#  labelWhiteList:
#  noPublish: false
#  sleepInterval: 60s
#  featureSources: [all]
#  labelSources: [all]
#  klog:
#    addDirHeader: false
#    alsologtostderr: false
#    logBacktraceAt:
#    logtostderr: true
#    skipHeaders: false
#    stderrthreshold: 2
#    v: 0
#    vmodule:
##   NOTE: the following options are not dynamically run-time configurable
##         and require a nfd-worker restart to take effect after being changed
#    logDir:
#    logFile:
#    logFileMaxSize: 1800
#    skipLogHeaders: false
#  cpu:
#    cpuid:
##     NOTE: whitelist has priority over blacklist
#      attributeBlacklist:
#        - "BMI1"
#        - "BMI2"
#        - "CLMUL"
#        - "CMOV"
#        - "CX16"
#        - "ERMS"
#        - "F16C"
#        - "HTT"
#        - "LZCNT"
#        - "MMX"
#        - "MMXEXT"
#        - "NX"
#        - "POPCNT"
#        - "RDRAND"
#        - "RDSEED"
#        - "RDTSCP"
#        - "SGX"
#        - "SSE"
#        - "SSE2"
#        - "SSE3"
#        - "SSE4"
#        - "SSE42"
#        - "SSSE3"
#        - "TDX_GUEST"
#      attributeWhitelist:
#  kernel:
#    kconfigFile: "/path/to/kconfig"
#    configOpts:
#      - "NO_HZ"
#      - "X86"
#      - "DMI"
#  pci:
#    deviceClassWhitelist:
#      - "0200"
#      - "03"
#      - "12"
#    deviceLabelFields:
#      - "class"
#      - "vendor"
#      - "device"
#      - "subsystem_vendor"
#      - "subsystem_device"
#  usb:
#    deviceClassWhitelist:
#      - "0e"
#      - "ef"
#      - "fe"
#      - "ff"
#    deviceLabelFields:
#      - "class"
#      - "vendor"
#      - "device"
#  local:
#    hooksEnabled: false
#  custom:
#    # The following feature demonstrates the capabilities of the matchFeatures
#    - name: "my custom rule"
#      labels:
#        my-ng-feature: "true"
#      # matchFeatures implements a logical AND over all matcher terms in the
#      # list (i.e. all of the terms, or per-feature matchers, must match)
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: cpu.cpuid
#          matchExpressions:
#            AVX512F: {op: Exists}
#        - feature: cpu.cstate
#          matchExpressions:
#            enabled: {op: IsTrue}
#        - feature: cpu.pstate
#          matchExpressions:
#            no_turbo: {op: IsFalse}
#            scaling_governor: {op: In, value: ["performance"]}
#        - feature: cpu.rdt
#          matchExpressions:
#            RDTL3CA: {op: Exists}
#        - feature: cpu.sst
#          matchExpressions:
#            bf.enabled: {op: IsTrue}
#        - feature: cpu.topology
#          matchExpressions:
#            hardware_multithreading: {op: IsFalse}
#        - feature: kernel.config
#          matchExpressions:
#            X86: {op: Exists}
#            LSM: {op: InRegexp, value: ["apparmor"]}
#        - feature: kernel.loadedmodule
#          matchExpressions:
#            e1000e: {op: Exists}
#        - feature: kernel.selinux
#          matchExpressions:
#            enabled: {op: IsFalse}
#        - feature: kernel.version
#          matchExpressions:
#            major: {op: In, value: ["5"]}
#            minor: {op: Gt, value: ["10"]}
#        - feature: storage.block
#          matchExpressions:
#            rotational: {op: In, value: ["0"]}
#            dax: {op: In, value: ["0"]}
#        - feature: network.device
#          matchExpressions:
#            operstate: {op: In, value: ["up"]}
#            speed: {op: Gt, value: ["100"]}
#        - feature: memory.numa
#          matchExpressions:
#            node_count: {op: Gt, value: ["2"]}
#        - feature: memory.nv
#          matchExpressions:
#            devtype: {op: In, value: ["nd_dax"]}
#            mode: {op: In, value: ["memory"]}
#        - feature: system.osrelease
#          matchExpressions:
#            ID: {op: In, value: ["fedora", "centos"]}
#        - feature: system.name
#          matchExpressions:
#            nodename: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^worker-X"]}
#        - feature: local.label
#          matchExpressions:
#            custom-feature-knob: {op: Gt, value: ["100"]}
#    # The following feature demonstrates the capabilities of the matchAny
#    - name: "my matchAny rule"
#      labels:
#        my-ng-feature-2: "my-value"
#      # matchAny implements a logical IF over all elements (sub-matchers) in
#      # the list (i.e. at least one feature matcher must match)
#      matchAny:
#        - matchFeatures:
#            - feature: kernel.loadedmodule
#              matchExpressions:
#                driver-module-X: {op: Exists}
#            - feature: pci.device
#              matchExpressions:
#                vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]}
#                class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]}
#        - matchFeatures:
#            - feature: kernel.loadedmodule
#              matchExpressions:
#                driver-module-Y: {op: Exists}
#            - feature: usb.device
#              matchExpressions:
#                vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]}
#                class: {op: In, value: ["02"]}
#    # The following features demonstreate label templating capabilities
#    - name: "my template rule"
#      labelsTemplate: |
#        {{ range .system.osrelease }}my-system-feature.{{ .Name }}={{ .Value }}
#        {{ end }}
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: system.osrelease
#          matchExpressions:
#            ID: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^open.*"]}
#            VERSION_ID.major: {op: In, value: ["13", "15"]}
#    - name: "my template rule 2"
#      labelsTemplate: |
#        {{ range .pci.device }}my-pci-device.{{ .class }}-{{ .device }}=with-cpuid
#        {{ end }}
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: pci.device
#          matchExpressions:
#            class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^06"]}
#            vendor: ["8086"]
#        - feature: cpu.cpuid
#          matchExpressions:
#            AVX: {op: Exists}
#    # The following examples demonstrate vars field and back-referencing
#    # previous labels and vars
#    - name: "my dummy kernel rule"
#      labels:
#        "my.kernel.feature": "true"
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: kernel.version
#          matchExpressions:
#            major: {op: Gt, value: ["2"]}
#    - name: "my dummy rule with no labels"
#      vars:
#        "my.dummy.var": "1"
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: cpu.cpuid
#          matchExpressions: {}
#    - name: "my rule using backrefs"
#      labels:
#        "my.backref.feature": "true"
#      matchFeatures:
#        - feature: rule.matched
#          matchExpressions:
#            my.kernel.feature: {op: IsTrue}
#            my.dummy.var: {op: Gt, value: ["0"]}