{% comment %} The following ugly construction is solely for the purpose of dropping the "version" suffix from the baseurl. The reason for doing this is that github-pages gem forces us on --safe mode (i.e. disables custom plugins) so we're not able to write a simple ruby plugin doing delete_suffix() {% endcomment %} {% assign version_len = site.version | size %} {% assign baseurl_len = site.baseurl | size %} {% assign idx = baseurl_len | minus: version_len %} {% assign suffix = site.baseurl | slice: idx, version_len %} {% if suffix == site.version %} {% assign idx = idx | minus: 1 %} {% assign baseurl = site.baseurl | slice: 0, idx %} {% else %} {% assign baseurl = site.baseurl %} {% endif %} {% for version in site.versions %}
{{ version }}
{% endfor %}
{{ site.title }}
{%- assign items = "github, analytics" | split: ", " -%} {% for item in items -%} {% include addons/{{ item }}.liquid %} {% endfor -%}
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