Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

package resourcemonitor

import (

	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	podresourcesapi "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/podresources/v1"



type PodResourcesScanner struct {
	namespace         string
	podResourceClient podresourcesapi.PodResourcesListerClient
	apihelper         apihelper.APIHelpers
	podFingerprint    bool

// NewPodResourcesScanner creates a new ResourcesScanner instance
func NewPodResourcesScanner(namespace string, podResourceClient podresourcesapi.PodResourcesListerClient, kubeApihelper apihelper.APIHelpers, podFingerprint bool) (ResourcesScanner, error) {
	resourcemonitorInstance := &PodResourcesScanner{
		namespace:         namespace,
		podResourceClient: podResourceClient,
		apihelper:         kubeApihelper,
		podFingerprint:    podFingerprint,
	if resourcemonitorInstance.namespace != "*" {
		klog.InfoS("watching one namespace", "namespace", resourcemonitorInstance.namespace)
	} else {
		klog.InfoS("watching all namespaces")

	return resourcemonitorInstance, nil

// isWatchable tells if the the given namespace should be watched.
func (resMon *PodResourcesScanner) isWatchable(podNamespace string, podName string, hasDevice bool) (bool, bool, error) {
	cli, err := resMon.apihelper.GetClient()
	if err != nil {
		return false, false, err
	pod, err := resMon.apihelper.GetPod(cli, podNamespace, podName)
	if err != nil {
		return false, false, err

	isIntegralGuaranteed := hasExclusiveCPUs(pod)

	if resMon.namespace == "*" && (isIntegralGuaranteed || hasDevice) {
		return true, isIntegralGuaranteed, nil
	// TODO:  add an explicit check for guaranteed pods and pods with devices
	return resMon.namespace == podNamespace && (isIntegralGuaranteed || hasDevice), isIntegralGuaranteed, nil

// hasExclusiveCPUs returns true if a guaranteed pod is allocated exclusive CPUs else returns false.
// In isWatchable() function we check for the pod QoS and proceed if it is guaranteed (i.e. request == limit)
// and hence we only check for request in the function below.
func hasExclusiveCPUs(pod *corev1.Pod) bool {
	var totalCPU int64
	var cpuQuantity resource.Quantity
	for _, container := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {

		var ok bool
		if cpuQuantity, ok = container.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceCPU]; !ok {
		totalCPU += cpuQuantity.Value()
		isInitContainerGuaranteed := hasIntegralCPUs(pod, &container)
		if !isInitContainerGuaranteed {
			return false
	for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		var ok bool
		if cpuQuantity, ok = container.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceCPU]; !ok {
		totalCPU += cpuQuantity.Value()
		isAppContainerGuaranteed := hasIntegralCPUs(pod, &container)
		if !isAppContainerGuaranteed {
			return false

	//No CPUs requested in all the containers in the pod
	return totalCPU != 0

// hasIntegralCPUs returns true if a container in pod is requesting integral CPUs else returns false
func hasIntegralCPUs(pod *corev1.Pod, container *corev1.Container) bool {
	cpuQuantity := container.Resources.Requests[corev1.ResourceCPU]
	return cpuQuantity.Value()*1000 == cpuQuantity.MilliValue()

// Scan gathers all the PodResources from the system, using the podresources API client.
func (resMon *PodResourcesScanner) Scan() (ScanResponse, error) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultPodResourcesTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	// Pod Resource API client
	resp, err := resMon.podResourceClient.List(ctx, &podresourcesapi.ListPodResourcesRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		return ScanResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("can't receive response: %v.Get(_) = _, %w", resMon.podResourceClient, err)

	respPodResources := resp.GetPodResources()
	retVal := ScanResponse{
		Attributes: v1alpha2.AttributeList{},

	if resMon.podFingerprint && len(respPodResources) > 0 {
		var status podfingerprint.Status
		podFingerprintSign, err := computePodFingerprint(respPodResources, &status)
		if err != nil {
			klog.ErrorS(err, "failed to calculate fingerprint")
		} else {
			klog.InfoS("podFingerprint calculated", "status", status.Repr())

			retVal.Attributes = append(retVal.Attributes, v1alpha2.AttributeInfo{
				Name:  podfingerprint.Attribute,
				Value: podFingerprintSign,
	var podResData []PodResources

	for _, podResource := range respPodResources {
		klog.InfoS("scanning pod", "podName", podResource.GetName())
		hasDevice := hasDevice(podResource)
		isWatchable, isIntegralGuaranteed, err := resMon.isWatchable(podResource.GetNamespace(), podResource.GetName(), hasDevice)
		if err != nil {
			return ScanResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("checking if pod in a namespace is watchable, namespace:%v, pod name %v: %w", podResource.GetNamespace(), podResource.GetName(), err)
		if !isWatchable {

		podRes := PodResources{
			Name:      podResource.GetName(),
			Namespace: podResource.GetNamespace(),

		for _, container := range podResource.GetContainers() {
			contRes := ContainerResources{
				Name: container.Name,

			if isIntegralGuaranteed {
				cpuIDs := container.GetCpuIds()
				if len(cpuIDs) > 0 {
					var resCPUs []string
					for _, cpuID := range container.GetCpuIds() {
						resCPUs = append(resCPUs, strconv.FormatInt(cpuID, 10))
					contRes.Resources = []ResourceInfo{
							Name: corev1.ResourceCPU,
							Data: resCPUs,

			for _, device := range container.GetDevices() {
				numaNodesIDs := getNumaNodeIds(device.GetTopology())
				contRes.Resources = append(contRes.Resources, ResourceInfo{
					Name:        corev1.ResourceName(device.ResourceName),
					Data:        device.DeviceIds,
					NumaNodeIds: numaNodesIDs,

			for _, block := range container.GetMemory() {
				if block.GetSize_() == 0 {

				topology := getNumaNodeIds(block.GetTopology())
				contRes.Resources = append(contRes.Resources, ResourceInfo{
					Name:        corev1.ResourceName(block.MemoryType),
					Data:        []string{fmt.Sprintf("%d", block.GetSize_())},
					NumaNodeIds: topology,

			if len(contRes.Resources) == 0 {
			podRes.Containers = append(podRes.Containers, contRes)

		if len(podRes.Containers) == 0 {

		podResData = append(podResData, podRes)


	retVal.PodResources = podResData

	return retVal, nil

func hasDevice(podResource *podresourcesapi.PodResources) bool {
	for _, container := range podResource.GetContainers() {
		if len(container.GetDevices()) > 0 {
			return true
	klog.InfoS("pod doesn't have devices", "podName", podResource.GetName())
	return false

func getNumaNodeIds(topologyInfo *podresourcesapi.TopologyInfo) []int {
	if topologyInfo == nil {
		return nil

	var topology []int
	for _, node := range topologyInfo.Nodes {
		if node != nil {
			topology = append(topology, int(node.ID))

	return topology

func computePodFingerprint(podResources []*podresourcesapi.PodResources, status *podfingerprint.Status) (string, error) {
	fingerprint := podfingerprint.NewTracingFingerprint(len(podResources), status)
	for _, podResource := range podResources {
		err := fingerprint.Add(podResource.Namespace, podResource.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
	return fingerprint.Sign(), nil