* nix-org-babel This is a quick and dirty implementation of =org-babel-tangle= in Nix. It provides a function that takes an Org string and returns the contents of source blocks in a particular language. [[https://github.com/talyz/fromElisp][talyz/fromElisp]] has a built-in Org support, but I created this because I needed more control on which parts to extract. It provides an option for excluding subtrees matching a particular heading pattern. For example, you can omit archived subtrees from the output. ** Usage Import the flake. *** Extracting source blocks from an Org file/string **** tangleOrgBabel function This function takes an Org string and returns its source blocks. Example: #+begin_src nix let tangle = lib.tangleOrgBabel { languages = [ "emacs-lisp" ]; }; in # Return a string tangle (builtins.readFile ./config.org) #+end_src Arguments: 1. An attribute set of options. 2. An Org input string. **** tangleOrgBabelFile function Similar to =tangleOrgBabel=, but this function takes a file as an argument and writes the output to a file. Example: #+begin_src nix # Write to a file let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ org-babel.overlay ]; }; in pkgs.tangleOrgBabelFile "init.el" ./config.org { languages = [ "emacs-lisp" ]; } #+end_src Note that this function is provided in the overlay of the flake. Arguments: 1. A string for the derivation name. 2. An input file path. 3. An attribute set of options. *** Options **** Languages This option is required. Example: #+begin_src nix { languages = [ "emacs-lisp" "elisp" ]; } #+end_src **** Filtering subtrees You can transform the input by specifying =processLines= option. It must be a function that takes a list of strings and returns a list of strings. This library also contains =excludeOrgSubtreesOnHeadlines= function which can be used to exclude subtrees according to a predicate on the headline text, so you can use it in the option. Example: #+begin_src nix { # Exclude archived subtrees processLines = excludeOrgSubtreesOnHeadlines (matchOrgTag "ARCHIVE"); } #+end_src You can use the following predicates from this library: - matchOrgTag :: Returns true if the headline matches a tag given as the argument. The argument must be a string. - matchOrgHeadline :: Returns true if the headline matches the text given as the argument. The argument must be a string. - matchOrgHeadlines :: Returns true if the headline matches any of the texts given as the argument. The argument must be a list of strings.