--- title: "Master config reference" layout: default sort: 3 --- # Configuration file reference of nfd-master {: .no_toc} ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta} 1. TOC {:toc} --- See the [sample configuration file](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/blob/{{site.release}}/deployment/components/master-config/nfd-master.conf.example) for a full example configuration. ## noPublish `noPublish` option disables updates to the Node objects in the Kubernetes API server, making a "dry-run" flag for nfd-master. No Labels, Annotations, Taints or ExtendedResources of nodes are updated. Default: `false` Example: ```yaml noPublish: true ``` ## extraLabelNs `extraLabelNs` specifies a list of allowed feature label namespaces. This option can be used to allow other vendor or application specific namespaces for custom labels from the local and custom feature sources, even though these labels were denied using the `denyLabelNs` parameter. The same namespace control and this option applies to Extended Resources (created with `resourceLabels`), too. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml extraLabelNs: ["added.ns.io","added.kubernets.io"] ``` ## denyLabelNs `denyLabelNs` specifies a list of excluded label namespaces. By default, nfd-master allows creating labels in all namespaces, excluding `kubernetes.io` namespace and its sub-namespaces (i.e. `*.kubernetes.io`). However, you should note that `kubernetes.io` and its sub-namespaces are always denied. This option can be used to exclude some vendors or application specific namespaces. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml denyLabelNs: ["denied.ns.io","denied.kubernetes.io"] ``` ## autoDefaultNs **DEPRECATED**: Will be removed in NFD v0.17. Use the [DisableAutoPrefix](feature-gates.md#disableautoprefix) feature gate instead. The `autoDefaultNs` option controls the automatic prefixing of names. When set to true (the default in NFD version {{ site.version }}) nfd-master automatically adds the default `feature.node.kubernetes.io/` prefix to unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources - this is also the default behavior in NFD v0.15 and earlier. When the option is set to `false`, no prefix will be prepended to unprefixed names, effectively causing them to be filtered out (as NFD does not allow unprefixed names of labels, annotations or extended resources). The default will be changed to `false` in a future release. For example, with the `autoDefaultNs` set to `true`, a NodeFeatureRule with ```yaml labels: foo: bar ``` Will turn into `feature.node.kubernetes.io/foo=bar` node label. With `autoDefaultNs` set to `false`, no prefix is added and the label will be filtered out. Note that taint keys are not affected by this option. Default: `true` Example: ```yaml autoDefaultNs: false ``` ## resourceLabels **DEPRECATED**: [NodeFeatureRule](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeaturerule) should be used for managing extended resources in NFD. The `resourceLabels` option specifies a list of features to be advertised as extended resources instead of labels. Features that have integer values can be published as Extended Resources by listing them in this option. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml resourceLabels: ["vendor-1.com/feature-1","vendor-2.io/feature-2"] ``` ## enableTaints `enableTaints` enables/disables node tainting feature of NFD. Default: *false* Example: ```yaml enableTaints: true ``` ## labelWhiteList `labelWhiteList` specifies a regular expression for filtering feature labels based on their name. Each label must match against the given regular expression or it will not be published. > ** NOTE:** The regular expression is only matches against the "basename" part > of the label, i.e. to the part of the name after '/'. The label namespace is > omitted. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml labelWhiteList: "foo" ``` ## resyncPeriod The `resyncPeriod` option specifies the NFD API controller resync period. The resync means nfd-master replaying all NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects, thus effectively re-syncing all nodes in the cluster (i.e. ensuring labels, annotations, extended resources and taints are in place). Does not have effect if the [NodeFeatureAPI](feature-gates.md#nodefeatureapi) feature gate is disabled. Default: 1 hour. Example: ```yaml resyncPeriod: 2h ``` ## leaderElection The `leaderElection` section exposes configuration to tweak leader election. ### leaderElection.leaseDuration `leaderElection.leaseDuration` is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of last observed ack. A client needs to wait a full LeaseDuration without observing a change to the record before it can attempt to take over. When all clients are shutdown and a new set of clients are started with different names against the same leader record, they must wait the full LeaseDuration before attempting to acquire the lease. Thus LeaseDuration should be as short as possible (within your tolerance for clock skew rate) to avoid a possible long waits in the scenario. Default: 15 seconds. Example: ```yaml leaderElection: leaseDurtation: 15s ``` ### leaderElection.renewDeadline `leaderElection.renewDeadline` is the duration that the acting master will retry refreshing leadership before giving up. This value has to be lower than leaseDuration and greater than retryPeriod*1.2. Default: 10 seconds. Example: ```yaml leaderElection: renewDeadline: 10s ``` ### leaderElection.retryPeriod `leaderElection.retryPeriod` is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions. It has to be greater than 0. Default: 2 seconds. Example: ```yaml leaderElection: retryPeriod: 2s ``` ## nfdApiParallelism The `nfdApiParallelism` option can be used to specify the maximum number of concurrent node updates. Does not have effect if the [NodeFeatureAPI](feature-gates.md#nodefeatureapi) feature gate is disabled. Default: 10 Example: ```yaml nfdApiParallelism: 1 ``` ## klog The following options specify the logger configuration. Most of which can be dynamically adjusted at run-time. > **NOTE:** The logger options can also be specified via command line flags > which take precedence over any corresponding config file options. ### klog.addDirHeader If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages. Default: `false` Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.alsologtostderr Log to standard error as well as files. Default: `false` Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.logBacktraceAt When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace. Default: *empty* Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.logDir If non-empty, write log files in this directory. Default: *empty* Run-time configurable: no ### klog.logFile If non-empty, use this log file. Default: *empty* Run-time configurable: no ### klog.logFileMaxSize Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. Default: `1800` Run-time configurable: no ### klog.logtostderr Log to standard error instead of files Default: `true` Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.skipHeaders If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages. Default: `false` Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.skipLogHeaders If true, avoid headers when opening log files. Default: `false` Run-time configurable: no ### klog.stderrthreshold Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2) Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.v Number for the log level verbosity. Default: `0` Run-time configurable: yes ### klog.vmodule Comma-separated list of `pattern=N` settings for file-filtered logging. Default: *empty* Run-time configurable: yes