{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.sops;
users = config.users.users;
sops-install-secrets = (pkgs.callPackage ../.. {}).sops-install-secrets;
regularSecrets = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: !v.neededForUsers) cfg.secrets;
secretsForUsers = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v.neededForUsers) cfg.secrets;
secretType = types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
config = {
sopsFile = lib.mkOptionDefault cfg.defaultSopsFile;
sopsFileHash = mkOptionDefault (optionalString cfg.validateSopsFiles "${builtins.hashFile "sha256" config.sopsFile}");
options = {
name = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = config._module.args.name;
description = ''
Name of the file used in /run/secrets
key = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = config._module.args.name;
description = ''
Key used to lookup in the sops file.
No tested data structures are supported right now.
This option is ignored if format is binary.
path = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = if config.neededForUsers then "/run/secrets-for-users/${config.name}" else "/run/secrets/${config.name}";
defaultText = "/run/secrets-for-users/$name when neededForUsers is set, /run/secrets/$name when otherwise.";
description = ''
Path where secrets are symlinked to.
If the default is kept no symlink is created.
format = mkOption {
type = types.enum ["yaml" "json" "binary"];
default = cfg.defaultSopsFormat;
description = ''
File format used to decrypt the sops secret.
Binary files are written to the target file as is.
mode = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "0400";
description = ''
Permissions mode of the in octal.
owner = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "root";
description = ''
User of the file.
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = users.${config.owner}.group;
description = ''
Group of the file.
sopsFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
defaultText = "\${config.sops.defaultSopsFile}";
description = ''
Sops file the secret is loaded from.
sopsFileHash = mkOption {
type = types.str;
readOnly = true;
description = ''
Hash of the sops file, useful in .
restartUnits = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [ ];
example = [ "sshd.service" ];
description = ''
Names of units that should be restarted when this secret changes.
This works the same way as .
neededForUsers = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enabling this option causes the secret to be decrypted before users and groups are created.
This can be used to retrieve user's passwords from sops-nix.
Setting this option moves the secret to /run/secrets-for-users and disallows setting owner and group to anything else than root.
manifestFor = suffix: secrets: extraJson: pkgs.writeTextFile {
name = "manifest${suffix}.json";
text = builtins.toJSON ({
secrets = builtins.attrValues secrets;
# Does this need to be configurable?
secretsMountPoint = "/run/secrets.d";
symlinkPath = "/run/secrets";
gnupgHome = cfg.gnupg.home;
sshKeyPaths = cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths;
ageKeyFile = cfg.age.keyFile;
ageSshKeyPaths = cfg.age.sshKeyPaths;
logging = {
keyImport = builtins.elem "keyImport" cfg.log;
secretChanges = builtins.elem "secretChanges" cfg.log;
} // extraJson);
checkPhase = ''
${sops-install-secrets}/bin/sops-install-secrets -check-mode=${if cfg.validateSopsFiles then "sopsfile" else "manifest"} "$out"
manifest = manifestFor "" regularSecrets {};
manifestForUsers = manifestFor "-for-users" secretsForUsers {
secretsMountPoint = "/run/secrets.d/users";
symlinkPath = "/run/secrets-for-users";
in {
options.sops = {
secrets = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf secretType;
default = {};
description = ''
Path where the latest secrets are mounted to.
defaultSopsFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = ''
Default sops file used for all secrets.
defaultSopsFormat = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "yaml";
description = ''
Default sops format used for all secrets.
validateSopsFiles = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Check all sops files at evaluation time.
This requires sops files to be added to the nix store.
log = mkOption {
type = types.listOf (types.enum [ "keyImport" "secretChanges" ]);
default = [ "keyImport" "secretChanges" ];
description = "What to log";
age = {
keyFile = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = null;
example = "/var/lib/sops-nix/key.txt";
description = ''
Path to age key file used for sops decryption.
generateKey = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether or not to generate the age key. If this
option is set to false, the key must already be
present at the specified location.
sshKeyPaths = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.path;
default = if config.services.openssh.enable then map (e: e.path) (lib.filter (e: e.type == "ed25519") config.services.openssh.hostKeys) else [];
description = ''
Paths to ssh keys added as age keys during sops description.
gnupg = {
home = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
example = "/root/.gnupg";
description = ''
Path to gnupg database directory containing the key for decrypting the sops file.
sshKeyPaths = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.path;
default = if config.services.openssh.enable then
map (e: e.path) (lib.filter (e: e.type == "rsa") config.services.openssh.hostKeys)
else [];
description = ''
Path to ssh keys added as GPG keys during sops description.
This option must be explicitly unset if config.sops.gnupg.sshKeyPaths is set.
imports = [
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "sops" "gnupgHome" ] [ "sops" "gnupg" "home" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "sops" "sshKeyPaths" ] [ "sops" "gnupg" "sshKeyPaths" ])
config = mkIf (cfg.secrets != {}) {
assertions = [{
assertion = cfg.gnupg.home != null || cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths != [] || cfg.age.keyFile != null || cfg.age.sshKeyPaths != [];
message = "No key source configurated for sops";
} {
assertion = !(cfg.gnupg.home != null && cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths != []);
message = "Exactly one of sops.gnupg.home and sops.gnupg.sshKeyPaths must be set";
} {
assertion = (filterAttrs (_: v: v.owner != "root" || v.group != "root") secretsForUsers) == {};
message = "neededForUsers cannot be used for secrets that are not root-owned";
}] ++ optionals cfg.validateSopsFiles (
concatLists (mapAttrsToList (name: secret: [{
assertion = builtins.pathExists secret.sopsFile;
message = "Cannot find path '${secret.sopsFile}' set in sops.secrets.${strings.escapeNixIdentifier name}.sopsFile";
} {
assertion =
builtins.isPath secret.sopsFile ||
(builtins.isString secret.sopsFile && hasPrefix builtins.storeDir secret.sopsFile);
message = "'${secret.sopsFile}' is not in the Nix store. Either add it to the Nix store or set sops.validateSopsFiles to false";
}]) cfg.secrets)
system.activationScripts = {
setupSecretsForUsers = mkIf (secretsForUsers != {}) (stringAfter ([ "specialfs" ] ++ optional cfg.age.generateKey "generate-age-key") ''
[ -e /run/current-system ] || echo setting up secrets for users...
${optionalString (cfg.gnupg.home != null) "SOPS_GPG_EXEC=${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg"} ${sops-install-secrets}/bin/sops-install-secrets -ignore-passwd ${manifestForUsers}
'' // lib.optionalAttrs (config.system ? dryActivationScript) {
supportsDryActivation = true;
users = mkIf (secretsForUsers != {}) {
deps = [ "setupSecretsForUsers" ];
setupSecrets = mkIf (regularSecrets != {}) (stringAfter ([ "specialfs" "users" "groups" ] ++ optional cfg.age.generateKey "generate-age-key") ''
[ -e /run/current-system ] || echo setting up secrets...
${optionalString (cfg.gnupg.home != null) "SOPS_GPG_EXEC=${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg"} ${sops-install-secrets}/bin/sops-install-secrets ${manifest}
'' // lib.optionalAttrs (config.system ? dryActivationScript) {
supportsDryActivation = true;
generate-age-key = mkIf (cfg.age.generateKey) (stringAfter [] ''
if [[ ! -f '${cfg.age.keyFile}' ]]; then
echo generating machine-specific age key...
mkdir -p $(dirname ${cfg.age.keyFile})
# age-keygen sets 0600 by default, no need to chmod.
${pkgs.age}/bin/age-keygen -o ${cfg.age.keyFile}