title: "Worker cmdline reference"
layout: default
sort: 3

# Commandline flags of nfd-worker
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## Table of contents
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1. TOC


To quickly view available command line flags execute `nfd-worker -help`.
In a docker container:

docker run {{ site.container_image }} nfd-worker -help

### -h, -help

Print usage and exit.

### -version

Print version and exit.

### -config

The `-config` flag specifies the path of the nfd-worker configuration file to

Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf


nfd-worker -config=/opt/nfd/worker.conf

### -options

The `-options` flag may be used to specify and override configuration file
options directly from the command line. The required format is the same as in
the config file i.e. JSON or YAML. Configuration options specified via this
flag will override those from the configuration file:

Default: *empty*


nfd-worker -options='{"sources":{"cpu":{"cpuid":{"attributeWhitelist":["AVX","AVX2"]}}}}'

### -server

The `-server` flag specifies the address of the nfd-master endpoint where to
connect to.

Default: localhost:8080


nfd-worker -server=nfd-master.nfd.svc.cluster.local:443

### -ca-file

The `-ca-file` is one of the three flags (together with `-cert-file` and
`-key-file`) controlling the mutual TLS authentication on the worker side.
This flag specifies the TLS root certificate that is used for verifying the
authenticity of nfd-master.

Default: *empty*

Note: Must be specified together with `-cert-file` and `-key-file`


nfd-worker -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt -cert-file=/opt/nfd/worker.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/worker.key

### -cert-file

The `-cert-file` is one of the three flags (together with `-ca-file` and
`-key-file`) controlling mutual TLS authentication on the worker side. This
flag specifies the TLS certificate presented for authenticating outgoing

Default: *empty*

Note: Must be specified together with `-ca-file` and `-key-file`


nfd-workerr -cert-file=/opt/nfd/worker.crt -key-file=/opt/nfd/worker.key -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt

### -key-file

The `-key-file` is one of the three flags (together with `-ca-file` and
`-cert-file`) controlling the mutual TLS authentication on the worker side.
This flag specifies the private key corresponding the given certificate file
(`-cert-file`) that is used for authenticating outgoing requests.

Default: *empty*

Note: Must be specified together with `-cert-file` and `-ca-file`


nfd-worker -key-file=/opt/nfd/worker.key -cert-file=/opt/nfd/worker.crt -ca-file=/opt/nfd/ca.crt

### -server-name-override

The `-server-name-override` flag specifies the common name (CN) which to
expect from the nfd-master TLS certificate. This flag is mostly intended for
development and debugging purposes.

Default: *empty*


nfd-worker -server-name-override=localhost

### -feature-sources

The `-feature-sources` flag specifies a comma-separated list of enabled feature
sources. A special value `all` enables all sources. Prefixing a source name
with `-` indicates that the source will be disabled instead - this is only
meaningful when used in conjunction with `all`. This command line flag allows
completely disabling the feature detection so that neither standard feature
labels are generated nor the raw feature data is available for custom rule
processing.  Consider using the `core.featureSources` config file option,
instead, allowing dynamic configurability.

Note: This flag takes precedence over the `core.featureSources` configuration
file option.

Default: all


nfd-worker -feature-sources=all,-pci

### -label-sources

The `-label-sources` flag specifies a comma-separated list of enabled label
sources. A special value `all` enables all sources. Prefixing a source name
with `-` indicates that the source will be disabled instead - this is only
meaningful when used in conjunction with `all`. Consider using the
`core.labelSources` config file option, instead, allowing dynamic

Note: This flag takes precedence over the `core.labelSources` configuration
file option.

Default: all


nfd-worker -label-sources=kernel,system,local

### -sources

**DEPRECATED**: use [`-label-sources`](#-label-sources) instead.

### -no-publish

The `-no-publish` flag disables all communication with the nfd-master, making
it a "dry-run" flag for nfd-worker. NFD-Worker runs feature detection normally,
but no labeling requests are sent to nfd-master.

Default: *false*


nfd-worker -no-publish

### -label-whitelist

The `-label-whitelist` specifies a regular expression for filtering feature
labels based on their name. Each label must match against the given reqular
expression in order to be published.

Note: The regular expression is only matches against the "basename" part of the
label, i.e. to the part of the name after '/'. The label namespace is omitted.

Note: This flag takes precedence over the `core.labelWhiteList` configuration
file option.

Default: *empty*


nfd-worker -label-whitelist='.*cpuid\.'

**DEPRECATED**: you should use the `core.labelWhiteList` option in the
configuration file, instead.

### -oneshot

The `-oneshot` flag causes nfd-worker to exit after one pass of feature

Default: *false*


nfd-worker -oneshot -no-publish

### -sleep-interval

The `-sleep-interval` specifies the interval between feature re-detection (and
node re-labeling). A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval, i.e.
no re-detection or re-labeling is done.

Note: This flag takes precedence over the `core.sleepInterval` configuration
file option.

Default: 60s


nfd-worker -sleep-interval=1h

**DEPRECATED**: you should use the `core.sleepInterval` option in the
configuration file, instead.

### Logging

The following logging-related flags are inherited from the
[klog](https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/klog/v2) package.

Note: The logger setup can also be specified via the `core.klog` configuration
file options. However, the command line flags take precedence over any
corresponding config file options specified.

#### -add_dir_header

If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages.

Default: false

#### -alsologtostderr

Log to standard error as well as files.

Default: false

#### -log_backtrace_at

When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace.

Default: *empty*

#### -log_dir

If non-empty, write log files in this directory.

Default: *empty*

#### -log_file

If non-empty, use this log file.

Default: *empty*

#### -log_file_max_size

Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the
value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.

Default: 1800

#### -logtostderr

Log to standard error instead of files

Default: true

#### -skip_headers

If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.

Default: false

#### -skip_log_headers

If true, avoid headers when opening log files.

Default: false

#### -stderrthreshold

Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr.

Default: 2

#### -v

Number for the log level verbosity.

Default: 0

#### -vmodule

Comma-separated list of `pattern=N` settings for file-filtered logging.

Default: *empty*