--- title: "Master config reference" layout: default sort: 3 --- # Configuration file reference of nfd-master {: .no_toc} ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta} 1. TOC {:toc} --- See the [sample configuration file](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/blob/{{site.release}}/deployment/components/master-config/nfd-master.conf.example) for a full example configuration. ## noPublish `noPublish` option disables updates to the Node objects in the Kubernetes API server, making a "dry-run" flag for nfd-master. No Labels, Annotations, Taints or ExtendedResources of nodes are updated. Default: `false` Example: ```yaml noPublish: true ``` ## extraLabelNs `extraLabelNs` specifies a list of allowed feature label namespaces. This option can be used to allow other vendor or application specific namespaces for custom labels from the local and custom feature sources, even though these labels were denied using the `denyLabelNs` parameter. The same namespace control and this option applies to Extended Resources (created with `resourceLabels`), too. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml extraLabelNs: ["added.ns.io","added.kubernets.io"] ``` ## denyLabelNs `denyLabelNs` specifies a list of excluded label namespaces. By default, nfd-master allows creating labels in all namespaces, excluding `kubernetes.io` namespace and its sub-namespaces (i.e. `*.kubernetes.io`). However, you should note that `kubernetes.io` and its sub-namespaces are always denied. This option can be used to exclude some vendors or application specific namespaces. Note that the namespaces `feature.node.kubernetes.io` and `profile.node.kubernetes.io` and their sub-namespaces are always allowed and cannot be denied. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml denyLabelNs: ["denied.ns.io","denied.kubernetes.io"] ``` ## resourceLabels **DEPRECATED**: [NodeFeatureRule](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeaturerule) should be used for managing extended resources in NFD. The `resourceLabels` option specifies a list of features to be advertised as extended resources instead of labels. Features that have integer values can be published as Extended Resources by listing them in this option. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml resourceLabels: ["vendor-1.com/feature-1","vendor-2.io/feature-2"] ``` ## enableTaints `enableTaints` enables/disables node tainting feature of NFD. Default: *false* Example: ```yaml enableTaints: true ``` ## labelWhiteList `labelWhiteList` specifies a regular expression for filtering feature labels based on their name. Each label must match against the given reqular expression in order to be published. Note: The regular expression is only matches against the "basename" part of the label, i.e. to the part of the name after '/'. The label namespace is omitted. Default: *empty* Example: ```yaml labelWhiteList: "foo" ``` ### resyncPeriod The `resyncPeriod` option specifies the NFD API controller resync period. The resync means nfd-master replaying all NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects, thus effectively re-syncing all nodes in the cluster (i.e. ensuring labels, annotations, extended resources and taints are in place). Only has effect when the [NodeFeature](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeature) CRD API has been enabled with [`-enable-nodefeature-api`](master-commandline-reference.md#-enable-nodefeature-api). Default: 1 hour. Example: ```yaml resyncPeriod=2h ```