Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/policy-reporter.git synced 2024-12-14 11:57:32 +00:00
Frank Jogeleit fe579fc8e9
fix(helm): Fix label rendering in the monitoring subchart (#619)
Signed-off-by: Frank Jogeleit <frank.jogeleit@web.de>
2024-12-03 12:24:10 +00:00
configs Update ui.tmpl (#513) 2024-10-15 14:59:18 +02:00
templates fix(helm): Fix label rendering in the monitoring subchart (#619) 2024-12-03 12:24:10 +00:00
Chart.yaml fix(helm): Fix label rendering in the monitoring subchart (#619) 2024-12-03 12:24:10 +00:00
README.md fix(helm): Fix label rendering in the monitoring subchart (#619) 2024-12-03 12:24:10 +00:00
README.md.gotmpl Policy Reporter v3 (#482) 2024-10-07 11:10:46 +02:00
values.yaml Prepare Release v3.0.0-rc.12 (#612) 2024-12-02 11:20:05 +00:00


Policy Reporter watches for PolicyReport Resources. It creates Prometheus Metrics and can send rule validation events to different targets like Loki, Elasticsearch, Slack or Discord

Version: 3.0.0-rc.13 Type: application AppVersion: 3.0.0-rc.7


You can find detailed Information and Screens about Features and Configurations in the Documentation.

Installation with Helm v3

Installation via Helm Repository

Add the Helm repository

helm repo add policy-reporter https://kyverno.github.io/policy-reporter
helm repo update

Basic Installation

The basic installation provides an Prometheus Metrics Endpoint and different REST APIs, for more details have a look at the Documentation.

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter -n policy-reporter --create-namespace

Policy Reporter UI

You can use the Policy Reporter as standalone Application along with the optional UI SubChart.

Installation with Policy Reporter UI and Kyverno Plugin enabled

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --set plugin.kyverno.enabled=true --set ui.enabled=true -n policy-reporter --create-namespace
kubectl port-forward service/policy-reporter-ui 8082:8080 -n policy-reporter

Open http://localhost:8082/ in your browser.


Key Type Default Description
nameOverride string "" Override the chart name used for all resources
fullnameOverride string "policy-reporter" Overwrite the fullname of all resources
namespaceOverride string "" Overwrite the namespace of all resources
image.registry string "ghcr.io" Image registry
image.repository string "kyverno/policy-reporter" Image repository
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pullPolicy
image.tag string nil Image tag
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pullSecrets
priorityClassName string "" Deployment priorityClassName
replicaCount int 1 Deployment replica count
revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of revisions to keep
updateStrategy object {} Deployment strategy
port object {"name":"http","number":8080} Container port
annotations object {} Key/value pairs that are attached to all resources.
rbac.enabled bool true Create RBAC resources
serviceAccount.create bool true Create ServiceAccount
serviceAccount.automount bool true Enable ServiceAccount automount
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the ServiceAccount
serviceAccount.name string "" The ServiceAccount name
service.enabled bool true Create Service
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
service.port int 8080 Service port
service.annotations object {} Service annotations
service.labels object {} Service labels
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":1234} Security context for the pod
securityContext.runAsUser int 1234
securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
securityContext.privileged bool false
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
securityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault"
podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to add to each pod
podLabels object {} Additional labels to add to each pod
resources object {} Resource constraints
networkPolicy.enabled bool false Create NetworkPolicy
networkPolicy.egress list [{"ports":[{"port":6443,"protocol":"TCP"}],"to":null}] Egress rule to allowe Kubernetes API Server access
networkPolicy.ingress list []
ingress.enabled bool false Create Ingress This ingress exposes the policy-reporter core app.
ingress.className string "" Ingress className
ingress.labels object {} Labels for the Ingress
ingress.annotations object {} Annotations for the Ingress
ingress.hosts string nil Ingress host list
ingress.tls list [] Ingress tls list
logging.server bool false Enables server access logging
logging.encoding string "console" Log encoding possible encodings are console and json
logging.logLevel int 0 Log level default info
rest.enabled bool false Enables the REST API
metrics.enabled bool false Enables Prometheus Metrics
metrics.mode string "detailed" Metric Mode allowes to customize labels Allowed values: detailed, simple, custom
metrics.customLabels list [] List of used labels in custom mode Supported fields are: ["namespace", "rule", "policy", "report" // PolicyReport name, "kind" // resource kind, "name" // resource name, "status", "severity", "category", "source"]
metrics.filter object {} Filter results to reduce cardinality
profiling.enabled bool false Enable profiling with pprof
worker int 5 Amount of queue workers for PolicyReport resource processing
reportFilter object {} Filter PolicyReport resources to process
sourceConfig list [] Customize source specific logic like result ID generation
sourceFilters[0].selector.source string "kyverno" select PolicyReport by source
sourceFilters[0].uncontrolledOnly bool true Filter out PolicyReports of controlled Pods and Jobs, only works for PolicyReport with scope resource
sourceFilters[0].disableClusterReports bool false Filter out ClusterPolicyReports
sourceFilters[0].kinds object {"exclude":["ReplicaSet"]} Filter out PolicyReports based on the scope resource kind
global.labels object {} additional labels added on each resource
basicAuth.username string "" HTTP BasicAuth username
basicAuth.password string "" HTTP BasicAuth password
basicAuth.secretRef optional "" Secret reference to get username and/or password from
emailReports.clusterName optional "" - Displayed in the email report if configured
emailReports.titlePrefix string "Report" Title prefix in the email subject
emailReports.resources object {} Resource constraints for the created CronJobs
emailReports.smtp.secret optional "" Secret reference to provide the complete or partial SMTP configuration
emailReports.smtp.host string "" SMTP Server Host
emailReports.smtp.port int 465 SMTP Server Port
emailReports.smtp.username string "" SMTP Username
emailReports.smtp.password string "" SMTP Password
emailReports.smtp.from string "" Displayed from email address
emailReports.smtp.encryption string "" SMTP Encryption Default is none, supports ssl/tls and starttls
emailReports.smtp.skipTLS bool false Skip SMTP TLS verification
emailReports.smtp.certificate string "" SMTP Server Certificate file path
emailReports.summary.enabled bool false Enable Summary E-Mail reports
emailReports.summary.schedule string "0 8 * * *" CronJob schedule
emailReports.summary.activeDeadlineSeconds int 300 CronJob activeDeadlineSeconds
emailReports.summary.backoffLimit int 3 CronJob backoffLimit
emailReports.summary.ttlSecondsAfterFinished int 0 CronJob ttlSecondsAfterFinished
emailReports.summary.restartPolicy string "Never" CronJob restartPolicy
emailReports.summary.to list [] List of receiver email addresses
emailReports.summary.filter optional {} Report filter
emailReports.summary.channels optional [] Channels can be used to to send only a subset of namespaces / sources to dedicated email addresses
emailReports.violations.enabled bool false Enable Violation Summary E-Mail reports
emailReports.violations.schedule string "0 8 * * *" CronJob schedule
emailReports.violations.activeDeadlineSeconds int 300 CronJob activeDeadlineSeconds
emailReports.violations.backoffLimit int 3 CronJob backoffLimit
emailReports.violations.ttlSecondsAfterFinished int 0 CronJob ttlSecondsAfterFinished
emailReports.violations.restartPolicy string "Never" CronJob restartPolicy
emailReports.violations.to list [] List of receiver email addresses
emailReports.violations.filter optional {} Report filter
emailReports.violations.channels optional [] Channels can be used to to send only a subset of namespaces / sources to dedicated email addresses
existingTargetConfig.enabled bool false Use an already existing configuration
existingTargetConfig.name string "" Name of the secret with the config
existingTargetConfig.subPath string "" SubPath within the secret (defaults to config.yaml)
target.loki.host string "" Host Address
target.loki.path string "" Loki API, defaults to "/loki/api/v1/push"
target.loki.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.loki.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.loki.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.loki.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.loki.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.loki.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.loki.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.loki.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.loki.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.loki.username string "" HTTP BasicAuth username
target.loki.password string "" HTTP BasicAuth password
target.loki.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.loki.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.elasticsearch.host string "" Host address
target.elasticsearch.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.elasticsearch.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.elasticsearch.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.elasticsearch.index string "policy-reporter" Elasticsearch index (default: policy-reporter)
target.elasticsearch.rotation string "daily" Elasticsearch index rotation and index suffix Possible values: daily, monthly, annually, none (default: daily)
target.elasticsearch.typelessApi bool false Enables Elasticsearch typless API https://www.elastic.co/blog/moving-from-types-to-typeless-apis-in-elasticsearch-7-0 keeping as false for retrocompatibility.
target.elasticsearch.username string "" HTTP BasicAuth username
target.elasticsearch.password string "" HTTP BasicAuth password
target.elasticsearch.apiKey string "" Elasticsearch API Key for api key authentication
target.elasticsearch.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.elasticsearch.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.elasticsearch.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.elasticsearch.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.elasticsearch.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.elasticsearch.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.elasticsearch.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.elasticsearch.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.slack.webhook string "" Webhook Address
target.slack.channel string "" Slack Channel
target.slack.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.slack.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.slack.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.slack.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.slack.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.slack.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.slack.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.slack.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.discord.webhook string "" Webhook Address
target.discord.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.discord.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.discord.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.discord.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.discord.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.discord.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.discord.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.discord.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.discord.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.discord.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.discord.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.teams.webhook string "" Webhook Address
target.teams.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.teams.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.teams.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.teams.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.teams.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.teams.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.teams.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.teams.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.teams.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.teams.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.teams.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.webhook.webhook string "" Webhook Address
target.webhook.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.webhook.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.webhook.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.webhook.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.webhook.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.webhook.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.webhook.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.webhook.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.webhook.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.webhook.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.webhook.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.telegram.token string "" Telegram bot token
target.telegram.chatId string "" Telegram chat id
target.telegram.host optional "" Telegram proxy host
target.telegram.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.telegram.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.telegram.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.telegram.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.telegram.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.telegram.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.telegram.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.telegram.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.telegram.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.telegram.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.telegram.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.googleChat.webhook string "" Webhook Address
target.googleChat.certificate string "" Server Certificate file path Can be added under extraVolumes
target.googleChat.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS verification
target.googleChat.headers object {} Additional HTTP Headers
target.googleChat.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.googleChat.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.googleChat.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.googleChat.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.googleChat.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.googleChat.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.googleChat.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.googleChat.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.s3.accessKeyId optional "" S3 Access key
target.s3.secretAccessKey optional "" S3 SecretAccess key
target.s3.region optional "" S3 Storage region
target.s3.endpoint optional "" S3 Storage endpoint
target.s3.bucket required "" S3 Storage bucket name
target.s3.bucketKeyEnabled bool false S3 Storage to use an S3 Bucket Key for object encryption with SSE-KMS
target.s3.kmsKeyId string "" S3 Storage KMS Key ID for object encryption with SSE-KMS
target.s3.serverSideEncryption string "" S3 Storage server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3, AES256, aws:kms
target.s3.pathStyle bool false S3 Storage, force path style configuration
target.s3.prefix string "" Used prefix, keys will have format: s3:////YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.s+01:00.json
target.s3.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.s3.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.s3.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.s3.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.s3.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.s3.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.s3.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.s3.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.kinesis.accessKeyId optional "" Access key
target.kinesis.secretAccessKey optional "" SecretAccess key
target.kinesis.region optional "" Region
target.kinesis.endpoint optional "" Endpoint
target.kinesis.streamName required "" StreamName
target.kinesis.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.kinesis.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.kinesis.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.kinesis.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.kinesis.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.kinesis.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.kinesis.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.kinesis.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.securityHub.accessKeyId optional "" Access key
target.securityHub.secretAccessKey optional "" SecretAccess key
target.securityHub.region optional "" Region
target.securityHub.endpoint optional "" Endpoint
target.securityHub.accountId required "" AccountId
target.securityHub.productName optional "" Used product name, defaults to "Polilcy Reporter"
target.securityHub.companyName optional "" Used company name, defaults to "Kyverno"
target.securityHub.synchronize bool true Enable cleanup listener for SecurityHub
target.securityHub.delayInSeconds int 2 Delay between AWS GetFindings API calls, to avoid hitting the API RequestLimit
target.securityHub.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.securityHub.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.securityHub.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.securityHub.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.securityHub.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.securityHub.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.securityHub.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.securityHub.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
target.gcs.credentials optional "" GCS (Google Cloud Storage) Service Accout Credentials
target.gcs.bucket required "" GCS Bucket
target.gcs.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an already existing Secret
target.gcs.mountedSecret string "" Mounted secret path by Secrets Controller, secret should be in json format
target.gcs.minimumSeverity string "" Minimum severity: "" < info < low < medium < high < critical
target.gcs.sources list [] List of sources which should send
target.gcs.skipExistingOnStartup bool true Skip already existing PolicyReportResults on startup
target.gcs.customFields object {} Added as additional labels
target.gcs.filter object {} Filter Results which should send to this target Wildcars for namespaces and policies are supported, you can either define exclude or include values Filters are available for all targets except the UI
target.gcs.channels list [] List of channels to route results to different configurations
leaderElection.releaseOnCancel bool true
leaderElection.leaseDuration int 15
leaderElection.renewDeadline int 10
leaderElection.retryPeriod int 2
redis.enabled bool false Enables Redis as external result cache, uses in memory cache by default
redis.address string "" Redis host
redis.database int 0 Redis database
redis.prefix string "policy-reporter" Redis key prefix
redis.username optional "" Username
redis.password optional "" Password
database.type string "" Use an external Database, supported: mysql, postgres, mariadb
database.database string "" Database
database.username string "" Username
database.password string "" Password
database.host string "" Host Address
database.enableSSL bool false Enables SSL
database.dsn string "" Instead of configure the individual values you can also provide an DSN string example postgres: postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable example mysql: root:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/test?tls=false
database.secretRef string "" Read configuration from an existing Secret supported fields: username, password, host, dsn, database
database.mountedSecret string ""
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Configures the minimum available pods for policy-reporter disruptions. Cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Configures the maximum unavailable pods for policy-reporter disruptions. Cannot be used if minAvailable is set.
nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
affinity object {} Anti-affinity to disallow deploying client and master nodes on the same worker node
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology Spread Constraints to better spread pods
livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/ready","port":"http"}} Deployment livenessProbe for policy-reporter
readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/healthz","port":"http"}} Deployment readinessProbe for policy-reporter
extraVolumes.volumeMounts list [] Deployment volumeMounts
extraVolumes.volumes list [] Deployment values
sqliteVolume object {} If set the volume for sqlite is freely configurable below "- name: sqlite". If no value is set an emptyDir is used.
envVars list [] Allow additional env variables to be added
tmpVolume object {} Allow custom configuration of the /tmp volume
ui.enabled bool false Enable Policy Reporter UI
ui.image.registry string "ghcr.io" Image registry
ui.image.repository string "kyverno/policy-reporter-ui" Image repository
ui.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image PullPolicy
ui.image.tag string "2.0.0-rc.4" Image tag
ui.replicaCount int 1 Deployment replica count
ui.tempDir string "/tmp" Temporary Directory to persist session data for authentication
ui.logging.api bool false Enables external api request logging
ui.logging.server bool false Enables server access logging
ui.logging.encoding string "console" Log encoding possible encodings are console and json
ui.logging.logLevel int 0 Log level default info
ui.server.port int 8080 Application port
ui.server.cors bool true Enabled CORS header
ui.server.overwriteHost bool true Overwrites Request Host with Proxy Host and adds X-Forwarded-Host and X-Origin-Host headers
ui.openIDConnect.enabled bool false Enable openID Connect authentication
ui.openIDConnect.discoveryUrl string "" OpenID Connect Discovery URL
ui.openIDConnect.callbackUrl string "" OpenID Connect Callback URL
ui.openIDConnect.clientId string "" OpenID Connect ClientID
ui.openIDConnect.clientSecret string "" OpenID Connect ClientSecret
ui.openIDConnect.groupClaim string "" Optional Group Claim to map user groups to the profile groups can be used to define access control for clusters, boards and custom boards.
ui.openIDConnect.scopes list [] OpenID Connect allowed Scopes
ui.openIDConnect.secretRef string "" Provide OpenID Connect configuration via Secret supported keys: discoveryUrl, clientId, clientSecret
ui.oauth.enabled bool false Enable openID Connect authentication
ui.oauth.provider string "" OAuth2 Provider supported: amazon, gitlab, github, apple, google, yandex, azuread
ui.oauth.callbackUrl string "" OpenID Connect Callback URL
ui.oauth.clientId string "" OpenID Connect ClientID
ui.oauth.clientSecret string "" OpenID Connect ClientSecret
ui.oauth.scopes list [] OpenID Connect allowed Scopes
ui.oauth.secretRef string "" Provide OpenID Connect configuration via Secret supported keys: provider, clientId, clientSecret
ui.banner string "" optional banner text
ui.displayMode string "" DisplayMode dark/light/colorblind/colorblinddark uses the OS configured prefered color scheme as default
ui.customBoards list [] Additional customizable dashboards
ui.sources list [] source specific configurations
ui.name string "Default"
ui.clusters list [] Connected Policy Reporter APIs
ui.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for image verification policies, this will define the --imagePullSecrets argument
ui.serviceAccount.create bool true Create ServiceAccount
ui.serviceAccount.automount bool true Enable ServiceAccount automount
ui.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the ServiceAccount
ui.serviceAccount.name string "" The ServiceAccount name
ui.extraManifests list [] list of extra manifests
ui.sidecarContainers object {} Add sidecar containers to the UI deployment sidecarContainers: oauth-proxy: image: quay.io/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy:v7.6.0 args: - --upstream= - --http-address= - ... ports: - containerPort: 8081 name: oauth-proxy protocol: TCP resources: {}
ui.podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to add to each pod
ui.podLabels object {} Additional labels to add to each pod
ui.updateStrategy object {} Deployment update strategy. Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy
ui.revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of revisions to keep
ui.podSecurityContext object {"runAsGroup":1234,"runAsUser":1234} Security context for the pod
ui.envVars list [] Allow additional env variables to be added
ui.rbac.enabled bool true Create RBAC resources
ui.securityContext.runAsUser int 1234
ui.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
ui.securityContext.privileged bool false
ui.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
ui.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
ui.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
ui.securityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault"
ui.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type.
ui.service.port int 8080 Service port.
ui.service.annotations object {} Service annotations.
ui.service.labels object {} Service labels.
ui.service.additionalPorts list [] Additional service ports for e.g. Sidecars # - name: authenticated additionalPorts: - name: authenticated port: 8081 targetPort: 8081
ui.ingress.enabled bool false Create ingress resource.
ui.ingress.port string nil Redirect ingress to an additional defined port on the service
ui.ingress.className string "" Ingress class name.
ui.ingress.labels object {} Ingress labels.
ui.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
ui.ingress.hosts list [] List of ingress host configurations.
ui.ingress.tls list [] List of ingress TLS configurations.
ui.networkPolicy.enabled bool false When true, use a NetworkPolicy to allow ingress to the webhook This is useful on clusters using Calico and/or native k8s network policies in a default-deny setup.
ui.networkPolicy.egress list [{"ports":[{"port":6443,"protocol":"TCP"}]}] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies. Enables Kubernetes API Server by default
ui.networkPolicy.ingress list [] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies.
ui.resources object {} Resource constraints
ui.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Configures the minimum available pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.
ui.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Configures the maximum unavailable pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if minAvailable is set.
ui.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
ui.tolerations list [] List of node taints to tolerate
ui.affinity object {} Affinity constraints.
ui.extraVolumes.volumeMounts list [] Deployment volumeMounts
ui.extraVolumes.volumes list [] Deployment values
plugin.kyverno.enabled bool false Enable Kyverno Plugin
plugin.kyverno.image.registry string "ghcr.io" Image registry
plugin.kyverno.image.repository string "kyverno/policy-reporter/kyverno-plugin" Image repository
plugin.kyverno.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image PullPolicy
plugin.kyverno.image.tag string "0.4.0" Image tag
plugin.kyverno.replicaCount int 1 Deployment replica count
plugin.kyverno.logging.api bool false Enables external API request logging
plugin.kyverno.logging.server bool false Enables Server access logging
plugin.kyverno.logging.encoding string "console" log encoding possible encodings are console and json
plugin.kyverno.logging.logLevel int 0 log level default info
plugin.kyverno.server.port int 8080 Application port
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.enabled bool false Enables he BlockReport feature
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.eventNamespace string "default" Watches for Kyverno Events in the configured namespace leave blank to watch in all namespaces
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.source string "Kyverno Event" Used value for the source field in the created (Cluster)PolicyReports
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.results.maxPerReport int 200 Max items per PolicyReport resource
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.results.keepOnlyLatest bool false Keep only the latest of duplicated events
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.policyReport.labels list [] Labels for all created (Cluster)PolicyReports
plugin.kyverno.blockReports.policyReport.annotations list [] Annotations for all created (Cluster)PolicyReports
plugin.kyverno.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for image verification policies, this will define the --imagePullSecrets argument
plugin.kyverno.serviceAccount.create bool true Create ServiceAccount
plugin.kyverno.serviceAccount.automount bool true Enable ServiceAccount automount
plugin.kyverno.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the ServiceAccount
plugin.kyverno.serviceAccount.name string "" The ServiceAccount name
plugin.kyverno.podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to add to each pod
plugin.kyverno.podLabels object {} Additional labels to add to each pod
plugin.kyverno.updateStrategy object {} Deployment update strategy. Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy
plugin.kyverno.revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of revisions to keep
plugin.kyverno.podSecurityContext object {"runAsGroup":1234,"runAsUser":1234} Security context for the pod
plugin.kyverno.envVars list [] Allow additional env variables to be added
plugin.kyverno.rbac.enabled bool true Create RBAC resources
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.runAsUser int 1234
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.privileged bool false
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
plugin.kyverno.securityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault"
plugin.kyverno.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type.
plugin.kyverno.service.port int 8080 Service port.
plugin.kyverno.service.annotations object {} Service annotations.
plugin.kyverno.service.labels object {} Service labels.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.enabled bool false Create ingress resource.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.className string "" Ingress class name.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.labels object {} Ingress labels.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.hosts list [] List of ingress host configurations.
plugin.kyverno.ingress.tls list [] List of ingress TLS configurations.
plugin.kyverno.networkPolicy.enabled bool false When true, use a NetworkPolicy to allow ingress to the webhook This is useful on clusters using Calico and/or native k8s network policies in a default-deny setup.
plugin.kyverno.networkPolicy.egress list [{"ports":[{"port":6443,"protocol":"TCP"}]}] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies. Enables Kubernetes API Server by default
plugin.kyverno.networkPolicy.ingress list [] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies.
plugin.kyverno.resources object {} Resource constraints
plugin.kyverno.leaderElection.lockName string "kyverno-plugin" Lock Name
plugin.kyverno.leaderElection.releaseOnCancel bool true Released lock when the run context is cancelled.
plugin.kyverno.leaderElection.leaseDuration int 15 LeaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership.
plugin.kyverno.leaderElection.renewDeadline int 10 RenewDeadline is the duration that the acting master will retry refreshing leadership before giving up.
plugin.kyverno.leaderElection.retryPeriod int 2 RetryPeriod is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions.
plugin.kyverno.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Configures the minimum available pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.
plugin.kyverno.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Configures the maximum unavailable pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if minAvailable is set.
plugin.kyverno.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
plugin.kyverno.tolerations list [] List of node taints to tolerate
plugin.kyverno.affinity object {} Affinity constraints.
plugin.kyverno.extraVolumes.volumeMounts list [] Deployment volumeMounts
plugin.kyverno.extraVolumes.volumes list [] Deployment values
plugin.trivy.enabled bool false Enable Trivy Operator Plugin
plugin.trivy.image.registry string "ghcr.io" Image registry
plugin.trivy.image.repository string "kyverno/policy-reporter/trivy-plugin" Image repository
plugin.trivy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image PullPolicy
plugin.trivy.image.tag string "0.2.0" Image tag Defaults to Chart.AppVersion if omitted
plugin.trivy.replicaCount int 1 Deployment replica count
plugin.trivy.logging.api bool false Enables external API request logging
plugin.trivy.logging.server bool false Enables Server access logging
plugin.trivy.logging.encoding string "console" log encoding possible encodings are console and json
plugin.trivy.logging.logLevel int 0 log level default info
plugin.trivy.server.port int 8080 Application port
plugin.trivy.policyReporter.skipTLS bool false Skip TLS Verification
plugin.trivy.policyReporter.certificate string "" TLS Certificate
plugin.trivy.policyReporter.secretRef string "" Secret to read the API configuration from supports host, certificate, skipTLS, username, password key
plugin.trivy.imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets for image verification policies, this will define the --imagePullSecrets argument
plugin.trivy.serviceAccount.create bool true Create ServiceAccount
plugin.trivy.serviceAccount.automount bool true Enable ServiceAccount automount
plugin.trivy.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations for the ServiceAccount
plugin.trivy.serviceAccount.name string "" The ServiceAccount name
plugin.trivy.podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations to add to each pod
plugin.trivy.podLabels object {} Additional labels to add to each pod
plugin.trivy.updateStrategy object {} Deployment update strategy. Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy
plugin.trivy.revisionHistoryLimit int 10 The number of revisions to keep
plugin.trivy.podSecurityContext object {"runAsGroup":1234,"runAsUser":1234} Security context for the pod
plugin.trivy.envVars list [] Allow additional env variables to be added
plugin.trivy.rbac.enabled bool true Create RBAC resources
plugin.trivy.securityContext.runAsUser int 1234
plugin.trivy.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
plugin.trivy.securityContext.privileged bool false
plugin.trivy.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
plugin.trivy.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
plugin.trivy.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
plugin.trivy.securityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault"
plugin.trivy.service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type.
plugin.trivy.service.port int 8080 Service port.
plugin.trivy.service.annotations object {} Service annotations.
plugin.trivy.service.labels object {} Service labels.
plugin.trivy.ingress.enabled bool false Create ingress resource.
plugin.trivy.ingress.className string "" Ingress class name.
plugin.trivy.ingress.labels object {} Ingress labels.
plugin.trivy.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
plugin.trivy.ingress.hosts list [] List of ingress host configurations.
plugin.trivy.ingress.tls list [] List of ingress TLS configurations.
plugin.trivy.networkPolicy.enabled bool false When true, use a NetworkPolicy to allow ingress to the webhook This is useful on clusters using Calico and/or native k8s network policies in a default-deny setup.
plugin.trivy.networkPolicy.egress list [{"ports":[{"port":6443,"protocol":"TCP"}]}] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies. Enables Kubernetes API Server by default
plugin.trivy.networkPolicy.ingress list [] A list of valid from selectors according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies.
plugin.trivy.resources object {} Resource constraints
plugin.trivy.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1 Configures the minimum available pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if maxUnavailable is set.
plugin.trivy.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Configures the maximum unavailable pods for kyvernoPlugin disruptions. Cannot be used if minAvailable is set.
plugin.trivy.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
plugin.trivy.tolerations list [] List of node taints to tolerate
plugin.trivy.affinity object {} Affinity constraints.
plugin.trivy.extraVolumes.volumeMounts list [] Deployment volumeMounts
plugin.trivy.extraVolumes.volumes list [] Deployment values
monitoring.enabled bool false Enables the Prometheus Operator integration
monitoring.annotations object {} Key/value pairs that are attached to all resources.
monitoring.serviceMonitor.honorLabels bool false HonorLabels chooses the metrics labels on collisions with target labels
monitoring.serviceMonitor.namespace string nil Allow to override the namespace for serviceMonitor
monitoring.serviceMonitor.labels object {} Labels to match the serviceMonitorSelector of the Prometheus Resource
monitoring.serviceMonitor.relabelings list [] ServiceMonitor Relabelings https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/api.md#relabelconfig
monitoring.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings list [] See serviceMonitor.relabelings
monitoring.serviceMonitor.namespaceSelector optional {} NamespaceSelector
monitoring.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout optional nil ScrapeTimeout
monitoring.serviceMonitor.interval optional nil Scrape interval
monitoring.grafana.namespace string nil Naamespace for configMap of grafana dashboards
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.enabled bool true Enable the deployment of grafana dashboards
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.label string "grafana_dashboard" Label to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.value string "1" Label value to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.labelFilter list [] List of custom label filter Used to add filter for report label based metric labels defined in custom mode
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.multicluster.enabled bool false Enable cluster filter in all dashboards
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.multicluster.label string "cluster" Metric Label which is used to filter clusters
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.enable.overview bool true Enable the Overview Dashboard
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.enable.policyReportDetails bool true Enable the PolicyReport Dashboard
monitoring.grafana.dashboards.enable.clusterPolicyReportDetails bool true Enable the ClusterPolicyReport Dashboard
monitoring.grafana.folder.annotation string "grafana_folder" Annotation to enable folder storage using the k8s sidecar
monitoring.grafana.folder.name string "Policy Reporter" Grafana folder in which to store the dashboards
monitoring.grafana.datasource.label string "Prometheus" Grafana Datasource Label
monitoring.grafana.datasource.pluginId string "prometheus" Grafana Datasource PluginId
monitoring.grafana.datasource.pluginName string "Prometheus" Grafana Datasource PluginName
monitoring.grafana.grafanaDashboard.enabled bool false Create GrafanaDashboard custom resource referencing to the configMap. according to https://grafana-operator.github.io/grafana-operator/docs/examples/dashboard_from_configmap/readme/
monitoring.grafana.grafanaDashboard.folder string "kyverno" Dashboard folder
monitoring.grafana.grafanaDashboard.allowCrossNamespaceImport bool true Allow cross Namespace import
monitoring.grafana.grafanaDashboard.matchLabels object {"dashboards":"grafana"} Label match selector
monitoring.policyReportDetails.firstStatusRow.height int 8
monitoring.policyReportDetails.secondStatusRow.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.secondStatusRow.height int 2
monitoring.policyReportDetails.statusTimeline.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.statusTimeline.height int 8
monitoring.policyReportDetails.passTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.passTable.height int 8
monitoring.policyReportDetails.failTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.failTable.height int 8
monitoring.policyReportDetails.warningTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.warningTable.height int 4
monitoring.policyReportDetails.errorTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.policyReportDetails.errorTable.height int 4
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.statusRow.height int 6
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.statusTimeline.enabled bool true
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.statusTimeline.height int 8
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.passTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.passTable.height int 8
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.failTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.failTable.height int 8
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.warningTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.warningTable.height int 4
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.errorTable.enabled bool true
monitoring.clusterPolicyReportDetails.errorTable.height int 4
monitoring.policyReportOverview.failingSummaryRow.height int 8
monitoring.policyReportOverview.failingTimeline.height int 10
monitoring.policyReportOverview.failingPolicyRuleTable.height int 10
monitoring.policyReportOverview.failingClusterPolicyRuleTable.height int 10

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Frank Jogeleit

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