mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 16:17:47 +00:00
596 lines
20 KiB
596 lines
20 KiB
{ lib, testers }:
testAssets = ../pkgs/sops-install-secrets/test-assets;
userPasswordTest =
name: extraConfig:
testers.runNixOSTest {
inherit name;
nodes.machine =
{ config, lib, ... }:
imports = [
sops = {
age.keyFile = "/run/age-keys.txt";
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets.test_key.neededForUsers = true;
secrets."nested/test/file".owner = "example-user";
system.switch.enable = true;
users.users.example-user = lib.mkMerge [
(lib.mkIf (!config.systemd.sysusers.enable) {
isNormalUser = true;
hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.test_key.path;
(lib.mkIf config.systemd.sysusers.enable {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "users";
hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets.test_key.path;
testScript =
machine.succeed("getent shadow example-user | grep -q :test_value:") # password was set
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/nested/test/file | grep -q 'another value'") # regular secrets work...
user = machine.succeed("stat -c%U /run/secrets/nested/test/file").strip() # ...and are owned...
assert user == "example-user", f"Expected 'example-user', got '{user}'"
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets-for-users/test_key | grep -q 'test_value'") # the user password still exists
# BUG in nixos's overlayfs... systemd crashes on switch-to-configuration test
+ lib.optionalString (!(extraConfig ? system.etc.overlay.enable)) ''
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/nested/test/file | grep -q 'another value'") # the regular secrets still work after a switch
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets-for-users/test_key | grep -q 'test_value'") # the user password is still present after a switch
ssh-keys = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-ssh-keys";
nodes.server =
{ ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.hostKeys = [
type = "rsa";
bits = 4096;
path = testAssets + "/ssh-key";
sops.defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
sops.secrets.test_key = { };
testScript = ''
server.succeed("cat /run/secrets/test_key | grep -q test_value")
pruning = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-pruning";
nodes.machine =
{ lib, ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
sops = {
age.keyFile = "/run/age-keys.txt";
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets.test_key = { };
keepGenerations = lib.mkDefault 0;
# must run before sops sets up keys
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/age-keys.txt"} /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
specialisation.pruning.configuration.sops.keepGenerations = 10;
testScript = ''
# Force us to generation 100
machine.succeed("mkdir /run/secrets.d/{2..99} /run/secrets.d/non-numeric")
machine.succeed("ln -fsn /run/secrets.d/99 /run/secrets")
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/100")
# Ensure nothing is pruned, these are just random numbers
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/1")
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/90")
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/non-numeric")
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/specialisation/pruning/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
print(machine.succeed("ls -la /run/secrets.d/"))
# Ensure stuff was properly pruned.
# We are now at generation 101 so 92 must exist when we keep 10 generations
# and 91 must not.
machine.fail("test -d /run/secrets.d/91")
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/92")
machine.succeed("test -d /run/secrets.d/non-numeric")
age-keys = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-age-keys";
nodes.machine =
{ config, ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
sops = {
age.keyFile = "/run/age-keys.txt";
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets = {
test_key = { };
test_key_someuser_somegroup = {
uid = config.users.users."someuser".uid;
gid = config.users.groups."somegroup".gid;
key = "test_key";
test_key_someuser_root = {
uid = config.users.users."someuser".uid;
key = "test_key";
test_key_root_root = {
key = "test_key";
test_key_1001_1001 = {
uid = 1001;
gid = 1001;
key = "test_key";
users.users."someuser" = {
uid = 1000;
group = "somegroup";
isNormalUser = true;
users.groups."somegroup" = {
gid = 1000;
# must run before sops sets up keys
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/age-keys.txt"} /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
testScript = ''
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/test_key | grep -q test_value")
with subtest("test ownership"):
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%u /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_somegroup) = '1000' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%g /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_somegroup) = '1000' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%U /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_somegroup) = 'someuser' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%G /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_somegroup) = 'somegroup' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%u /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_root) = '1000' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%g /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_root) = '0' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%U /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_root) = 'someuser' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%G /run/secrets/test_key_someuser_root) = 'root' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%u /run/secrets/test_key_1001_1001) = '1001' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%g /run/secrets/test_key_1001_1001) = '1001' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%U /run/secrets/test_key_1001_1001) = 'UNKNOWN' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%G /run/secrets/test_key_1001_1001) = 'UNKNOWN' ]")
age-ssh-keys = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-age-ssh-keys";
nodes.machine = {
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.hostKeys = [
type = "ed25519";
path = testAssets + "/ssh-ed25519-key";
sops = {
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets.test_key = { };
# Generate a key and append it to make sure it appending doesn't break anything
age = {
keyFile = "/tmp/testkey";
generateKey = true;
testScript = ''
machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/test_key | grep -q test_value")
pgp-keys = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-pgp-keys";
nodes.server =
{ lib, config, ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
users.users.someuser = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "nogroup";
sops.gnupg.home = "/run/gpghome";
sops.defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
sops.secrets.test_key.owner = config.users.users.someuser.name;
sops.secrets."nested/test/file".owner = config.users.users.someuser.name;
sops.secrets.existing-file = {
key = "test_key";
path = "/run/existing-file";
# must run before sops
system.activationScripts.gnupghome = lib.stringAfter [ "etc" ] ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/gnupghome"} /run/gpghome
chmod -R 700 /run/gpghome
touch /run/existing-file
# Useful for debugging
#environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.gnupg pkgs.sops ];
#environment.variables = {
# GNUPGHOME = "/run/gpghome";
# SOPS_GPG_EXEC="${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg";
# SOPSFILE = "${testAssets + "/secrets.yaml"}";
testScript = ''
def assertEqual(exp: str, act: str) -> None:
if exp != act:
raise Exception(f"{exp!r} != {act!r}")
value = server.succeed("cat /run/secrets/test_key")
assertEqual("test_value", value)
server.succeed("runuser -u someuser -- cat /run/secrets/test_key >&2")
value = server.succeed("cat /run/secrets/nested/test/file")
assertEqual(value, "another value")
target = server.succeed("readlink -f /run/existing-file")
assertEqual("/run/secrets.d/1/existing-file", target.strip())
templates = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-templates";
nodes.machine =
{ config, ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
sops = {
age.keyFile = "/run/age-keys.txt";
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets.test_key = { };
# Verify that things work even with `neededForUsers` secrets. See
# <https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix/issues/659>.
secrets."nested/test/file".neededForUsers = true;
# must run before sops sets up keys
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/age-keys.txt"} /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
sops.templates.test_template = {
content = ''
This line is not modified.
The next value will be replaced by ${config.sops.placeholder.test_key}
This line is also not modified.
mode = "0400";
owner = "someuser";
group = "somegroup";
sops.templates.test_default = {
content = ''
Test value: ${config.sops.placeholder.test_key}
path = "/etc/externally/linked";
users.groups.somegroup = { };
users.users.someuser = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "somegroup";
testScript = ''
def assertEqual(exp: str, act: str) -> None:
if exp != act:
raise Exception(f"{exp!r} != {act!r}")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%U /run/secrets/rendered/test_template) = 'someuser' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%G /run/secrets/rendered/test_template) = 'somegroup' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%U /run/secrets/rendered/test_default) = 'root' ]")
machine.succeed("[ $(stat -c%G /run/secrets/rendered/test_default) = 'root' ]")
expected = """\
This line is not modified.
The next value will be replaced by test_value
This line is also not modified.
rendered = machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
expected_default = """\
Test value: test_value
rendered_default = machine.succeed("cat /run/secrets/rendered/test_default")
assertEqual(expected, rendered)
assertEqual(expected_default, rendered_default)
# Confirm that `test_default` was symlinked to the appropriate place.
realpath = machine.succeed("realpath /etc/externally/linked").strip()
assertEqual(realpath, "/run/secrets.d/1/rendered/test_default")
restart-and-reload = testers.runNixOSTest {
name = "sops-restart-and-reload";
nodes.machine =
{ config, ... }:
imports = [ ../modules/sops ];
sops = {
age.keyFile = "/run/age-keys.txt";
defaultSopsFile = testAssets + "/secrets.yaml";
secrets.test_key = {
restartUnits = [
reloadUnits = [ "reload-trigger.service" ];
templates.test_template = {
content = ''
this is a template with
a secret: ${config.sops.placeholder.test_key}
restartUnits = [
reloadUnits = [ "reload-trigger.service" ];
system.switch.enable = true;
# must run before sops sets up keys
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/age-keys.txt"} /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
systemd.services."restart-unit" = {
description = "Restart unit";
# not started on boot
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "/bin/sh -c 'echo ok > /restarted'";
systemd.services."reload-unit" = {
description = "Reload unit";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
reloadIfChanged = true;
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = "/bin/sh -c true";
ExecReload = "/bin/sh -c 'echo ok > /reloaded'";
systemd.services."reload-trigger" = {
description = "Reload trigger unit";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = "/bin/sh -c true";
ExecReload = "/bin/sh -c 'echo ok > /reloaded'";
testScript = ''
def assertOutput(output, *expected_lines):
expected_lines = list(expected_lines)
# Remove unrelated fluff that shows up in the output of `switch-to-configuration`.
prefix = "setting up /etc...\n"
if output.startswith(prefix):
output = output.removeprefix(prefix)
actual_lines = output.splitlines(keepends=False)
if actual_lines != expected_lines:
raise Exception(f"{actual_lines} != {expected_lines}")
machine.fail("test -f /restarted")
machine.fail("test -f /reloaded")
# Nothing is to be restarted after boot
machine.fail("ls /run/nixos/*-list")
# Nothing happens when the secret is not changed
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
machine.fail("test -f /restarted")
machine.fail("test -f /reloaded")
# Ensure the secret is changed
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/test_key")
# The secret is changed, now something should happen
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
# Ensure something happened
machine.succeed("test -f /restarted")
machine.succeed("test -f /reloaded")
# Cleanup the marker files.
machine.succeed("rm /restarted /reloaded")
# Ensure the template is changed
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
# The template is changed, now something should happen
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
# Ensure something happened
machine.succeed("test -f /restarted")
machine.succeed("test -f /reloaded")
# Cleanup the marker files.
machine.succeed("rm /restarted /reloaded")
with subtest("change detection"):
machine.succeed("rm /run/secrets/test_key")
machine.succeed("rm /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
out = machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
"adding secret: test_key",
"adding rendered secret: test_template",
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/test_key")
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
out = machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
"modifying secret: test_key",
"modifying rendered secret: test_template",
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/another_key")
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/rendered/another_template")
out = machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
"removing secret: another_key",
"removing rendered secret: another_template",
with subtest("dry activation"):
machine.succeed("rm /run/secrets/test_key")
machine.succeed("rm /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/another_key")
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/rendered/another_template")
out = machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration dry-activate")
"would add secret: test_key",
"would remove secret: another_key",
"would add rendered secret: test_template",
"would remove rendered secret: another_template",
# Verify that we did not actually activate the new configuration.
machine.fail("test -f /run/secrets/test_key")
machine.fail("test -f /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
machine.succeed("test -f /run/secrets/another_key")
machine.succeed("test -f /run/secrets/rendered/another_template")
# Now actually activate and sanity check the resulting secrets.
machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
machine.succeed("test -f /run/secrets/test_key")
machine.succeed("test -f /run/secrets/rendered/test_template")
machine.fail("test -f /run/secrets/another_key")
machine.fail("test -f /run/secrets/rendered/another_template")
# Remove the restarted/reloaded indicators so we can confirm a
# dry-activate doesn't trigger systemd units.
machine.succeed("rm /restarted /reloaded")
machine.succeed(": > /run/secrets/test_key")
out = machine.succeed("/run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration dry-activate")
"would modify secret: test_key",
machine.succeed("[ $(cat /run/secrets/test_key | wc -c) = 0 ]")
machine.fail("test -f /restarted") # not done in dry mode
machine.fail("test -f /reloaded") # not done in dry mode
user-passwords = userPasswordTest "sops-user-passwords" {
# must run before sops sets up keys
boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = ''
cp -r ${testAssets + "/age-keys.txt"} /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
// lib.optionalAttrs (lib.versionAtLeast (lib.versions.majorMinor lib.version) "24.05") {
user-passwords-sysusers = userPasswordTest "sops-user-passwords-sysusers" (
{ pkgs, ... }:
systemd.sysusers.enable = true;
users.mutableUsers = true;
system.etc.overlay.enable = true;
boot.initrd.systemd.enable = true;
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
# must run before sops sets up keys
systemd.services."sops-install-secrets-for-users".preStart = ''
printf '${builtins.readFile (testAssets + "/age-keys.txt")}' > /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt
// lib.optionalAttrs (lib.versionAtLeast (lib.versions.majorMinor lib.version) "24.11") {
user-passwords-userborn = userPasswordTest "sops-user-passwords-userborn" (
{ pkgs, ... }:
services.userborn.enable = true;
users.mutableUsers = false;
system.etc.overlay.enable = true;
boot.initrd.systemd.enable = true;
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
# must run before sops sets up keys
systemd.services."sops-install-secrets-for-users".preStart = ''
printf '${builtins.readFile (testAssets + "/age-keys.txt")}' > /run/age-keys.txt
chmod -R 700 /run/age-keys.txt