Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package nodefeaturerule

import (

	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"

	nfdv1alpha1 "sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/api/nfd/v1alpha1"

// MatchStatus represents the status of a processed rule.
// It includes information about successful expressions and their results, which are the matched host features.
// For example, for the expression: cpu.cpuid: {op: "InRegexp", value: ["^AVX"]},
// the result could include matched host features such as AVX, AVX2, AVX512 etc.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false
type MatchStatus struct {

	// IsMatch informes whether a rule succeeded or failed.
	IsMatch bool
	// MatchAny represents an array of logical OR conditions between MatchFeatureStatus entries.
	MatchAny []*MatchFeatureStatus

// MatchFeatureStatus represents a matched expression
// with its result, which is matched host features.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false
type MatchFeatureStatus struct {
	// MatchedFeatures represents the features matched on the host,
	// which is a result of the FeatureMatcher.
	MatchedFeatures matchedFeatures
	// MatchedFeaturesTerms represents the expressions that successfully matched on the host.
	MatchedFeaturesTerms nfdv1alpha1.FeatureMatcher

// RuleOutput contains the output out rule execution.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=false
type RuleOutput struct {
	ExtendedResources map[string]string
	Labels            map[string]string
	Annotations       map[string]string
	Vars              map[string]string
	Taints            []corev1.Taint
	MatchStatus       *MatchStatus

// Execute the rule against a set of input features.
func Execute(r *nfdv1alpha1.Rule, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, failFast bool) (RuleOutput, error) {
	var (
		matchStatus MatchStatus
		isMatch     bool
		err         error
	labels := make(map[string]string)
	vars := make(map[string]string)

	if n := len(r.MatchAny); n > 0 {
		matchStatus.MatchAny = make([]*MatchFeatureStatus, 0, n)
		// Logical OR over the matchAny matchers
		var (
			featureStatus *MatchFeatureStatus
			matched       bool
		for _, matcher := range r.MatchAny {
			if matched, featureStatus, err = evaluateMatchAnyElem(&matcher, features, failFast); err != nil {
				return RuleOutput{}, err
			} else if matched {
				isMatch = true
				klog.V(4).InfoS("matchAny matched", "ruleName", r.Name, "matchedFeatures", utils.DelayedDumper(featureStatus.MatchedFeatures))

				if r.LabelsTemplate == "" && r.VarsTemplate == "" && failFast {
					// there's no need to evaluate other matchers in MatchAny
					// if there are no templates to be executed on them - so
					// short-circuit and stop on first match here

				if err := executeTemplate(r.LabelsTemplate, featureStatus.MatchedFeatures, labels); err != nil {
					return RuleOutput{}, err
				if err := executeTemplate(r.VarsTemplate, featureStatus.MatchedFeatures, vars); err != nil {
					return RuleOutput{}, err

			matchStatus.MatchAny = append(matchStatus.MatchAny, featureStatus)

		if !isMatch && failFast {
			klog.V(2).InfoS("rule did not match", "ruleName", r.Name)
			return RuleOutput{MatchStatus: &matchStatus}, nil

	if len(r.MatchFeatures) > 0 {
		if isMatch, matchStatus.MatchFeatureStatus, err = evaluateFeatureMatcher(&r.MatchFeatures, features, failFast); err != nil {
			return RuleOutput{}, err
		} else if !isMatch {
			klog.V(2).InfoS("rule did not match", "ruleName", r.Name)
			return RuleOutput{MatchStatus: &matchStatus}, nil
		} else {
			klog.V(4).InfoS("matchFeatures matched", "ruleName", r.Name, "matchedFeatures", utils.DelayedDumper(matchStatus.MatchedFeatures))
			if err := executeTemplate(r.LabelsTemplate, matchStatus.MatchedFeatures, labels); err != nil {
				return RuleOutput{}, err
			if err := executeTemplate(r.VarsTemplate, matchStatus.MatchedFeatures, vars); err != nil {
				return RuleOutput{}, err

	maps.Copy(labels, r.Labels)
	maps.Copy(vars, r.Vars)
	matchStatus.IsMatch = true

	ret := RuleOutput{
		Labels:            labels,
		Vars:              vars,
		Annotations:       maps.Clone(r.Annotations),
		ExtendedResources: maps.Clone(r.ExtendedResources),
		Taints:            slices.Clone(r.Taints),
		MatchStatus:       &matchStatus,
	klog.V(2).InfoS("rule matched", "ruleName", r.Name, "ruleOutput", utils.DelayedDumper(ret))
	return ret, nil

// ExecuteGroupRule executes the GroupRule against a set of input features, and return true if the
// rule matches.
func ExecuteGroupRule(r *nfdv1alpha1.GroupRule, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, failFast bool) (MatchStatus, error) {
	var (
		matchStatus MatchStatus
		isMatch     bool
	if n := len(r.MatchAny); n > 0 {
		matchStatus.MatchAny = make([]*MatchFeatureStatus, 0, n)
		// Logical OR over the matchAny matchers
		for _, matcher := range r.MatchAny {
			matched, featureStatus, err := evaluateMatchAnyElem(&matcher, features, failFast)
			if err != nil {
				return matchStatus, err
			} else if matched {
				isMatch = true
				klog.V(4).InfoS("matchAny matched", "ruleName", r.Name, "matchedFeatures", utils.DelayedDumper(featureStatus.MatchedFeatures))

				if failFast {
					// there's no need to evaluate other matchers in MatchAny
			matchStatus.MatchAny = append(matchStatus.MatchAny, featureStatus)
		if !isMatch && failFast {
			return matchStatus, nil

	if len(r.MatchFeatures) > 0 {
		var err error
		if isMatch, matchStatus.MatchFeatureStatus, err = evaluateFeatureMatcher(&r.MatchFeatures, features, failFast); err != nil {
			return matchStatus, err
		} else if !isMatch {
			klog.V(2).InfoS("rule did not match", "ruleName", r.Name)
			return matchStatus, nil

	matchStatus.IsMatch = true

	klog.V(2).InfoS("rule matched", "ruleName", r.Name)
	return matchStatus, nil

func executeTemplate(tmpl string, in matchedFeatures, out map[string]string) error {
	if tmpl == "" {
		return nil

	th, err := template.NewHelper(tmpl)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse template: %w", err)

	values, err := th.ExpandMap(in)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to expand template: %w", err)
	maps.Copy(out, values)
	return nil

type matchedFeatures map[string]domainMatchedFeatures

type domainMatchedFeatures map[string][]MatchedElement

func evaluateMatchAnyElem(e *nfdv1alpha1.MatchAnyElem, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, failFast bool) (bool, *MatchFeatureStatus, error) {
	return evaluateFeatureMatcher(&e.MatchFeatures, features, failFast)

func evaluateFeatureMatcher(m *nfdv1alpha1.FeatureMatcher, features *nfdv1alpha1.Features, failFast bool) (bool, *MatchFeatureStatus, error) {
	var (
		isMatch     = true
		isTermMatch = true
	status := &MatchFeatureStatus{
		MatchedFeatures: make(matchedFeatures, len(*m)),

	// Logical AND over the terms
	for _, term := range *m {
		// Ignore case
		featureName := strings.ToLower(term.Feature)

		nameSplit := strings.SplitN(term.Feature, ".", 2)
		if len(nameSplit) != 2 {
			klog.InfoS("invalid feature name (not <domain>.<feature>), cannot be used for templating", "featureName", term.Feature)
			nameSplit = []string{featureName, ""}

		dom := nameSplit[0]
		nam := nameSplit[1]
		if _, ok := status.MatchedFeatures[dom]; !ok {
			status.MatchedFeatures[dom] = make(domainMatchedFeatures)

		var matchedElems []MatchedElement
		var matchedExpressions *nfdv1alpha1.MatchExpressionSet
		var err error

		matchedFeatureTerm := nfdv1alpha1.FeatureMatcherTerm{
			Feature: featureName,
		fF, okF := features.Flags[featureName]
		fA, okA := features.Attributes[featureName]
		fI, okI := features.Instances[featureName]
		if !okF && !okA && !okI {
			klog.V(2).InfoS("feature not available", "featureName", featureName)
			if failFast {
				return false, nil, nil
			isMatch = false

		if term.MatchExpressions != nil {
			isTermMatch, matchedElems, matchedExpressions, err = MatchMulti(term.MatchExpressions, fF.Elements, fA.Elements, fI.Elements, failFast)
			matchedFeatureTerm.MatchExpressions = matchedExpressions

		if err == nil && isTermMatch && term.MatchName != nil {
			var meTmp []MatchedElement
			isTermMatch, meTmp, err = MatchNamesMulti(term.MatchName, fF.Elements, fA.Elements, fI.Elements)
			matchedElems = append(matchedElems, meTmp...)
			// MatchName has only one expression, in this case it's enough to check the isTermMatch flag
			// to judge if the expression succeeded on the host.
			if isTermMatch {
				matchedFeatureTerm.MatchName = term.MatchName

		status.MatchedFeatures[dom][nam] = append(status.MatchedFeatures[dom][nam], matchedElems...)
		if matchedFeatureTerm.MatchName != nil || (matchedFeatureTerm.MatchExpressions != nil && len(*matchedFeatureTerm.MatchExpressions) > 0) {
			status.MatchedFeaturesTerms = append(status.MatchedFeaturesTerms, matchedFeatureTerm)

		if err != nil {
			return false, nil, err
		} else if !isTermMatch {
			if !failFast {
				isMatch = false
			} else {
				return false, status, nil
	return isMatch, status, nil