version: v1alpha1 compatibilities: - description: "my image requirements" rules: - name: "kernel and cpu" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: vfio-pci: {op: Exists} ip_tables: {op: Exists} - feature: cpu.model matchExpressions: vendor_id: {op: In, value: ["Intel", "AMD"]} - feature: cpu.cpuid matchName: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^AVX"]} - name: "one of available nics" matchAny: - matchFeatures: - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["0eee"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]} - matchFeatures: - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["0fff"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]}