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synced 2025-03-15 13:07:48 +00:00
Automatic merge from submit-queue Enabled graceful failure if discovery for a source fails. Fixes #37. - Handles errors from discovery of source. - Handles panics from discovery of source using recover(). - Added tests. Before: ```sh >docker run quay.io/kubernetes_incubator/node-feature-discovery:e7f35ed --sources=cpuid,pstate,fake --no-publish 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/node-feature-discovery.version = e7f35ed-dirty 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-NX = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-MMX = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE4.2 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDTSCP = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDSEED = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-MMXEXT = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE3 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-AVX = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-LZCNT = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-POPCNT = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CMOV = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSSE3 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-AESNI = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CLMUL = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE2 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE4.1 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDRAND = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CX16 = true 2016/11/15 22:39:55 discovery failed for source [pstate]: can't detect whether turbo boost is enabled: open /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo: no such file or directory ``` After: ```sh >docker run quay.io/kubernetes_incubator/node-feature-discovery:e7f35ed-dirty --sources=cpuid,pstate,fake --no-publish 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/node-feature-discovery.version = e7f35ed-dirty 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDTSCP = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CMOV = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-MMX = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE2 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDSEED = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE4.2 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-AESNI = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-POPCNT = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CX16 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-MMXEXT = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSSE3 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE4.1 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-LZCNT = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-RDRAND = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-NX = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-SSE3 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-AVX = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-cpuid-CLMUL = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 discovery failed for source [pstate]: can't detect whether turbo boost is enabled: open /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo: no such file or directory 2016/11/15 22:38:55 continuing ... 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-fake-fakefeature1 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-fake-fakefeature2 = true 2016/11/15 22:38:55 node.alpha.intel.com/nfd-fake-fakefeature3 = true ```
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package main
import (
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
k8sclient "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
api "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/api/v1"
func TestDiscoveryWithMockSources(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When I discover features from fake source and update the node using fake client", t, func() {
mockFeatureSource := new(MockFeatureSource)
fakeFeatureSourceName := string("testSource")
fakeFeatures := []string{"testfeature1", "testfeature2", "testfeature3"}
fakeFeatureLabels := Labels{}
for _, f := range fakeFeatures {
fakeFeatureLabels[fmt.Sprintf("%s-testSource-%s", prefix, f)] = "true"
fakeFeatureSource := FeatureSource(mockFeatureSource)
Convey("When I successfully get the labels from the mock source", func() {
mockFeatureSource.On("Discover").Return(fakeFeatures, nil)
returnedLabels, err := getFeatureLabels(fakeFeatureSource)
Convey("Proper label is returned", func() {
So(returnedLabels, ShouldResemble, fakeFeatureLabels)
Convey("Error is nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When I fail to get the labels from the mock source", func() {
expectedError := errors.New("fake error")
mockFeatureSource.On("Discover").Return(nil, expectedError)
returnedLabels, err := getFeatureLabels(fakeFeatureSource)
Convey("No label is returned", func() {
So(returnedLabels, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Error is produced", func() {
So(err, ShouldEqual, expectedError)
mockAPIHelper := new(MockAPIHelpers)
testHelper := APIHelpers(mockAPIHelper)
var mockClient *k8sclient.Clientset
var mockNode *api.Node
Convey("When I successfully advertise feature labels to a node", func() {
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockAPIHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient).Return(mockNode, nil).Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddLabels", mockNode, fakeFeatureLabels).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, prefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("UpdateNode", mockClient, mockNode).Return(nil).Once()
err := advertiseFeatureLabels(testHelper, fakeFeatureLabels)
Convey("Error is nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When I fail to get a mock client while advertising feature labels", func() {
expectedError := errors.New("fake error")
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(nil, expectedError)
err := advertiseFeatureLabels(testHelper, fakeFeatureLabels)
Convey("Error is produced", func() {
So(err, ShouldEqual, expectedError)
Convey("When I fail to get a mock node while advertising feature labels", func() {
expectedError := errors.New("fake error")
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockAPIHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient).Return(nil, expectedError).Once()
err := advertiseFeatureLabels(testHelper, fakeFeatureLabels)
Convey("Error is produced", func() {
So(err, ShouldEqual, expectedError)
Convey("When I fail to update a mock node while advertising feature labels", func() {
expectedError := errors.New("fake error")
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockAPIHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient).Return(mockNode, nil).Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, prefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddLabels", mockNode, fakeFeatureLabels).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("UpdateNode", mockClient, mockNode).Return(expectedError).Once()
err := advertiseFeatureLabels(testHelper, fakeFeatureLabels)
Convey("Error is produced", func() {
So(err, ShouldEqual, expectedError)
func TestAddLabels(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When adding labels", t, func() {
helper := k8sHelpers{}
labels := Labels{}
n := &api.Node{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{},
Convey("If no labels are passed", func() {
helper.AddLabels(n, labels)
Convey("None should be added", func() {
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("They should be added to the node.Labels", func() {
test1 := prefix + ".test1"
labels[test1] = "true"
helper.AddLabels(n, labels)
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, test1)
func TestRemoveLabels(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When removing labels", t, func() {
helper := k8sHelpers{}
n := &api.Node{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{
"single": "123",
"multiple_A": "a",
"multiple_B": "b",
Convey("a unique label should be removed", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "single")
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 2)
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "single")
Convey("a non-unique search string should remove all matching keys", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "multiple")
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "multiple_A")
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "multiple_B")
Convey("a search string with no matches should not alter labels", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "unique")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "single")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "multiple_A")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "multiple_B")
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 3)
func TestGetFeatureLabels(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When I get feature labels and panic occurs during discovery of a feature source", t, func() {
fakePanicFeatureSource := FeatureSource(new(fakePanicSource))
returnedLabels, err := getFeatureLabels(fakePanicFeatureSource)
Convey("No label is returned", func() {
So(len(returnedLabels), ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Error is produced and panic error is returned", func() {
So(err, ShouldResemble, fmt.Errorf("fake panic error"))