diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index f3fa146..8ebb37d 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
homeManagerModules.sops = ./modules/home-manager/sops.nix;
homeManagerModule = self.homeManagerModules.sops;
+ darwinModules = {
+ sops = ./modules/nix-darwin;
+ default = self.darwinModules.sops;
+ };
packages = forAllSystems (system:
import ./default.nix {
pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
diff --git a/modules/nix-darwin/default.nix b/modules/nix-darwin/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50dec02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nix-darwin/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ cfg = config.sops;
+ sops-install-secrets = cfg.package;
+ manifestFor = pkgs.callPackage ./manifest-for.nix {
+ inherit cfg;
+ inherit (pkgs) writeTextFile;
+ };
+ manifest = manifestFor "" regularSecrets {};
+ pathNotInStore = lib.mkOptionType {
+ name = "pathNotInStore";
+ description = "path not in the Nix store";
+ descriptionClass = "noun";
+ check = x: !lib.path.hasStorePathPrefix (/. + x);
+ merge = lib.mergeEqualOption;
+ };
+ regularSecrets = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: !v.neededForUsers) cfg.secrets;
+ withEnvironment = import ./with-environment.nix {
+ inherit cfg lib;
+ };
+ secretType = lib.types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
+ config = {
+ sopsFile = lib.mkOptionDefault cfg.defaultSopsFile;
+ sopsFileHash = lib.mkOptionDefault (lib.optionalString cfg.validateSopsFiles "${builtins.hashFile "sha256" config.sopsFile}");
+ };
+ options = {
+ name = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = config._module.args.name;
+ description = ''
+ Name of the file used in /run/secrets
+ '';
+ };
+ key = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = config._module.args.name;
+ description = ''
+ Key used to lookup in the sops file.
+ No tested data structures are supported right now.
+ This option is ignored if format is binary.
+ '';
+ };
+ path = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = if config.neededForUsers then "/run/secrets-for-users/${config.name}" else "/run/secrets/${config.name}";
+ defaultText = "/run/secrets-for-users/$name when neededForUsers is set, /run/secrets/$name when otherwise.";
+ description = ''
+ Path where secrets are symlinked to.
+ If the default is kept no symlink is created.
+ '';
+ };
+ format = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.enum ["yaml" "json" "binary" "dotenv" "ini"];
+ default = cfg.defaultSopsFormat;
+ description = ''
+ File format used to decrypt the sops secret.
+ Binary files are written to the target file as is.
+ '';
+ };
+ mode = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = "0400";
+ description = ''
+ Permissions mode of the in octal.
+ '';
+ };
+ owner = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
+ default = "root";
+ description = ''
+ User of the file. Can only be set if uid is 0.
+ '';
+ };
+ uid = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; nullOr int;
+ default = 0;
+ description = ''
+ UID of the file, only applied when owner is null. The UID will be applied even if the corresponding user doesn't exist.
+ '';
+ };
+ group = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
+ default = "staff";
+ defaultText = "staff";
+ description = ''
+ Group of the file. Can only be set if gid is 0.
+ '';
+ };
+ gid = lib.mkOption {
+ type = with lib.types; nullOr int;
+ default = 0;
+ description = ''
+ GID of the file, only applied when group is null. The GID will be applied even if the corresponding group doesn't exist.
+ '';
+ };
+ sopsFile = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.path;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression "\${config.sops.defaultSopsFile}";
+ description = ''
+ Sops file the secret is loaded from.
+ '';
+ };
+ sopsFileHash = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ readOnly = true;
+ description = ''
+ Hash of the sops file.
+ '';
+ };
+ neededForUsers = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ **Warning** This option doesn't have any effect on macOS, as nix-darwin cannot manage user passwords on macOS.
+ This can be used to retrieve user's passwords from sops-nix.
+ Setting this option moves the secret to /run/secrets-for-users and disallows setting owner and group to anything else than root.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ darwinSSHKeys = [{
+ type = "rsa";
+ path = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
+ } {
+ type = "ed25519";
+ path = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key";
+ }];
+ escapedKeyFile = lib.escapeShellArg cfg.age.keyFile;
+ # Skip ssh keys deployed with sops to avoid a catch 22
+ defaultImportKeys = algo:
+ map (e: e.path) (lib.filter (e: e.type == algo && !(lib.hasPrefix "/run/secrets" e.path)) darwinSSHKeys);
+ installScript = ''
+ ${if cfg.age.generateKey then ''
+ if [[ ! -f ${escapedKeyFile} ]]; then
+ echo generating machine-specific age key...
+ mkdir -p $(dirname ${escapedKeyFile})
+ # age-keygen sets 0600 by default, no need to chmod.
+ ${pkgs.age}/bin/age-keygen -o ${escapedKeyFile}
+ fi
+ '' else ""}
+ echo "Setting up secrets..."
+ ${withEnvironment "${sops-install-secrets}/bin/sops-install-secrets ${manifest}"}
+ '';
+in {
+ options.sops = {
+ secrets = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.attrsOf secretType;
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ Path where the latest secrets are mounted to.
+ '';
+ };
+ defaultSopsFile = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.path;
+ description = ''
+ Default sops file used for all secrets.
+ '';
+ };
+ defaultSopsFormat = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = "yaml";
+ description = ''
+ Default sops format used for all secrets.
+ '';
+ };
+ validateSopsFiles = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Check all sops files at evaluation time.
+ This requires sops files to be added to the nix store.
+ '';
+ };
+ keepGenerations = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.ints.unsigned;
+ default = 1;
+ description = ''
+ Number of secrets generations to keep. Setting this to 0 disables pruning.
+ '';
+ };
+ log = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.enum [ "keyImport" "secretChanges" ]);
+ default = [ "keyImport" "secretChanges" ];
+ description = "What to log";
+ };
+ environment = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.either lib.types.str lib.types.path);
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ Environment variables to set before calling sops-install-secrets.
+ The values are placed in single quotes and not escaped any further to
+ allow usage of command substitutions for more flexibility. To properly quote
+ strings with quotes use lib.escapeShellArg.
+ This will be evaluated twice when using secrets that use neededForUsers but
+ in a subshell each time so the environment variables don't collide.
+ '';
+ };
+ package = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.package;
+ default = (pkgs.callPackage ../.. {}).sops-install-secrets;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression "(pkgs.callPackage ../.. {}).sops-install-secrets";
+ description = ''
+ sops-install-secrets package to use.
+ '';
+ };
+ validationPackage = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.package;
+ default =
+ if pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform
+ then sops-install-secrets
+ else (pkgs.pkgsBuildHost.callPackage ../.. {}).sops-install-secrets;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression "config.sops.package";
+ description = ''
+ sops-install-secrets package to use when validating configuration.
+ Defaults to sops.package if building natively, and a native version of sops-install-secrets if cross compiling.
+ '';
+ };
+ age = {
+ keyFile = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.nullOr pathNotInStore;
+ default = null;
+ example = "/var/lib/sops-nix/key.txt";
+ description = ''
+ Path to age key file used for sops decryption.
+ '';
+ };
+ generateKey = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether or not to generate the age key. If this
+ option is set to false, the key must already be
+ present at the specified location.
+ '';
+ };
+ sshKeyPaths = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.path;
+ default = defaultImportKeys "ed25519";
+ defaultText = lib.literalMD "The ed25519 keys from {option}`config.services.openssh.hostKeys`";
+ description = ''
+ Paths to ssh keys added as age keys during sops description.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ gnupg = {
+ home = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = "/root/.gnupg";
+ description = ''
+ Path to gnupg database directory containing the key for decrypting the sops file.
+ '';
+ };
+ sshKeyPaths = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.path;
+ default = defaultImportKeys "rsa";
+ defaultText = lib.literalMD "The rsa keys from {option}`config.services.openssh.hostKeys`";
+ description = ''
+ Path to ssh keys added as GPG keys during sops description.
+ This option must be explicitly unset if config.sops.gnupg.home is set.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ imports = [
+ ./templates
+ ./secrets-for-users
+ ];
+ config = lib.mkMerge [
+ (lib.mkIf (cfg.secrets != {}) {
+ assertions = [{
+ assertion = cfg.gnupg.home != null || cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths != [] || cfg.age.keyFile != null || cfg.age.sshKeyPaths != [];
+ message = "No key source configured for sops. Either set services.openssh.enable or set sops.age.keyFile or sops.gnupg.home";
+ } {
+ assertion = !(cfg.gnupg.home != null && cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths != []);
+ message = "Exactly one of sops.gnupg.home and sops.gnupg.sshKeyPaths must be set";
+ }] ++ lib.optionals cfg.validateSopsFiles (
+ lib.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: secret: [{
+ assertion = builtins.pathExists secret.sopsFile;
+ message = "Cannot find path '${secret.sopsFile}' set in sops.secrets.${lib.strings.escapeNixIdentifier name}.sopsFile";
+ } {
+ assertion =
+ builtins.isPath secret.sopsFile ||
+ (builtins.isString secret.sopsFile && lib.hasPrefix builtins.storeDir secret.sopsFile);
+ message = "'${secret.sopsFile}' is not in the Nix store. Either add it to the Nix store or set sops.validateSopsFiles to false";
+ } {
+ assertion = secret.uid != null && secret.uid != 0 -> secret.owner == null;
+ message = "In ${secret.name} exactly one of sops.owner and sops.uid must be set";
+ } {
+ assertion = secret.gid != null && secret.gid != 0 -> secret.group == null;
+ message = "In ${secret.name} exactly one of sops.group and sops.gid must be set";
+ }]) cfg.secrets)
+ );
+ system.build.sops-nix-manifest = manifest;
+ system.activationScripts = {
+ postActivation.text = lib.mkAfter installScript;
+ };
+ launchd.daemons.sops-install-secrets = {
+ command = installScript;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ RunAtLoad = true;
+ KeepAlive = false;
+ };
+ };
+ })
+ {
+ sops.environment.SOPS_GPG_EXEC = lib.mkIf (cfg.gnupg.home != null || cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths != []) (lib.mkDefault "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg");
+ }
+ ];
diff --git a/modules/nix-darwin/manifest-for.nix b/modules/nix-darwin/manifest-for.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ab2ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nix-darwin/manifest-for.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{ writeTextFile, cfg }:
+suffix: secrets: extraJson:
+writeTextFile {
+ name = "manifest${suffix}.json";
+ text = builtins.toJSON ({
+ secrets = builtins.attrValues secrets;
+ # Does this need to be configurable?
+ secretsMountPoint = "/run/secrets.d";
+ symlinkPath = "/run/secrets";
+ keepGenerations = cfg.keepGenerations;
+ gnupgHome = cfg.gnupg.home;
+ sshKeyPaths = cfg.gnupg.sshKeyPaths;
+ ageKeyFile = cfg.age.keyFile;
+ ageSshKeyPaths = cfg.age.sshKeyPaths;
+ useTmpfs = false;
+ templates = cfg.templates;
+ placeholderBySecretName = cfg.placeholder;
+ userMode = false;
+ logging = {
+ keyImport = builtins.elem "keyImport" cfg.log;
+ secretChanges = builtins.elem "secretChanges" cfg.log;
+ };
+ } // extraJson);
+ checkPhase = ''
+ ${cfg.validationPackage}/bin/sops-install-secrets -check-mode=${if cfg.validateSopsFiles then "sopsfile" else "manifest"} "$out"
+ '';
diff --git a/modules/nix-darwin/secrets-for-users/default.nix b/modules/nix-darwin/secrets-for-users/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2c830a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nix-darwin/secrets-for-users/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+{ lib, options, config, pkgs, ... }:
+ cfg = config.sops;
+ secretsForUsers = lib.filterAttrs (_: v: v.neededForUsers) cfg.secrets;
+ manifestFor = pkgs.callPackage ../manifest-for.nix {
+ inherit cfg;
+ inherit (pkgs) writeTextFile;
+ };
+ withEnvironment = import ../with-environment.nix {
+ inherit cfg lib;
+ };
+ manifestForUsers = manifestFor "-for-users" secretsForUsers {
+ secretsMountPoint = "/run/secrets-for-users.d";
+ symlinkPath = "/run/secrets-for-users";
+ };
+ installScript = ''
+ echo "Setting up secrets for users"
+ ${withEnvironment "${cfg.package}/bin/sops-install-secrets -ignore-passwd ${manifestForUsers}"}
+ '';
+ assertions = [{
+ assertion = (lib.filterAttrs (_: v: (v.uid != 0 && v.owner != "root") || (v.gid != 0 && v.group != "root")) secretsForUsers) == { };
+ message = "neededForUsers cannot be used for secrets that are not root-owned";
+ }];
+ system.activationScripts = lib.mkIf (secretsForUsers != []) {
+ postActivation.text = lib.mkAfter installScript;
+ };
+ launchd.daemons.sops-install-secrets-for-users = lib.mkIf (secretsForUsers != []) {
+ command = installScript;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ RunAtLoad = true;
+ KeepAlive = false;
+ };
+ };
+ system.build.sops-nix-users-manifest = manifestForUsers;
diff --git a/modules/nix-darwin/templates/default.nix b/modules/nix-darwin/templates/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb1e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nix-darwin/templates/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, options, ... }:
+ inherit (lib)
+ mkOption
+ mkDefault
+ mapAttrs
+ types
+ ;
+in {
+ options.sops = {
+ templates = mkOption {
+ description = "Templates for secret files";
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule ({ config, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = types.singleLineStr;
+ default = config._module.args.name;
+ description = ''
+ Name of the file used in /run/secrets/rendered
+ '';
+ };
+ path = mkOption {
+ description = "Path where the rendered file will be placed";
+ type = types.singleLineStr;
+ default = "/run/secrets/rendered/${config.name}";
+ };
+ content = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ description = ''
+ Content of the file
+ '';
+ };
+ mode = mkOption {
+ type = types.singleLineStr;
+ default = "0400";
+ description = ''
+ Permissions mode of the rendered secret file in octal.
+ '';
+ };
+ owner = mkOption {
+ type = types.singleLineStr;
+ default = "root";
+ description = ''
+ User of the file.
+ '';
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = types.singleLineStr;
+ default = "staff";
+ defaultText = "staff";
+ description = ''
+ Group of the file. Default on darwin in staff.
+ '';
+ };
+ file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = pkgs.writeText config.name config.content;
+ defaultText = lib.literalExpression ''pkgs.writeText config.name config.content'';
+ example = "./configuration-template.conf";
+ description = ''
+ File used as the template. When this value is specified, `sops.templates..content` is ignored.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ }));
+ default = { };
+ };
+ placeholder = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.mkOptionType {
+ name = "coercibleToString";
+ description = "value that can be coerced to string";
+ check = lib.strings.isConvertibleWithToString;
+ merge = lib.mergeEqualOption;
+ });
+ default = { };
+ visible = false;
+ };
+ };
+ config = lib.optionalAttrs (options ? sops.secrets)
+ (lib.mkIf (config.sops.templates != { }) {
+ sops.placeholder = mapAttrs
+ (name: _: mkDefault "")
+ config.sops.secrets;
+ });
diff --git a/modules/nix-darwin/with-environment.nix b/modules/nix-darwin/with-environment.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f252441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nix-darwin/with-environment.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{ cfg, lib }:
+if cfg.environment == {} then
+ sopsCall
+else ''
+ (
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2030,SC2031
+ ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: " export ${n}='${v}'") cfg.environment)}
+ ${sopsCall}
+ )
diff --git a/pkgs/sops-install-secrets/darwin.go b/pkgs/sops-install-secrets/darwin.go
index b56064c..05cbf75 100644
--- a/pkgs/sops-install-secrets/darwin.go
+++ b/pkgs/sops-install-secrets/darwin.go
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package main
import (
- "log"
@@ -71,21 +70,16 @@ func MountSecretFs(mountpoint string, keysGID int, _useTmpfs bool, userMode bool
size := mb * 1024 * 1024 / 512 // size in sectors a 512 bytes
cmd := exec.Command("hdiutil", "attach", "-nomount", fmt.Sprintf("ram://%d", int(size)))
out, err := cmd.Output() // /dev/diskN
- log.Printf("%q\n", string(out))
diskpath := strings.TrimRight(string(out[:]), " \t\n")
- log.Printf("%q\n", diskpath)
- log.Printf("hdiutil attach ret %v. out: %s", err, diskpath)
// format as hfs
out, err = exec.Command("newfs_hfs", "-s", diskpath).Output()
- log.Printf("newfs_hfs ret %v. out: %s", err, out)
// "posix" mount takes `struct hfs_mount_args` which we dont have bindings for at hand.
// See https://stackoverflow.com/a/49048846/4108673
// err = unix.Mount("hfs", mountpoint, unix.MNT_NOEXEC|unix.MNT_NODEV, mount_args)
// Instead we call:
out, err = exec.Command("mount", "-t", "hfs", "-o", "nobrowse,nodev,nosuid,-m=0751", diskpath, mountpoint).Output()
- log.Printf("mount ret %v. out: %s", err, out)
// There is no documented way to check for memfs mountpoint. Thus we place a file.
path := mountpoint + "/sops-nix-secretfs"