apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeatureRule metadata: name: my-rule spec: rules: # The following feature demonstrates the capabilities of the matchFeatures and # matchAny matchers. - name: "my feature rule" taints: - effect: PreferNoSchedule key: "feature.node.kubernetes.io/special-node" value: "true" - effect: NoExecute key: "feature.node.kubernetes.io/dedicated-node" labels: "my-complex-feature": "my-value" # matchFeatures implements a logical AND over feature matchers. matchFeatures: - feature: cpu.cpuid matchExpressions: AVX512F: {op: Exists} - feature: cpu.cstate matchExpressions: enabled: {op: IsTrue} - feature: cpu.pstate matchExpressions: no_turbo: {op: IsFalse} scaling_governor: {op: In, value: ["performance"]} - feature: cpu.rdt matchExpressions: RDTL3CA: {op: Exists} - feature: cpu.sst matchExpressions: bf.enabled: {op: IsTrue} - feature: cpu.topology matchExpressions: hardware_multithreading: {op: IsFalse} - feature: kernel.config matchExpressions: X86: {op: Exists} LSM: {op: InRegexp, value: ["apparmor"]} - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: e1000e: {op: Exists} - feature: kernel.selinux matchExpressions: enabled: {op: IsFalse} - feature: kernel.version matchExpressions: major: {op: In, value: ["5"]} minor: {op: Gt, value: ["10"]} - feature: storage.block matchExpressions: rotational: {op: In, value: ["0"]} dax: {op: In, value: ["0"]} - feature: network.device matchExpressions: operstate: {op: In, value: ["up"]} speed: {op: Gt, value: ["100"]} - feature: memory.numa matchExpressions: node_count: {op: Gt, value: ["2"]} - feature: memory.nv matchExpressions: devtype: {op: In, value: ["nd_dax"]} mode: {op: In, value: ["memory"]} - feature: system.osrelease matchExpressions: ID: {op: In, value: ["fedora", "centos"]} - feature: system.name matchExpressions: nodename: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^worker-X"]} - feature: local.label matchExpressions: custom-feature-knob: {op: Gt, value: ["100"]} # matchAny implements a logical IF over all listed matchers (i.e. at # least one must match) matchAny: - matchFeatures: - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]} - feature: usb.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]} class: {op: In, value: ["02"]} # The following features demonstreate label templating capabilities - name: "my system template feature" labelsTemplate: | {{ range .system.osrelease }}my-system-feature.{{ .Name }}={{ .Value }} {{ end }} matchFeatures: - feature: system.osrelease matchExpressions: ID: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^open.*"]} VERSION_ID.major: {op: In, value: ["13", "15"]} - name: "my pci template feature" labelsTemplate: | {{ range .pci.device }}my-pci-device.{{ .class }}-{{ .device }}=with-cpuid {{ end }} matchFeatures: - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^06"]} vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]} - feature: cpu.cpuid matchExpressions: AVX: {op: Exists} # The following examples demonstrate vars field and back-referencing # previous labels and vars - name: "my dummy kernel rule" labels: "my.kernel.feature": "true" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.version matchExpressions: major: {op: Gt, value: ["2"]} - name: "my dummy rule with no labels" vars: "my.dummy.var": "1" matchFeatures: - feature: cpu.cpuid matchExpressions: {} - name: "my rule using backrefs" labels: "my.backref.feature": "true" matchFeatures: - feature: rule.matched matchExpressions: my.kernel.feature: {op: IsTrue} my.dummy.var: {op: Gt, value: ["0"]}