.PHONY: all test templates yamls .FORCE: GO_CMD ?= go GO_FMT ?= gofmt IMAGE_BUILD_CMD ?= docker build IMAGE_BUILD_EXTRA_OPTS ?= IMAGE_PUSH_CMD ?= docker push CONTAINER_RUN_CMD ?= docker run BASE_IMAGE_FULL ?= debian:buster-slim BASE_IMAGE_MINIMAL ?= gcr.io/distroless/base MDL ?= mdl K8S_CODE_GENERATOR ?= ../code-generator # Docker base command for working with html documentation. # Use host networking because 'jekyll serve' is stupid enough to use the # same site url than the "host" it binds to. Thus, all the links will be # broken if we'd bind to JEKYLL_VERSION := 3.8 JEKYLL_ENV ?= development SITE_BUILD_CMD := $(CONTAINER_RUN_CMD) --rm -i -u "`id -u`:`id -g`" \ -e JEKYLL_ENV=$(JEKYLL_ENV) \ --volume="$$PWD/docs:/srv/jekyll" \ --volume="$$PWD/docs/vendor/bundle:/usr/local/bundle" \ --network=host jekyll/jekyll:$(JEKYLL_VERSION) SITE_BASEURL ?= SITE_DESTDIR ?= _site JEKYLL_OPTS := -d '$(SITE_DESTDIR)' $(if $(SITE_BASEURL),-b '$(SITE_BASEURL)',) VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --always) IMAGE_REGISTRY ?= k8s.gcr.io/nfd IMAGE_TAG_NAME ?= $(VERSION) IMAGE_EXTRA_TAG_NAMES ?= IMAGE_NAME := node-feature-discovery IMAGE_REPO := $(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/$(IMAGE_NAME) IMAGE_TAG := $(IMAGE_REPO):$(IMAGE_TAG_NAME) IMAGE_EXTRA_TAGS := $(foreach tag,$(IMAGE_EXTRA_TAG_NAMES),$(IMAGE_REPO):$(tag)) K8S_NAMESPACE ?= node-feature-discovery OPENSHIFT ?= # We use different mount prefix for local and container builds. # Take CONTAINER_HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX from HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX if only the latter is specified ifdef HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX CONTAINER_HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX := $(HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX) else CONTAINER_HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX := /host- endif HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX ?= / KUBECONFIG ?= E2E_TEST_CONFIG ?= LDFLAGS = -ldflags "-s -w -X sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/pkg/version.version=$(VERSION) -X sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/source.pathPrefix=$(HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX)" # multi-arch build with buildx IMAGE_ALL_PLATFORMS ?= linux/amd64,linux/arm64 # enable buildx ensure-buildx: ./hack/init-buildx.sh IMAGE_BUILDX_CMD ?= DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled docker buildx build --platform=${IMAGE_ALL_PLATFORMS} --progress=auto --pull IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS = --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --build-arg HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX=$(CONTAINER_HOSTMOUNT_PREFIX) \ --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_FULL=$(BASE_IMAGE_FULL) \ --build-arg BASE_IMAGE_MINIMAL=$(BASE_IMAGE_MINIMAL) IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_FULL = --target full \ -t $(IMAGE_TAG) \ $(foreach tag,$(IMAGE_EXTRA_TAGS),-t $(tag)) \ $(IMAGE_BUILD_EXTRA_OPTS) ./ IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_MINIMAL = --target minimal \ -t $(IMAGE_TAG)-minimal \ $(foreach tag,$(IMAGE_EXTRA_TAGS),-t $(tag)-minimal) \ $(IMAGE_BUILD_EXTRA_OPTS) ./ all: image build: @mkdir -p bin $(GO_CMD) build -v -o bin $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/... install: $(GO_CMD) install -v $(LDFLAGS) ./cmd/... image: yamls $(IMAGE_BUILD_CMD) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_FULL) $(IMAGE_BUILD_CMD) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_MINIMAL) image-all: ensure-buildx yamls # --load : not implemented yet, see: https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/59 $(IMAGE_BUILDX_CMD) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_FULL) $(IMAGE_BUILDX_CMD) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_MINIMAL) # clean NFD labels on all nodes # devel only deploy-prune: kubectl apply -k deployment/overlays/prune/ kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job -l app=nfd -n node-feature-discovery kubectl delete -k deployment/overlays/prune/ yamls: @./scripts/kustomize.sh $(K8S_NAMESPACE) $(IMAGE_REPO) $(IMAGE_TAG_NAME) deploy: yamls kubectl apply -k . templates: @# Need to prepend each line in the sample config with spaces in order to @# fit correctly in the configmap spec. @sed s'/^/ /' deployment/components/worker-config/nfd-worker.conf.example > nfd-worker.conf.tmp @# The sed magic below replaces the block of text between the lines with start and end markers @start=NFD-WORKER-CONF-START-DO-NOT-REMOVE; \ end=NFD-WORKER-CONF-END-DO-NOT-REMOVE; \ sed -e "/$$start/,/$$end/{ /$$start/{ p; r nfd-worker.conf.tmp" \ -e "}; /$$end/p; d }" -i deployment/helm/node-feature-discovery/values.yaml @rm nfd-worker.conf.tmp generate: go mod vendor go generate ./cmd/... ./pkg/... ./source/... rm -rf vendor/ controller-gen object crd output:crd:stdout paths=./pkg/apis/... > deployment/base/nfd-crds/nodefeaturerule-crd.yaml cp deployment/base/nfd-crds/nodefeaturerule-crd.yaml deployment/helm/node-feature-discovery/manifests/ rm -rf sigs.k8s.io $(K8S_CODE_GENERATOR)/generate-groups.sh client,informer,lister \ sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/pkg/generated \ sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/pkg/apis \ "nfd:v1alpha1" --output-base=. \ --go-header-file hack/boilerplate.go.txt rm -rf pkg/generated mv sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/pkg/generated pkg/ rm -rf sigs.k8s.io gofmt: @$(GO_FMT) -w -l $$(find . -name '*.go') gofmt-verify: @out=`$(GO_FMT) -w -l -d $$(find . -name '*.go')`; \ if [ -n "$$out" ]; then \ echo "$$out"; \ exit 1; \ fi ci-lint: golangci-lint run --timeout 7m0s lint: golint -set_exit_status ./... mdlint: find docs/ -path docs/vendor -prune -false -o -name '*.md' | xargs $(MDL) -s docs/mdl-style.rb helm-lint: helm lint --strict deployment/helm/node-feature-discovery/ test: $(GO_CMD) test ./cmd/... ./pkg/... ./source/... e2e-test: @if [ -z ${KUBECONFIG} ]; then echo "[ERR] KUBECONFIG missing, must be defined"; exit 1; fi $(GO_CMD) test -v ./test/e2e/ -args -nfd.repo=$(IMAGE_REPO) -nfd.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_NAME) \ -kubeconfig=$(KUBECONFIG) -nfd.e2e-config=$(E2E_TEST_CONFIG) -ginkgo.focus="\[kubernetes-sigs\]" \ $(if $(OPENSHIFT),-nfd.openshift,) $(GO_CMD) test -v ./test/e2e/ -args -nfd.repo=$(IMAGE_REPO) -nfd.tag=$(IMAGE_TAG_NAME)-minimal \ -kubeconfig=$(KUBECONFIG) -nfd.e2e-config=$(E2E_TEST_CONFIG) -ginkgo.focus="\[kubernetes-sigs\]" \ $(if $(OPENSHIFT),-nfd.openshift,) push: $(IMAGE_PUSH_CMD) $(IMAGE_TAG) $(IMAGE_PUSH_CMD) $(IMAGE_TAG)-minimal for tag in $(IMAGE_EXTRA_TAGS); do $(IMAGE_PUSH_CMD) $$tag; $(IMAGE_PUSH_CMD) $$tag-minimal; done push-all: $(IMAGE_BUILDX_CMD) --push $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_FULL) $(IMAGE_BUILDX_CMD) --push $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS) $(IMAGE_BUILD_ARGS_MINIMAL) poll-images: set -e; \ tags="$(foreach tag,$(IMAGE_TAG_NAME) $(IMAGE_EXTRA_TAG_NAMES),$(tag) $(tag)-minimal)" \ base_url=`echo $(IMAGE_REPO) | sed -e s'!\([^/]*\)!\1/v2!'`; \ for tag in $$tags; do \ image=$(IMAGE_REPO):$$tag \ errors=`curl -fsS -X GET https://$$base_url/manifests/$$tag|jq .errors`; \ if [ "$$errors" = "null" ]; then \ echo Image $$image found; \ else \ echo Image $$image not found; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ done site-build: @mkdir -p docs/vendor/bundle $(SITE_BUILD_CMD) sh -c "bundle install && jekyll build $(JEKYLL_OPTS)" site-serve: @mkdir -p docs/vendor/bundle $(SITE_BUILD_CMD) sh -c "bundle install && jekyll serve $(JEKYLL_OPTS) -H"