > oEmbed Autodiscovery Fail < / title >
< link rel = " alternate " type = " application/json+oembed "
href = " http://example.com/oembed?url=http % 3A %2F %2F matrix.org&format=json "
title = " matrixdotorg " / >
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
# The image should not be in the result.
self . assertEqual ( channel . json_body [ " og:title " ] , " oEmbed Autodiscovery Fail " )
def test_data_url ( self ) - > None :
Requesting to preview a data URL is not supported .
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
data = base64 . b64encode ( SMALL_PNG ) . decode ( )
query_params = urlencode (
" url " : f ' <html><head><img src= " data:image/png;base64, { data } " /></head></html> '
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url? { query_params } " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 500 )
def test_inline_data_url ( self ) - > None :
An inline image ( as a data URL ) should be parsed properly .
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
data = base64 . b64encode ( SMALL_PNG )
end_content = (
b " <html><head> " b ' <img src= " data:image/png;base64, %s " /> ' b " </head></html> "
) % ( data , )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://matrix.org " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . _assert_small_png ( channel . json_body )
def test_oembed_photo ( self ) - > None :
""" Test an oEmbed endpoint which returns a ' photo ' type which redirects the preview to a new URL. """
self . lookups [ " publish.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " cdn.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = {
" version " : " 1.0 " ,
" type " : " photo " ,
" url " : " http://cdn.twitter.com/matrixdotorg " ,
oembed_content = json . dumps ( result ) . encode ( " utf-8 " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: application/json; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( oembed_content ) , )
+ oembed_content
self . pump ( )
# Ensure a second request is made to the photo URL.
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 1 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b " Content-Type: image/png \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( SMALL_PNG ) , )
self . pump ( )
# Ensure the URL is what was requested.
self . assertIn ( b " /matrixdotorg " , server . data )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
self . assertEqual ( body [ " og:url " ] , " http://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " )
self . _assert_small_png ( body )
def test_oembed_rich ( self ) - > None :
""" Test an oEmbed endpoint which returns HTML content via the ' rich ' type. """
self . lookups [ " publish.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = {
" version " : " 1.0 " ,
" type " : " rich " ,
# Note that this provides the author, not the title.
" author_name " : " Alice " ,
" html " : " <div>Content Preview</div> " ,
end_content = json . dumps ( result ) . encode ( " utf-8 " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: application/json; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
# Double check that the proper host is being connected to. (Note that
# twitter.com can't be resolved so this is already implicitly checked.)
self . assertIn ( b " \r \n Host: publish.twitter.com \r \n " , server . data )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
self . assertEqual (
body ,
" og:url " : " http://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
" og:title " : " Alice " ,
" og:description " : " Content Preview " ,
} ,
def test_oembed_format ( self ) - > None :
""" Test an oEmbed endpoint which requires the format in the URL. """
self . lookups [ " www.hulu.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = {
" version " : " 1.0 " ,
" type " : " rich " ,
" html " : " <div>Content Preview</div> " ,
end_content = json . dumps ( result ) . encode ( " utf-8 " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://www.hulu.com/watch/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: application/json; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( end_content ) , )
+ end_content
self . pump ( )
# The {format} should have been turned into json.
self . assertIn ( b " /api/oembed.json " , server . data )
# A URL parameter of format=json should be provided.
self . assertIn ( b " format=json " , server . data )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
self . assertEqual (
body ,
" og:url " : " http://www.hulu.com/watch/12345 " ,
" og:description " : " Content Preview " ,
} ,
@unittest.override_config (
{ " url_preview_url_blacklist " : [ { " netloc " : " publish.twitter.com " } ] }
def test_oembed_blocked ( self ) - > None :
""" The oEmbed URL should not be downloaded if the oEmbed URL is blocked. """
self . lookups [ " twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 403 , channel . result )
def test_oembed_autodiscovery ( self ) - > None :
Autodiscovery works by finding the link in the HTML response and then requesting an oEmbed URL .
1. Request a preview of a URL which is not known to the oEmbed code .
2. It returns HTML including a link to an oEmbed preview .
3. The oEmbed preview is requested and returns a URL for an image .
4. The image is requested for thumbnailing .
# This is a little cheesy in that we use the www subdomain (which isn't the
# list of oEmbed patterns) to get "raw" HTML response.
self . lookups [ " www.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " publish.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " cdn.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = b """
< link rel = " alternate " type = " application/json+oembed "
href = " http://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=http % 3A %2F %2F cdn.twitter.com %2F matrixdotorg %2F status %2F 12345&format=json "
title = " matrixdotorg " / >
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://www.twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
# The oEmbed response.
result2 = {
" version " : " 1.0 " ,
" type " : " photo " ,
" url " : " http://cdn.twitter.com/matrixdotorg " ,
oembed_content = json . dumps ( result2 ) . encode ( " utf-8 " )
# Ensure a second request is made to the oEmbed URL.
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 1 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: application/json; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( oembed_content ) , )
+ oembed_content
self . pump ( )
# Ensure the URL is what was requested.
self . assertIn ( b " /oembed? " , server . data )
# Ensure a third request is made to the photo URL.
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 2 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b " Content-Type: image/png \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( SMALL_PNG ) , )
self . pump ( )
# Ensure the URL is what was requested.
self . assertIn ( b " /matrixdotorg " , server . data )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
self . assertEqual (
body [ " og:url " ] , " http://www.twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 "
self . _assert_small_png ( body )
@unittest.override_config (
{ " url_preview_url_blacklist " : [ { " netloc " : " publish.twitter.com " } ] }
def test_oembed_autodiscovery_blocked ( self ) - > None :
If the discovered oEmbed URL is blocked , it should be discarded .
# This is a little cheesy in that we use the www subdomain (which isn't the
# list of oEmbed patterns) to get "raw" HTML response.
self . lookups [ " www.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
self . lookups [ " publish.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
result = b """
< title > Test < / title >
< link rel = " alternate " type = " application/json+oembed "
href = " http://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=http % 3A %2F %2F cdn.twitter.com %2F matrixdotorg %2F status %2F 12345&format=json "
title = " matrixdotorg " / >
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://www.twitter.com/matrixdotorg/status/12345 " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n "
b ' Content-Type: text/html; charset= " utf8 " \r \n \r \n '
% ( len ( result ) , )
+ result
self . pump ( )
# Ensure there's no additional connections.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . reactor . tcpClients ) , 1 )
# Ensure the URL is what was requested.
self . assertIn ( b " \r \n Host: www.twitter.com \r \n " , server . data )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
self . assertEqual ( body [ " og:title " ] , " Test " )
self . assertNotIn ( " og:image " , body )
def _download_image ( self ) - > Tuple [ str , str ] :
""" Downloads an image into the URL cache.
Returns :
A ( host , media_id ) tuple representing the MXC URI of the image .
self . lookups [ " cdn.twitter.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url=http://cdn.twitter.com/matrixdotorg " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: image/png \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( SMALL_PNG ) , )
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
body = channel . json_body
mxc_uri = body [ " og:image " ]
host , _port , media_id = parse_and_validate_mxc_uri ( mxc_uri )
self . assertIsNone ( _port )
return host , media_id
def test_storage_providers_exclude_files ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that files are not stored in or fetched from storage providers. """
host , media_id = self . _download_image ( )
rel_file_path = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_filepath_rel ( media_id )
media_store_path = os . path . join ( self . media_store_path , rel_file_path )
storage_provider_path = os . path . join ( self . storage_path , rel_file_path )
# Check storage
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( media_store_path ) )
self . assertFalse (
os . path . isfile ( storage_provider_path ) ,
" URL cache file was unexpectedly stored in a storage provider " ,
# Check fetching
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/ { host } / { media_id } " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
# Move cached file into the storage provider
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( storage_provider_path ) , exist_ok = True )
os . rename ( media_store_path , storage_provider_path )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/download/ { host } / { media_id } " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual (
channel . code ,
404 ,
" URL cache file was unexpectedly retrieved from a storage provider " ,
def test_storage_providers_exclude_thumbnails ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that thumbnails are not stored in or fetched from storage providers. """
host , media_id = self . _download_image ( )
rel_thumbnail_path = (
self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_thumbnail_directory_rel ( media_id )
media_store_thumbnail_path = os . path . join (
self . media_store_path , rel_thumbnail_path
storage_provider_thumbnail_path = os . path . join (
self . storage_path , rel_thumbnail_path
# Check storage
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isdir ( media_store_thumbnail_path ) )
self . assertFalse (
os . path . isdir ( storage_provider_thumbnail_path ) ,
" URL cache thumbnails were unexpectedly stored in a storage provider " ,
# Check fetching
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { host } / { media_id } ?width=32&height=32&method=scale " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
# Remove the original, otherwise thumbnails will regenerate
rel_file_path = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_filepath_rel ( media_id )
media_store_path = os . path . join ( self . media_store_path , rel_file_path )
os . remove ( media_store_path )
# Move cached thumbnails into the storage provider
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( storage_provider_thumbnail_path ) , exist_ok = True )
os . rename ( media_store_thumbnail_path , storage_provider_thumbnail_path )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { host } / { media_id } ?width=32&height=32&method=scale " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual (
channel . code ,
404 ,
" URL cache thumbnail was unexpectedly retrieved from a storage provider " ,
def test_cache_expiry ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that URL cache files and thumbnails are cleaned up properly on expiry. """
_host , media_id = self . _download_image ( )
file_path = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_filepath ( media_id )
file_dirs = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_filepath_dirs_to_delete (
thumbnail_dir = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_thumbnail_directory (
thumbnail_dirs = self . media_repo . filepaths . url_cache_thumbnail_dirs_to_delete (
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isfile ( file_path ) )
self . assertTrue ( os . path . isdir ( thumbnail_dir ) )
self . reactor . advance ( IMAGE_CACHE_EXPIRY_MS * 1000 + 1 )
self . get_success ( self . url_previewer . _expire_url_cache_data ( ) )
for path in [ file_path ] + file_dirs + [ thumbnail_dir ] + thumbnail_dirs :
self . assertFalse (
os . path . exists ( path ) ,
f " { os . path . relpath ( path , self . media_store_path ) } was not deleted " ,
@unittest.override_config ( { " url_preview_url_blacklist " : [ { " port " : " * " } ] } )
def test_blocked_port ( self ) - > None :
""" Tests that blocking URLs with a port makes previewing such URLs
fail with a 403 error and doesn ' t impact other previews.
self . lookups [ " matrix.org " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
bad_url = quote ( " http://matrix.org:8888/foo " )
good_url = quote ( " http://matrix.org/foo " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url= " + bad_url ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 403 , channel . result )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url= " + good_url ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
client = self . reactor . tcpClients [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . buildProtocol ( None )
server = AccumulatingProtocol ( )
server . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( client , self . reactor ) )
client . makeConnection ( FakeTransport ( server , self . reactor ) )
client . dataReceived (
b " HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r \n Content-Length: %d \r \n Content-Type: text/html \r \n \r \n "
% ( len ( self . end_content ) , )
+ self . end_content
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
@unittest.override_config (
{ " url_preview_url_blacklist " : [ { " netloc " : " example.com " } ] }
def test_blocked_url ( self ) - > None :
""" Tests that blocking URLs with a host makes previewing such URLs
fail with a 403 error .
self . lookups [ " example.com " ] = [ ( IPv4Address , " " ) ]
bad_url = quote ( " http://example.com/foo " )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/preview_url?url= " + bad_url ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 403 , channel . result )
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
class MediaConfigTest ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
servlets = [
media . register_servlets ,
admin . register_servlets ,
login . register_servlets ,
def make_homeserver (
self , reactor : ThreadedMemoryReactorClock , clock : Clock
) - > HomeServer :
config = self . default_config ( )
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
return self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config )
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . register_user ( " user " , " password " )
self . tok = self . login ( " user " , " password " )
def test_media_config ( self ) - > None :
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/config " ,
2024-05-24 01:47:37 -07:00
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body [ " m.upload.size " ] , self . hs . config . media . max_upload_size
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
class RemoteDownloadLimiterTestCase ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
servlets = [
media . register_servlets ,
login . register_servlets ,
admin . register_servlets ,
def make_homeserver ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock ) - > HomeServer :
config = self . default_config ( )
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
return self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config )
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . repo = hs . get_media_repository ( )
self . client = hs . get_federation_http_client ( )
self . store = hs . get_datastores ( ) . main
self . user = self . register_user ( " user " , " pass " )
self . tok = self . login ( " user " , " pass " )
# mock actually reading file body
def read_multipart_response_30MiB ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > Deferred :
d : Deferred = defer . Deferred ( )
d . callback ( MultipartResponse ( b " {} " , 31457280 , b " img/png " , None ) )
return d
def read_multipart_response_50MiB ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > Deferred :
d : Deferred = defer . Deferred ( )
d . callback ( MultipartResponse ( b " {} " , 31457280 , b " img/png " , None ) )
return d
@patch (
" synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_multipart_response " ,
read_multipart_response_30MiB ,
def test_download_ratelimit_default ( self ) - > None :
Test remote media download ratelimiting against default configuration - 500 MB bucket
and 87 kb / second drain rate
# mock out actually sending the request, returns a 30MiB response
async def _send_request ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > IResponse :
resp = MagicMock ( spec = IResponse )
resp . code = 200
resp . length = 31457280
resp . headers = Headers (
{ " Content-Type " : [ " multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p " ] }
resp . phrase = b " OK "
return resp
self . client . _send_request = _send_request # type: ignore
# first request should go through
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abc " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 200
# next 15 should go through
for i in range ( 15 ) :
channel2 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abc { i } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel2 . code == 200
# 17th will hit ratelimit
channel3 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcd " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel3 . code == 429
# however, a request from a different IP will go through
channel4 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcde " ,
shorthand = False ,
client_ip = " " ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel4 . code == 200
# at 87Kib/s it should take about 2 minutes for enough to drain from bucket that another
# 30MiB download is authorized - The last download was blocked at 503,316,480.
# The next download will be authorized when bucket hits 492,830,720
# (524,288,000 total capacity - 31,457,280 download size) so 503,316,480 - 492,830,720 ~= 10,485,760
# needs to drain before another download will be authorized, that will take ~=
# 2 minutes (10,485,760/89,088/60)
self . reactor . pump ( [ 2.0 * 60.0 ] )
# enough has drained and next request goes through
channel5 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcdef " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel5 . code == 200
@override_config (
" remote_media_download_per_second " : " 50M " ,
" remote_media_download_burst_count " : " 50M " ,
@patch (
" synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_multipart_response " ,
read_multipart_response_50MiB ,
def test_download_rate_limit_config ( self ) - > None :
Test that download rate limit config options are correctly picked up and applied
async def _send_request ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > IResponse :
resp = MagicMock ( spec = IResponse )
resp . code = 200
resp . length = 52428800
resp . headers = Headers (
{ " Content-Type " : [ " multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p " ] }
resp . phrase = b " OK "
return resp
self . client . _send_request = _send_request # type: ignore
# first request should go through
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abc " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 200
# immediate second request should fail
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcd " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 429
# advance half a second
self . reactor . pump ( [ 0.5 ] )
# request still fails
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcde " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 429
# advance another half second
self . reactor . pump ( [ 0.5 ] )
# enough has drained from bucket and request is successful
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcdef " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 200
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
@override_config (
" remote_media_download_burst_count " : " 87M " ,
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
@patch (
" synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_multipart_response " ,
read_multipart_response_30MiB ,
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
def test_download_ratelimit_unknown_length ( self ) - > None :
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
Test that if no content - length is provided , ratelimiting is still applied after
media is downloaded and length is known
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
# mock out actually sending the request
async def _send_request ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > IResponse :
resp = MagicMock ( spec = IResponse )
resp . code = 200
resp . length = UNKNOWN_LENGTH
resp . headers = Headers (
{ " Content-Type " : [ " multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p " ] }
resp . phrase = b " OK "
return resp
self . client . _send_request = _send_request # type: ignore
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
# first 3 will go through (note that 3rd request technically violates rate limit but
# that since the ratelimiting is applied *after* download it goes through, but next one fails)
for i in range ( 3 ) :
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
channel2 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abc { i } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel2 . code == 200
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
# 4th will hit ratelimit
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
channel3 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcd " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel3 . code == 429
2024-07-16 03:13:55 -07:00
@override_config ( { " max_upload_size " : " 29M " } )
@patch (
" synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_multipart_response " ,
read_multipart_response_30MiB ,
def test_max_download_respected ( self ) - > None :
Test that the max download size is enforced - note that max download size is determined
by the max_upload_size
# mock out actually sending the request, returns a 30MiB response
async def _send_request ( * args : Any , * * kwargs : Any ) - > IResponse :
resp = MagicMock ( spec = IResponse )
resp . code = 200
resp . length = 31457280
resp . headers = Headers (
{ " Content-Type " : [ " multipart/mixed; boundary=gc0p4Jq0M2Yt08jU534c0p " ] }
resp . phrase = b " OK "
return resp
self . client . _send_request = _send_request # type: ignore
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/remote.org/abcd " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
assert channel . code == 502
assert channel . json_body [ " errcode " ] == " M_TOO_LARGE "
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
def test_file_download ( self ) - > None :
content = io . BytesIO ( b " file_to_stream " )
content_uri = self . get_success (
self . repo . create_content (
" text/plain " ,
" test_upload " ,
content ,
46 ,
UserID . from_string ( " @user_id:whatever.org " ) ,
# test with a text file
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/test/ { content_uri . media_id } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( 200 , channel . code )
test_images = [
small_png ,
small_png_with_transparency ,
2024-10-23 18:26:01 +01:00
small_cmyk_jpeg ,
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
small_lossless_webp ,
empty_file ,
input_values = [ ( x , ) for x in test_images ]
@parameterized_class ( ( " test_image " , ) , input_values )
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
class DownloadAndThumbnailTestCase ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
test_image : ClassVar [ TestImage ]
servlets = [
media . register_servlets ,
login . register_servlets ,
admin . register_servlets ,
def make_homeserver ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock ) - > HomeServer :
self . fetches : List [
Tuple [
" Deferred[Any] " ,
str ,
str ,
Optional [ QueryParams ] ,
] = [ ]
def federation_get_file (
destination : str ,
path : str ,
output_stream : BinaryIO ,
download_ratelimiter : Ratelimiter ,
ip_address : Any ,
max_size : int ,
args : Optional [ QueryParams ] = None ,
retry_on_dns_fail : bool = True ,
ignore_backoff : bool = False ,
follow_redirects : bool = False ,
) - > " Deferred[Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]], bytes]] " :
""" A mock for MatrixFederationHttpClient.federation_get_file. """
def write_to (
2024-09-02 13:39:04 +02:00
r : Tuple [ bytes , Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] , bytes ] ] ,
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
) - > Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] , bytes ] :
data , response = r
output_stream . write ( data )
return response
def write_err ( f : Failure ) - > Failure :
f . trap ( HttpResponseException )
output_stream . write ( f . value . response )
return f
d : Deferred [ Tuple [ bytes , Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] , bytes ] ] ] = (
Deferred ( )
self . fetches . append ( ( d , destination , path , args ) )
# Note that this callback changes the value held by d.
d_after_callback = d . addCallbacks ( write_to , write_err )
return make_deferred_yieldable ( d_after_callback )
def get_file (
destination : str ,
path : str ,
output_stream : BinaryIO ,
download_ratelimiter : Ratelimiter ,
ip_address : Any ,
max_size : int ,
args : Optional [ QueryParams ] = None ,
retry_on_dns_fail : bool = True ,
ignore_backoff : bool = False ,
follow_redirects : bool = False ,
) - > " Deferred[Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]] " :
""" A mock for MatrixFederationHttpClient.get_file. """
def write_to (
2024-09-02 13:39:04 +02:00
r : Tuple [ bytes , Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] ] ] ,
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
) - > Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] ] :
data , response = r
output_stream . write ( data )
return response
def write_err ( f : Failure ) - > Failure :
f . trap ( HttpResponseException )
output_stream . write ( f . value . response )
return f
d : Deferred [ Tuple [ bytes , Tuple [ int , Dict [ bytes , List [ bytes ] ] ] ] ] = Deferred ( )
self . fetches . append ( ( d , destination , path , args ) )
# Note that this callback changes the value held by d.
d_after_callback = d . addCallbacks ( write_to , write_err )
return make_deferred_yieldable ( d_after_callback )
# Mock out the homeserver's MatrixFederationHttpClient
client = Mock ( )
client . federation_get_file = federation_get_file
client . get_file = get_file
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config = self . default_config ( )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
config [ " max_image_pixels " ] = 2000000
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
hs = self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config , federation_http_client = client )
return hs
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . store = hs . get_datastores ( ) . main
self . media_repo = hs . get_media_repository ( )
self . remote = " example.com "
self . media_id = " 12345 "
self . user = self . register_user ( " user " , " pass " )
self . tok = self . login ( " user " , " pass " )
def _req (
self , content_disposition : Optional [ bytes ] , include_content_type : bool = True
) - > FakeChannel :
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/ { self . remote } / { self . media_id } " ,
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
# We've made one fetch, to example.com, using the federation media URL
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fetches ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , " example.com " )
self . assertEqual (
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , " /_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/ " + self . media_id
self . assertEqual (
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 3 ] ,
{ " timeout_ms " : " 20000 " } ,
headers = {
b " Content-Length " : [ b " %d " % ( len ( self . test_image . data ) ) ] ,
if include_content_type :
headers [ b " Content-Type " ] = [ self . test_image . content_type ]
if content_disposition :
headers [ b " Content-Disposition " ] = [ content_disposition ]
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . callback (
( self . test_image . data , ( len ( self . test_image . data ) , headers , b " {} " ) )
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
return channel
def test_handle_missing_content_type ( self ) - > None :
channel = self . _req (
b " attachment; filename=out " + self . test_image . extension ,
include_content_type = False ,
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Type " ) , [ b " application/octet-stream " ]
def test_disposition_filename_ascii ( self ) - > None :
If the filename is filename = < ascii > then Synapse will decode it as an
ASCII string , and use filename = in the response .
channel = self . _req ( b " attachment; filename=out " + self . test_image . extension )
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Type " ) , [ self . test_image . content_type ]
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Disposition " ) ,
( b " inline " if self . test_image . is_inline else b " attachment " )
+ b " ; filename=out "
+ self . test_image . extension
] ,
def test_disposition_filenamestar_utf8escaped ( self ) - > None :
If the filename is filename = * utf8 ' ' < utf8 escaped > then Synapse will
correctly decode it as the UTF - 8 string , and use filename * in the
response .
filename = parse . quote ( " \u2603 " . encode ( ) ) . encode ( " ascii " )
channel = self . _req (
b " attachment; filename*=utf-8 ' ' " + filename + self . test_image . extension
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Type " ) , [ self . test_image . content_type ]
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Disposition " ) ,
( b " inline " if self . test_image . is_inline else b " attachment " )
+ b " ; filename*=utf-8 ' ' "
+ filename
+ self . test_image . extension
] ,
def test_disposition_none ( self ) - > None :
If there is no filename , Content - Disposition should only
be a disposition type .
channel = self . _req ( None )
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Type " ) , [ self . test_image . content_type ]
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Content-Disposition " ) ,
[ b " inline " if self . test_image . is_inline else b " attachment " ] ,
def test_x_robots_tag_header ( self ) - > None :
Tests that the ` X - Robots - Tag ` header is present , which informs web crawlers
to not index , archive , or follow links in media .
channel = self . _req ( b " attachment; filename=out " + self . test_image . extension )
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " X-Robots-Tag " ) ,
[ b " noindex, nofollow, noarchive, noimageindex " ] ,
def test_cross_origin_resource_policy_header ( self ) - > None :
Test that the Cross - Origin - Resource - Policy header is set to " cross-origin "
allowing web clients to embed media from the downloads API .
channel = self . _req ( b " attachment; filename=out " + self . test_image . extension )
headers = channel . headers
self . assertEqual (
headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy " ) ,
[ b " cross-origin " ] ,
def test_unknown_federation_endpoint ( self ) - > None :
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
Test that if the download request to remote federation endpoint returns a 404
2024-07-02 06:07:04 -07:00
we fall back to the _matrix / media endpoint
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/ { self . remote } / { self . media_id } " ,
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
# We've made one fetch, to example.com, using the media URL, and asking
# the other server not to do a remote fetch
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fetches ) , 1 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , " example.com " )
self . assertEqual (
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 2 ] , f " /_matrix/federation/v1/media/download/ { self . media_id } "
# The result which says the endpoint is unknown.
unknown_endpoint = b ' { " errcode " : " M_UNRECOGNIZED " , " error " : " Unknown request " } '
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . errback (
HttpResponseException ( 404 , " NOT FOUND " , unknown_endpoint )
self . pump ( )
# There should now be another request to the _matrix/media/v3/download URL.
self . assertEqual ( len ( self . fetches ) , 2 )
self . assertEqual ( self . fetches [ 1 ] [ 1 ] , " example.com " )
self . assertEqual (
self . fetches [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ,
f " /_matrix/media/v3/download/example.com/ { self . media_id } " ,
headers = {
b " Content-Length " : [ b " %d " % ( len ( self . test_image . data ) ) ] ,
self . fetches [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . callback (
( self . test_image . data , ( len ( self . test_image . data ) , headers ) )
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
def test_thumbnail_crop ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that a cropped remote thumbnail is available. """
self . _test_thumbnail (
" crop " ,
self . test_image . expected_cropped ,
expected_found = self . test_image . expected_found ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
def test_thumbnail_scale ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that a scaled remote thumbnail is available. """
self . _test_thumbnail (
" scale " ,
self . test_image . expected_scaled ,
expected_found = self . test_image . expected_found ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
def test_invalid_type ( self ) - > None :
""" An invalid thumbnail type is never available. """
self . _test_thumbnail (
" invalid " ,
None ,
expected_found = False ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
@unittest.override_config (
{ " thumbnail_sizes " : [ { " width " : 32 , " height " : 32 , " method " : " scale " } ] }
def test_no_thumbnail_crop ( self ) - > None :
Override the config to generate only scaled thumbnails , but request a cropped one .
self . _test_thumbnail (
" crop " ,
None ,
expected_found = False ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
@unittest.override_config (
{ " thumbnail_sizes " : [ { " width " : 32 , " height " : 32 , " method " : " crop " } ] }
def test_no_thumbnail_scale ( self ) - > None :
Override the config to generate only cropped thumbnails , but request a scaled one .
self . _test_thumbnail (
" scale " ,
None ,
expected_found = False ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
def test_thumbnail_repeated_thumbnail ( self ) - > None :
""" Test that fetching the same thumbnail works, and deleting the on disk
thumbnail regenerates it .
self . _test_thumbnail (
" scale " ,
self . test_image . expected_scaled ,
expected_found = self . test_image . expected_found ,
unable_to_thumbnail = self . test_image . unable_to_thumbnail ,
if not self . test_image . expected_found :
# Fetching again should work, without re-requesting the image from the
# remote.
params = " ?width=32&height=32&method=scale "
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { self . remote } / { self . media_id } { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
if self . test_image . expected_scaled :
self . assertEqual (
channel . result [ " body " ] ,
self . test_image . expected_scaled ,
channel . result [ " body " ] ,
# Deleting the thumbnail on disk then re-requesting it should work as
# Synapse should regenerate missing thumbnails.
info = self . get_success (
self . store . get_cached_remote_media ( self . remote , self . media_id )
assert info is not None
file_id = info . filesystem_id
thumbnail_dir = self . media_repo . filepaths . remote_media_thumbnail_dir (
self . remote , file_id
shutil . rmtree ( thumbnail_dir , ignore_errors = True )
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { self . remote } / { self . media_id } { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
if self . test_image . expected_scaled :
self . assertEqual (
channel . result [ " body " ] ,
self . test_image . expected_scaled ,
channel . result [ " body " ] ,
def _test_thumbnail (
self ,
method : str ,
expected_body : Optional [ bytes ] ,
expected_found : bool ,
unable_to_thumbnail : bool = False ,
) - > None :
""" Test the given thumbnailing method works as expected.
Args :
method : The thumbnailing method to use ( crop , scale ) .
expected_body : The expected bytes from thumbnailing , or None if
test should just check for a valid image .
expected_found : True if the file should exist on the server , or False if
a 404 / 400 is expected .
unable_to_thumbnail : True if we expect the thumbnailing to fail ( 400 ) , or
False if the thumbnailing should succeed or a normal 404 is expected .
params = " ?width=32&height=32&method= " + method
channel = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { self . remote } / { self . media_id } { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
await_result = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . pump ( )
headers = {
b " Content-Length " : [ b " %d " % ( len ( self . test_image . data ) ) ] ,
b " Content-Type " : [ self . test_image . content_type ] ,
self . fetches [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . callback (
( self . test_image . data , ( len ( self . test_image . data ) , headers ) )
self . pump ( )
if expected_found :
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . headers . getRawHeaders ( b " Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy " ) ,
[ b " cross-origin " ] ,
if expected_body is not None :
self . assertEqual (
2024-10-23 18:26:01 +01:00
channel . result [ " body " ] , expected_body , channel . result [ " body " ] . hex ( )
2024-07-08 02:11:20 -07:00
else :
# ensure that the result is at least some valid image
Image . open ( io . BytesIO ( channel . result [ " body " ] ) )
elif unable_to_thumbnail :
# A 400 with a JSON body.
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 400 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_UNKNOWN " ,
" error " : " Cannot find any thumbnails for the requested media ( ' /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/example.com/12345 ' ). This might mean the media is not a supported_media_format=(image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/webp, image/gif, image/png) or that thumbnailing failed for some other reason. (Dynamic thumbnails are disabled on this server.) " ,
} ,
else :
# A 404 with a JSON body.
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 404 )
self . assertEqual (
channel . json_body ,
" errcode " : " M_NOT_FOUND " ,
" error " : " Not found ' /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/example.com/12345 ' " ,
} ,
@parameterized.expand ( [ ( " crop " , 16 ) , ( " crop " , 64 ) , ( " scale " , 16 ) , ( " scale " , 64 ) ] )
def test_same_quality ( self , method : str , desired_size : int ) - > None :
""" Test that choosing between thumbnails with the same quality rating succeeds.
We are not particular about which thumbnail is chosen . """
content_type = self . test_image . content_type . decode ( )
media_repo = self . hs . get_media_repository ( )
thumbnail_provider = ThumbnailProvider (
self . hs , media_repo , media_repo . media_storage
self . assertIsNotNone (
thumbnail_provider . _select_thumbnail (
desired_width = desired_size ,
desired_height = desired_size ,
desired_method = method ,
desired_type = content_type ,
# Provide two identical thumbnails which are guaranteed to have the same
# quality rating.
thumbnail_infos = [
ThumbnailInfo (
width = 32 ,
height = 32 ,
method = method ,
type = content_type ,
length = 256 ,
) ,
ThumbnailInfo (
width = 32 ,
height = 32 ,
method = method ,
type = content_type ,
length = 256 ,
) ,
] ,
file_id = f " image { self . test_image . extension . decode ( ) } " ,
url_cache = False ,
server_name = None ,
2024-07-22 02:33:17 -07:00
configs = [
{ " extra_config " : { " dynamic_thumbnails " : True } } ,
{ " extra_config " : { " dynamic_thumbnails " : False } } ,
@parameterized_class ( configs )
class AuthenticatedMediaTestCase ( unittest . HomeserverTestCase ) :
extra_config : Dict [ str , Any ]
servlets = [
media . register_servlets ,
login . register_servlets ,
admin . register_servlets ,
def make_homeserver ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock ) - > HomeServer :
config = self . default_config ( )
self . clock = clock
self . storage_path = self . mktemp ( )
self . media_store_path = self . mktemp ( )
os . mkdir ( self . storage_path )
os . mkdir ( self . media_store_path )
config [ " media_store_path " ] = self . media_store_path
config [ " enable_authenticated_media " ] = True
provider_config = {
" module " : " synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend " ,
" store_local " : True ,
" store_synchronous " : False ,
" store_remote " : True ,
" config " : { " directory " : self . storage_path } ,
config [ " media_storage_providers " ] = [ provider_config ]
config . update ( self . extra_config )
return self . setup_test_homeserver ( config = config )
def prepare ( self , reactor : MemoryReactor , clock : Clock , hs : HomeServer ) - > None :
self . repo = hs . get_media_repository ( )
self . client = hs . get_federation_http_client ( )
self . store = hs . get_datastores ( ) . main
self . user = self . register_user ( " user " , " pass " )
self . tok = self . login ( " user " , " pass " )
def create_resource_dict ( self ) - > Dict [ str , Resource ] :
resources = super ( ) . create_resource_dict ( )
resources [ " /_matrix/media " ] = self . hs . get_media_repository_resource ( )
return resources
def test_authenticated_media ( self ) - > None :
# upload some local media with authentication on
channel = self . make_request (
" POST " ,
" _matrix/media/v3/upload?filename=test_png_upload " ,
self . tok ,
shorthand = False ,
content_type = b " image/png " ,
custom_headers = [ ( " Content-Length " , str ( 67 ) ) ] ,
self . assertEqual ( channel . code , 200 )
res = channel . json_body . get ( " content_uri " )
assert res is not None
uri = res . split ( " mxc:// " ) [ 1 ]
# request media over authenticated endpoint, should be found
channel2 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " _matrix/client/v1/media/download/ { uri } " ,
access_token = self . tok ,
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel2 . code , 200 )
# request same media over unauthenticated media, should raise 404 not found
channel3 = self . make_request (
" GET " , f " _matrix/media/v3/download/ { uri } " , shorthand = False
self . assertEqual ( channel3 . code , 404 )
# check thumbnails as well
params = " ?width=32&height=32&method=crop "
channel4 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/ { uri } { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel4 . code , 200 )
params = " ?width=32&height=32&method=crop "
channel5 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/ { uri } { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel5 . code , 404 )
# Inject a piece of remote media.
file_id = " abcdefg12345 "
file_info = FileInfo ( server_name = " lonelyIsland " , file_id = file_id )
media_storage = self . hs . get_media_repository ( ) . media_storage
ctx = media_storage . store_into_file ( file_info )
( f , fname ) = self . get_success ( ctx . __aenter__ ( ) )
f . write ( SMALL_PNG )
self . get_success ( ctx . __aexit__ ( None , None , None ) )
# we write the authenticated status when storing media, so this should pick up
# config and authenticate the media
self . get_success (
self . store . store_cached_remote_media (
origin = " lonelyIsland " ,
media_id = " 52 " ,
media_type = " image/png " ,
media_length = 1 ,
time_now_ms = self . clock . time_msec ( ) ,
upload_name = " remote_test.png " ,
filesystem_id = file_id ,
# ensure we have thumbnails for the non-dynamic code path
if self . extra_config == { " dynamic_thumbnails " : False } :
self . get_success (
self . repo . _generate_thumbnails (
" lonelyIsland " , " 52 " , file_id , " image/png "
channel6 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" _matrix/client/v1/media/download/lonelyIsland/52 " ,
access_token = self . tok ,
shorthand = False ,
self . assertEqual ( channel6 . code , 200 )
channel7 = self . make_request (
" GET " , f " _matrix/media/v3/download/ { uri } " , shorthand = False
self . assertEqual ( channel7 . code , 404 )
params = " ?width=32&height=32&method=crop "
channel8 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/client/v1/media/thumbnail/lonelyIsland/52 { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel8 . code , 200 )
channel9 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
f " /_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/lonelyIsland/52 { params } " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel9 . code , 404 )
# Inject a piece of local media that isn't authenticated
file_id = " abcdefg123456 "
file_info = FileInfo ( None , file_id = file_id )
ctx = media_storage . store_into_file ( file_info )
( f , fname ) = self . get_success ( ctx . __aenter__ ( ) )
f . write ( SMALL_PNG )
self . get_success ( ctx . __aexit__ ( None , None , None ) )
self . get_success (
self . store . db_pool . simple_insert (
" local_media_repository " ,
" media_id " : " abcdefg123456 " ,
" media_type " : " image/png " ,
" created_ts " : self . clock . time_msec ( ) ,
" upload_name " : " test_local " ,
" media_length " : 1 ,
" user_id " : " someone " ,
" url_cache " : None ,
" authenticated " : False ,
} ,
desc = " store_local_media " ,
# check that unauthenticated media is still available over both endpoints
channel9 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/client/v1/media/download/test/abcdefg123456 " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel9 . code , 200 )
channel10 = self . make_request (
" GET " ,
" /_matrix/media/r0/download/test/abcdefg123456 " ,
shorthand = False ,
access_token = self . tok ,
self . assertEqual ( channel10 . code , 200 )