--- title: "CRDs" layout: default sort: 7 --- # Custom Resources {: .no_toc} ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta} 1. TOC {:toc} --- NFD uses some Kubernetes [custom resources][custom-resources]. ## NodeFeature NodeFeature is an NFD-specific custom resource for communicating node features and node labeling requests. The nfd-master pod watches for NodeFeature objects, labels nodes as specified and uses the listed features as input when evaluating [NodeFeatureRule](#nodefeaturerule)s. NodeFeature objects can be used for implementing 3rd party extensions (see [customization guide](customization-guide.md#nodefeature-custom-resource) for more details). ```yaml apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeature metadata: labels: nfd.node.kubernetes.io/node-name: node-1 name: node-1-vendor-features spec: features: instances: vendor.device: elements: - attributes: model: "xpu-1" memory: "4000" type: "fast" - attributes: model: "xpu-2" memory: "16000" type: "slow" labels: vendor-xpu-present: "true" ``` ## NodeFeatureGroup NodeFeatureGroup is an NFD-specific custom resource that is designed for grouping nodes based on their features. NFD-Master watches for NodeFeatureGroup objects in the cluster and updates the status of the NodeFeatureGroup object with the list of nodes that match the feature group rules. The NodeFeatureGroup rules follow the same syntax as the NodeFeatureRule rules. ```yaml apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeatureGroup metadata: name: node-feature-group-example spec: featureGroupRules: - name: "node has kernel version discovered" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.version matchExpressions: major: {op: Exists} ``` NodeFeatureGroup API is an alpha feature and disabled by default in NFD version {{ site.version }}. For more details and examples see the [customization guide](customization-guide.md#nodefeaturegroup-custom-resource). ## NodeFeatureRule NodeFeatureRule is an NFD-specific custom resource that is designed for rule-based custom labeling of nodes. NFD-Master watches for NodeFeatureRule objects in the cluster and labels nodes according to the rules within. Some use cases are e.g. application specific labeling in a specific environments or being distributed by hardware vendors to create specific labels for their devices. ```yaml apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeatureRule metadata: name: example-rule spec: rules: - name: "example rule" labels: "example-custom-feature": "true" # Label is created if all of the rules below match matchFeatures: # Match if "veth" kernel module is loaded - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: veth: {op: Exists} # Match if any PCI device with vendor 8086 exists in the system - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]} ``` See the [Customization guide](customization-guide.md#node-feature-rule-custom-resource) for full documentation of the NodeFeatureRule resource and its usage. The [`deployment/nodefeaturerule/samples/`](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/tree/{{site.release}}/deployment/nodefeaturerule/samples) directory contains sample NodeFeatureRule objects that replicate the built-in default feature labels generated by NFD. The sample rules can be used as a base to customize NFD feature labels. To use them in place of the the NFD built-in labels, the corresponding feature source(s) of nfd-worker should be disabled with the [`core.labelSources`](../reference/worker-configuration-reference.md#corelabelsources) configuration option. ## NodeResourceTopology When run with NFD-Topology-Updater, NFD creates NodeResourceTopology objects corresponding to node resource hardware topology such as: ```yaml apiVersion: topology.node.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeResourceTopology metadata: name: node1 topologyPolicies: ["SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel"] zones: - name: node-0 type: Node resources: - name: cpu capacity: 20 allocatable: 16 available: 10 - name: vendor/nic1 capacity: 3 allocatable: 3 available: 3 - name: node-1 type: Node resources: - name: cpu capacity: 30 allocatable: 30 available: 15 - name: vendor/nic2 capacity: 6 allocatable: 6 available: 6 - name: node-2 type: Node resources: - name: cpu capacity: 30 allocatable: 30 available: 15 - name: vendor/nic1 capacity: 3 allocatable: 3 available: 3 ``` The NodeResourceTopology objects created by NFD can be used to gain insight into the allocatable resources along with the granularity of those resources at a per-zone level (represented by node-0 and node-1 in the above example) or can be used by an external entity (e.g. topology-aware scheduler plugin) to take an action based on the gathered information. <!-- Links --> [custom-resources]: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/