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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package network

import (


	nfdv1alpha1 "sigs.k8s.io/node-feature-discovery/api/nfd/v1alpha1"

// Name of this feature source
const Name = "network"

const (
	// DeviceFeature exposes physical network devices
	DeviceFeature = "device"
	// VirtualFeature exposes features for network interfaces that are not attached to a physical device
	VirtualFeature = "virtual"

const sysfsBaseDir = "class/net"

// networkSource implements the FeatureSource and LabelSource interfaces.
type networkSource struct {
	features *nfdv1alpha1.Features

// Singleton source instance
var (
	src networkSource
	_   source.FeatureSource = &src
	_   source.LabelSource   = &src

var (
	// devIfaceAttrs is the list of files under /sys/class/net/<iface> that we're reading
	devIfaceAttrs = []string{"operstate", "speed", "device/sriov_numvfs", "device/sriov_totalvfs"}

	// virtualIfaceAttrs is the list of files under /sys/class/net/<iface> that we're reading
	virtualIfaceAttrs = []string{"operstate", "speed"}

// Name returns an identifier string for this feature source.
func (s *networkSource) Name() string { return Name }

// Priority method of the LabelSource interface
func (s *networkSource) Priority() int { return 0 }

// GetLabels method of the LabelSource interface
func (s *networkSource) GetLabels() (source.FeatureLabels, error) {
	labels := source.FeatureLabels{}
	features := s.GetFeatures()

	for _, dev := range features.Instances[DeviceFeature].Elements {
		attrs := dev.Attributes
		for attr, feature := range map[string]string{
			"sriov_totalvfs": "sriov.capable",
			"sriov_numvfs":   "sriov.configured"} {

			if v, ok := attrs[attr]; ok {
				t, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
				if err != nil {
					klog.ErrorS(err, "failed to parse sriov attribute", "attributeName", attr, "deviceName", attrs["name"])
				if t > 0 {
					labels[feature] = true
	return labels, nil

// Discover method of the FeatureSource interface.
func (s *networkSource) Discover() error {
	s.features = nfdv1alpha1.NewFeatures()

	devs, virts, err := detectNetDevices()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to detect network devices: %w", err)
	s.features.Instances[DeviceFeature] = nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeatureSet{Elements: devs}
	s.features.Instances[VirtualFeature] = nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeatureSet{Elements: virts}

	klog.V(3).InfoS("discovered features", "featureSource", s.Name(), "features", utils.DelayedDumper(s.features))

	return nil

// GetFeatures method of the FeatureSource Interface.
func (s *networkSource) GetFeatures() *nfdv1alpha1.Features {
	if s.features == nil {
		s.features = nfdv1alpha1.NewFeatures()
	return s.features

func detectNetDevices() ([]nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeature, []nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeature, error) {
	sysfsBasePath := hostpath.SysfsDir.Path(sysfsBaseDir)

	ifaces, err := os.ReadDir(sysfsBasePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list network interfaces: %w", err)

	ifaces = slices.DeleteFunc(ifaces, func(iface os.DirEntry) bool {
		return iface.Name() == "bonding_masters"

	// Iterate over devices
	devIfacesinfo := make([]nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeature, 0, len(ifaces))
	virtualIfacesinfo := make([]nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeature, 0, len(ifaces))

	for _, iface := range ifaces {
		name := iface.Name()
		if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(sysfsBasePath, name, "device")); err == nil {
			devIfacesinfo = append(devIfacesinfo, readIfaceInfo(filepath.Join(sysfsBasePath, name), devIfaceAttrs))
		} else {
			virtualIfacesinfo = append(virtualIfacesinfo, readIfaceInfo(filepath.Join(sysfsBasePath, name), virtualIfaceAttrs))

	return devIfacesinfo, virtualIfacesinfo, nil

func readIfaceInfo(path string, attrFiles []string) nfdv1alpha1.InstanceFeature {
	attrs := map[string]string{"name": filepath.Base(path)}
	for _, attrFile := range attrFiles {
		data, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(path, attrFile))
		if err != nil {
			if !os.IsNotExist(err) && !errors.Is(err, syscall.EINVAL) {
				klog.ErrorS(err, "failed to read net iface attribute", "attributeName", attrFile)
		attrName := filepath.Base(attrFile)
		attrs[attrName] = strings.TrimSpace(string(data))

	return *nfdv1alpha1.NewInstanceFeature(attrs)


func init() {