You can use this manifests to install Policy Reporter without additional tools like Helm or Kustomize. The manifests are structured into five installations.
The installation requires a `policy-reporter` namespace. Because the installation includes RBAC resources which requires a serviceAccountName and a namespace configuration. The default namespace is `policy-reporter`. This namespace will be created if it does not exist.
The `policy-reporter` folder is the basic installation for Policy Reporter without the UI or other components. Includes a basic Configuration Secret `policy-reporter-targets`, empty by default and the `http://policy-reporter:8080/metrics` Endpoint.
## High Available Policy Reporter + KyvernoPlugin + UI
The `policy-reporter-kyverno-ui-ha` contains a high available setup for Policy Reporter, Policy Reporter Kyverno Plugin and Policy Reporter UI, it enabled leaderelection and uses redis as a external and central storage for shared caches and Logs (UI)
* Policy Reporter REST API (`http://policy-reporter:8080`)
* Policy Reporter Metrics API (`http://policy-reporter:8080/metrics`)
* Kyverno Plugin Rest API (`http://policy-reporter-kyverno-plugin:8080/policies`)
* Kyverno Plugin Metrics API (`http://policy-reporter-kyverno-plugin:8080/metrics`)
To configure policy-reporter, for example your notification targets, create a secret called `policy-reporter-targets` in the `policy-reporter` namespace with an key `config.yaml` as key and and valid [Policy Reporter configuration]( as value.
The `kyverno-policy-reporter-ui` and `default-policy-reporter-ui` installation has an optional preconfigured `target-security.yaml` to apply. This secret configures the Policy Reporter UI as target for Policy Reporter.
The `violations-email-report` folder can be used to install Policy Reporter only for the matter of sending E-Mail Summary Reports. You can install the Email Summary Report without the requirement of the Policy Reporter core application. If you already have Policy Reporter installed, you can just apply `config-secret.yaml` and `cronjob.yaml` to add the email report feature. It will reuse the existing `ServiceAccount` and `Namespace`.
To configure your SMTP server and receiver emails use the following configuration template and replace the `config.yaml` value of `config-secret.yaml` with your base64 encoded configuration.
clusterName: '' # optional clustername shown in the Report