apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeatureRule metadata: name: e2e-test-3 spec: rules: # Positive test expected to set the taints - name: "e2e-taint-test-1" taints: - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "feature.node.kubernetes.io/fake-special-node" value: "exists" - effect: NoExecute key: "feature.node.kubernetes.io/foo" value: "true" # The following taints should be filtered out by nfd-master - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "kubernetes.io/denied-1" - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "node.kubernetes.io/denied-2" - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "unprefixed-taint" matchFeatures: - feature: "fake.attribute" matchExpressions: "attr_1": {op: IsTrue} "attr_2": {op: IsFalse} # Negative test not supposed to set the taints - name: "e2e-taint-test-2" taints: - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "feature.node.kubernetes.io/fake-cpu" value: "true" matchFeatures: - feature: "fake.attribute" matchExpressions: "attr_1": {op: IsTrue} "attr_2": {op: IsTrue}