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synced 2025-03-14 20:56:42 +00:00
Refactor NFD into a simple server-client system. Labeling is now done by a separate 'nfd-master' server. It is a simple service with small codebase, designed for easy isolation. The feature discovery part is implemented in a 'nfd-worker' client which sends labeling requests to nfd-server, thus, requiring no access/permissions to the Kubernetes API itself. Client-server communication is implemented by using gRPC. The protocol currently consists of only one request, i.e. the labeling request. The spec templates are converted to the new scheme. The nfd-master server can be deployed using the nfd-master.yaml.template which now also contains the necessary RBAC configuration. NFD workers can be deployed by using the nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template or nfd-worker-job.yaml.template (most easily used with the label-nodes.sh script). Only nfd-worker currently support config file or options. The (default) NFD config file is renamed to nfd-worker.conf.
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# Gopkg.toml example
# Refer to https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/Gopkg.toml.html
# for detailed Gopkg.toml documentation.
# required = ["github.com/user/thing/cmd/thing"]
# ignored = ["github.com/user/project/pkgX", "bitbucket.org/user/project/pkgA/pkgY"]
# [[constraint]]
# name = "github.com/user/project"
# version = "1.0.0"
# [[constraint]]
# name = "github.com/user/project2"
# branch = "dev"
# source = "github.com/myfork/project2"
# [[override]]
# name = "github.com/x/y"
# version = "2.4.0"
# [prune]
# non-go = false
# go-tests = true
# unused-packages = true
name = "github.com/docopt/docopt-go"
version = "0.6.2"
name = "github.com/klauspost/cpuid"
version = "1.1.0"
name = "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey"
version = "1.6.3"
name = "github.com/stretchr/testify"
version = "1.2.2"
name = "github.com/vektra/errors"
branch = "master"
name = "k8s.io/api"
version = "kubernetes-1.13.1"
name = "k8s.io/apimachinery"
version = "kubernetes-1.13.0"
name = "k8s.io/client-go"
version = "10.0.0"
go-tests = true
unused-packages = true
name = "github.com/golang/protobuf"
version = "1.2.0"
name = "google.golang.org/grpc"
version = "1.17.0"