#!/bin/bash -e set -o pipefail # Configure environment export KIND_VERSION="v0.23.0" export KIND_NODE_IMAGE="kindest/node:v1.30.2" export CLUSTER_NAME="nfd-e2e" export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/kubeconfig_$CLUSTER_NAME" export IMAGE_REPO="registry.local/node-feature-discovery" export IMAGE_TAG_NAME=$(git describe --tags --dirty --always) # Install kind go install sigs.k8s.io/kind@$KIND_VERSION # create a cluster with the local registry enabled in containerd cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG --image $KIND_NODE_IMAGE --config=- kind: Cluster apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 name: $CLUSTER_NAME nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker EOF # build the local image make image IMAGE_REPO=$IMAGE_REPO IMAGE_TAG_NAME=$IMAGE_TAG_NAME # push the image to the local registry kind load docker-image $IMAGE_REPO:$IMAGE_TAG_NAME --name $CLUSTER_NAME # run the tests make e2e-test IMAGE_REPO=$IMAGE_REPO IMAGE_TAG_NAME=$IMAGE_TAG_NAME E2E_PULL_IF_NOT_PRESENT=true