--- title: "NFD-Worker" layout: default sort: 4 --- # NFD-Worker {: .no_toc} ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta} 1. TOC {:toc} --- NFD-Worker is preferably run as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. This assures re-labeling on regular intervals capturing changes in the system configuration and makes sure that new nodes are labeled as they are added to the cluster. Worker connects to the nfd-master service to advertise hardware features. When run as a daemonset, nodes are re-labeled at an default interval of 60s. This can be changed by using the [`core.sleepInterval`](../reference/worker-configuration-reference.html#coresleepinterval) config option. The worker configuration file is watched and re-read on every change which provides a simple mechanism of dynamic run-time reconfiguration. See [worker configuration](#worker-configuration) for more details. ## Worker configuration NFD-Worker supports dynamic configuration through a configuration file. The default location is `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf`, but, this can be changed by specifying the`-config` command line flag. Configuration file is re-read whenever it is modified which makes run-time re-configuration of nfd-worker straightforward. Worker configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability. The provided nfd-worker deployment templates create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-worker containers. In kustomize deployments, configuration can be edited with: ```bash kubectl -n ${NFD_NS} edit configmap nfd-worker-conf ``` In Helm deployments, [Worker pod parameter](../deployment/helm#worker-pod-parameters) `worker.config` can be used to edit the respective configuration. See [nfd-worker configuration file reference](../reference/worker-configuration-reference) for more details. The (empty-by-default) [example config](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/blob/{{site.release}}/deployment/components/worker-config/nfd-worker.conf.example) contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration. Configuration options can also be specified via the `-options` command line flag, in which case no mounts need to be used. The same format as in the config file must be used, i.e. JSON (or YAML). For example: ```bash -options='{"sources": { "pci": { "deviceClassWhitelist": ["12"] } } }' ``` Configuration options specified from the command line will override those read from the config file.