# Policy Reporter [![CI](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/actions/workflows/ci.yaml) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/fjogeleit/policy-reporter?branch=main) ## Motivation Kyverno ships with two types of validation. You can either enforce a rule or audit it. If you don't want to block developers or if you want to try out a new rule, you can use the audit functionality. The audit configuration creates [PolicyReports](https://kyverno.io/docs/policy-reports/) which you can access with `kubectl`. Because I can't find a simple solution to get a general overview of this PolicyReports and PolicyReportResults, I created this tool to send information about PolicyReports to different targets like [Grafana Loki](https://grafana.com/oss/loki/), [Elasticsearch](https://www.elastic.co/de/elasticsearch/) or [Slack](https://slack.com/). Policy Reporter provides also a Prometheus Metrics API as well as an standalone mode along with the [Policy Reporter UI](#policy-report-ui). This project is in an early stage. Please let me know if anything did not work as expected or if you want to send your audits to unsupported targets. ## Documentation You can find detailed Information about Features and Configurations in the [Documentation](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki). ## Getting Started * [Installation with Helm v3](#installation-with-helm-v3) * [Policy Reporter UI](#policy-reporter-ui) * [Targets](#targets) * [Monitoring](#monitoring) ## Installation with Helm v3 Installation via Helm Repository ### Add the Helm repository ```bash helm repo add policy-reporter https://fjogeleit.github.io/policy-reporter helm repo update ``` ### Basic Installation - Provides Prometheus Metrics ```bash helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter -n policy-reporter --create-namespace ``` ### Example ![Prometheus Metrics](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/blob/main/docs/images/prometheus.png?raw=true) ## Policy Reporter UI You can use the Policy Reporter as standalone Application along with the [Policy Reporter UI](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter-ui). The UI is provided as optional Helm Sub Chart and can be enabled by setting `ui.enabled` to `true`. ### Installation ```bash helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --set ui.enabled=true -n policy-reporter --create-namespace ``` ### Access it with Port Forward on localhost ```bash kubectl port-forward service/policy-reporter-ui 8082:8080 -n policy-reporter ``` Open `http://localhost:8082/` in your browser. ### Example The UI is an optional application and provides three different views with informations about the validation status of your audit policies. Policy Reporter UI - Dashboard

Policy Reporter UI - PolicyReport Details

Policy Reporter UI - ClusterPolicyReport Details

## Targets Policy Reporter supports the following Targets to send new (Cluster)PolicyReport Results too: * [Grafana Loki](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/grafana-loki) * [Elasticsearch](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/elasticsearch) * [Slack](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/slack) * [Discord](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/discord) * [MS Teams](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/ms-teams) Use the documentation for details about the usage and configuration of each target. ### Screenshots #### Loki Grafana Loki

#### Elasticsearch Elasticsearch

#### Slack Slack

#### Discord Discord

#### MS Teams MS Teams

## Monitoring The Helm Chart includes optional Sub Chart for [Prometheus Operator](https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack) Integration. The provided Dashboards working without Loki and are only based on the Prometheus Metrics. Have a look into the [Documentation](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/wiki/prometheus-operator-integration) for details. ### Grafana Dashboard Import If you are not using the MonitoringStack you can import the dashboards from [Grafana](https://grafana.com/orgs/policyreporter/dashboards) ### Dashboard Preview ![PolicyReporter Grafana Dashboard](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/blob/main/docs/images/policy-reports-dashboard.png?raw=true) ![PolicyReporter Details Grafana Dashboard](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/blob/main/docs/images/policy-details.png?raw=true) ![ClusterPolicyReporter Details Grafana Dashboard](https://github.com/fjogeleit/policy-reporter/blob/main/docs/images/cluster-policy-details.png?raw=true)