title: "Introduction"
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sort: 1

# Introduction
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## Table of contents
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1. TOC


This software enables node feature discovery for Kubernetes. It detects
hardware features available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and
advertises those features using node labels and optionally node extended
resources and node taints. Node Feature Discovery is compatible with any recent
version of Kubernetes (v1.21+).

NFD consists of four software components:

1. nfd-master
1. nfd-worker
1. nfd-topology-updater
1. nfd-gc

## NFD-Master

NFD-Master is the daemon responsible for communication towards the Kubernetes
API. That is, it receives labeling requests from the worker and modifies node
objects accordingly.

## NFD-Worker

NFD-Worker is a daemon responsible for feature detection. It then communicates
the information to nfd-master which does the actual node labeling.  One
instance of nfd-worker is supposed to be running on each node of the cluster,

## NFD-Topology-Updater

NFD-Topology-Updater is a daemon responsible for examining allocated
resources on a worker node to account for resources available to be allocated
to new pod on a per-zone basis (where a zone can be a NUMA node). It then
creates or updates a
[NodeResourceTopology](../usage/custom-resources.md#noderesourcetopology) custom
resource object specific to this node. One instance of nfd-topology-updater is
supposed to be running on each node of the cluster.


NFD-GC is a daemon responsible for cleaning obsolete
[NodeFeature](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeature) and
[NodeResourceTopology](../usage/custom-resources.md#noderesourcetopology) objects.

One instance of nfd-gc is supposed to be running in the cluster.

## Feature Discovery

Feature discovery is divided into domain-specific feature sources:

- Kernel
- Memory
- Network
- Storage
- System
- Custom (rule-based custom features)
- Local (hooks for user-specific features)

Each feature source is responsible for detecting a set of features which. in
turn, are turned into node feature labels.  Feature labels are prefixed with
`feature.node.kubernetes.io/` and also contain the name of the feature source.
Non-standard user-specific feature labels can be created with the local and
custom feature sources.

An overview of the default feature labels:

  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/cpu-<feature-name>": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/custom-<feature-name>": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/kernel-<feature name>": "<feature value>",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/memory-<feature-name>": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/network-<feature-name>": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/pci-<device label>.present": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/storage-<feature-name>": "true",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/system-<feature name>": "<feature value>",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/usb-<device label>.present": "<feature value>",
  "feature.node.kubernetes.io/<file name>-<feature name>": "<feature value>"

## Node annotations

NFD also annotates nodes it is running on:

| Annotation                                                   | Description
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | -----------
| [&lt;instance&gt;.]nfd.node.kubernetes.io/master.version     | Version of the nfd-master instance running on the node. Informative use only.
| [&lt;instance&gt;.]nfd.node.kubernetes.io/worker.version     | Version of the nfd-worker instance running on the node. Informative use only.
| [&lt;instance&gt;.]nfd.node.kubernetes.io/feature-labels     | Comma-separated list of node labels managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
| [&lt;instance&gt;.]nfd.node.kubernetes.io/extended-resources | Comma-separated list of node extended resources managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.

> **NOTE:** the [`-instance`](../reference/master-commandline-reference.md#instance)
> command line flag affects the annotation names

Unapplicable annotations are not created, i.e. for example master.version is
only created on nodes running nfd-master.

## Custom resources

NFD takes use of some Kubernetes Custom Resources.

is be used for representing node features and requesting node labels to be

NFD-Master uses [NodeFeatureRule](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeaturerule)s
for custom labeling of nodes.

NFD-Topology-Updater creates
[NodeResourceTopology](../usage/custom-resources.md#noderesourcetopology) objects
that describe the hardware topology of node resources.