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Jeremy Fleischman eee831aadb Do not render templates when decrypting neededForUsers secrets
This fixes https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/issues/659

In https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/pull/649, we started rendering
templates twice:

1. When rendering `neededForUsers` secrets (if there are any
   `neededForUsers` secrets).
2. When decrypting "regular" secrets.

This alone was weird and wrong, but didn't cause issues
for people until https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/pull/655, which
triggered https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/issues/659. The cause is not
super obvious:

1. When rendering `neededForUsers` secrets, we'd generate templates in
2. However, the `path` for these templates is in
   `/run/secrets/rendered`, which is not inside of the
   `/run/secrets-for-users` directory we're dealing with, so we'd
   generate a symlink from `/run/secrets/rendered/<foo>` to
   `/run/secrets-for-users/rendered/<foo>`, which required making
   the parent directory of the symlink (`/run/secrets/rendered/`).
3. This breaks sops-nix's assumption that `/run/secrets` either doesn't
   exist, or is a symlink, and you get the symptoms described in

Reproducing this in a test was straightforward: just expand our existing
template test to also have a `neededForUsers` secret.

Fixing this was also straightforward: don't render templates during the
`neededForUsers` phase (if we want to add support for `neededForUsers`
templates in the future, that would be straightforward to do, but I
opted not do that here).
2024-11-17 06:19:41 +00:00

58 lines
2.4 KiB

{ lib, options, config, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.sops;
secretsForUsers = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v.neededForUsers) cfg.secrets;
templatesForUsers = {}; # We do not currently support `neededForUsers` for templates.
manifestFor = pkgs.callPackage ../manifest-for.nix {
inherit cfg;
inherit (pkgs) writeTextFile;
withEnvironment = import ../with-environment.nix {
inherit cfg lib;
manifestForUsers = manifestFor "-for-users" secretsForUsers templatesForUsers {
secretsMountPoint = "/run/secrets-for-users.d";
symlinkPath = "/run/secrets-for-users";
sysusersEnabled = options.systemd ? sysusers && config.systemd.sysusers.enable;
useSystemdActivation = sysusersEnabled ||
(options.services ? userborn && config.services.userborn.enable);
systemd.services.sops-install-secrets-for-users = lib.mkIf (secretsForUsers != { } && useSystemdActivation) {
wantedBy = [ "systemd-sysusers.service" ];
before = [ "systemd-sysusers.service" ];
environment = cfg.environment;
unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = "no";
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
ExecStart = [ "${cfg.package}/bin/sops-install-secrets -ignore-passwd ${manifestForUsers}" ];
RemainAfterExit = true;
system.activationScripts = lib.mkIf (secretsForUsers != { } && !useSystemdActivation) {
setupSecretsForUsers = lib.stringAfter ([ "specialfs" ] ++ lib.optional cfg.age.generateKey "generate-age-key") ''
[ -e /run/current-system ] || echo setting up secrets for users...
${withEnvironment "${cfg.package}/bin/sops-install-secrets -ignore-passwd ${manifestForUsers}"}
'' // lib.optionalAttrs (config.system ? dryActivationScript) {
supportsDryActivation = true;
users.deps = [ "setupSecretsForUsers" ];
assertions = [{
assertion = (lib.filterAttrs (_: v: (v.uid != 0 && v.owner != "root") || (v.gid != 0 && v.group != "root")) secretsForUsers) == { };
message = "neededForUsers cannot be used for secrets that are not root-owned";
} {
assertion = secretsForUsers != { } && sysusersEnabled -> config.users.mutableUsers;
message = ''
systemd.sysusers.enable in combination with sops.secrets.<name>.neededForUsers can only work with config.users.mutableUsers enabled.
See https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/issues/475
system.build.sops-nix-users-manifest = manifestForUsers;