--- title: "Customization guide" layout: default sort: 5 --- # Customization guide {: .no_toc} ## Table of contents {: .no_toc .text-delta} 1. TOC {:toc} --- ## Overview NFD provides multiple extension points for vendor and application specific labeling: - [`NodeFeatureRule`](#nodefeaturerule-custom-resource) objects provide a way to deploy custom labeling rules via the Kubernetes API - [`local`](#local-feature-source) feature source of nfd-worker creates labels by executing hooks and reading files - [`custom`](#custom-feature-source) feature source of nfd-worker creates labels based on user-specified rules ## NodeFeatureRule custom resource `NodeFeatureRule` objects provide an easy way to create vendor or application specific labels. It uses a flexible rule-based mechanism for creating labels based on node feature. ### A NodeFeatureRule example Consider the following referential example: ```yaml apiVersion: nfd.k8s-sigs.io/v1alpha1 kind: NodeFeatureRule metadata: name: my-sample-rule-object spec: rules: - name: "my sample rule" labels: "my-sample-feature": "true" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: dummy: {op: Exists} - feature: kernel.config matchExpressions: X86: {op: In, value: ["y"]} ``` It specifies one rule which creates node label `feature.node.kubenernetes.io/my-sample-feature=true` if both of the following conditions are true (`matchFeatures` implements a logical AND over the matchers): - The `dummy` network driver module has been loaded - X86 option in kernel config is set to `=y` Create a `NodeFeatureRule` with a yaml file: ```bash kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/{{ site.release }}/examples/nodefeaturerule.yaml ``` Now, on X86 platforms the feature label appears after doing `modprobe dummy` on a system and correspondingly the label is removed after `rmmod dummy`. Note a re-labeling delay up to the sleep-interval of nfd-worker (1 minute by default). ### NodeFeatureRule controller NFD-Master acts as the controller for `NodeFeatureRule` objects. It applies these rules on raw feature data received from nfd-worker instances and creates node labels, accordingly. **NOTE** nfd-master is stateless and (re-)labelling only happens when a request is received from nfd-worker. That is, in practice rules are evaluated and labels for each node are created on intervals specified by the [`core.sleepInterval`](worker-configuration-reference#coresleepinterval) configuration option (or [`-sleep-interval`](worker-commandline-reference#-sleep-interval) command line flag) of nfd-worker instances. This means that modification or creation of `NodeFeatureRule` objects does not instantly cause the node labels to be updated. Instead, the changes only come visible in node labels as nfd-worker instances send their labelling requests. ## Local feature source NFD-Worker has a special feature source named `local` which is an integration point for external feature detectors. It provides a mechanism for pluggable extensions, allowing the creation of new user-specific features and even overriding built-in labels. The `local` feature source has two methods for detecting features, hooks and feature files. The features discovered by the `local` source can further be used in label rules specified in [`NodeFeatureRule`](#nodefeaturerule-custom-resource) objects and the [`custom`](#custom-feature-source) feature source. **NOTE:** Be careful when creating and/or updating hook or feature files while NFD is running. In order to avoid race conditions you should write into a temporary file (outside the `source.d` and `features.d` directories), and, atomically create/update the original file by doing a filesystem move operation. ### A hook example Consider a shell script `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/my-hook.sh` having the following stdout output, or alternatively, a plaintext file `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/my-features` having the following contents: ```plaintext my-feature.1 my-feature.2=myvalue my.namespace/my-feature.3=456 ``` This will translate into the following node labels: ```yaml feature.node.kubernetes.io/my-feature.1: "true" feature.node.kubernetes.io/my-feature.2: "myvalue" my.namespace/my-feature.3: "456" ``` Note that in the example above `-extra-label-ns=my.namespace` must be specified on the nfd-master command line. ### Hooks The `local` source executes hooks found in `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/`. The hook files must be executable and they are supposed to print all discovered features in `stdout`. With ELF binaries static linking is recommended as the selection of system libraries available in the NFD release image is very limited. Other runtimes currently supported by the NFD image are bash and perl. `stderr` output of hooks is propagated to NFD log so it can be used for debugging and logging. NFD tries to execute any regular files found from the hooks directory. Any additional data files the hook might need (e.g. a configuration file) should be placed in a separate directory in order to avoid NFD unnecessarily trying to execute them. A subdirectory under the hooks directory can be used, for example `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/conf/`. **NOTE:** NFD will blindly run any executables placed/mounted in the hooks directory. It is the user's responsibility to review the hooks for e.g. possible security implications. **NOTE:** The [minimal](deployment-and-usage#minimal) image variant only supports running statically linked binaries. ### Feature files The `local` source reads files found in `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/`. ### Input format The hook stdout and feature files are expected to contain features in simple key-value pairs, separated by newlines: ```plaintext [=] ``` The label value defaults to `true`, if not specified. Label namespace may be specified with `/[=]`. The namespace must be explicitly allowed with the `-extra-label-ns` command line flag of nfd-master if using something else than `[.]feature.node.kubernetes.io` or `[.]profile.node.kubernetes.io`. ### Mounts The standard NFD deployments contain `hostPath` mounts for `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/` and `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/`, making these directories from the host available inside the nfd-worker container. #### Injecting labels from other pods One use case for the hooks and/or feature files is detecting features in other Pods outside NFD, e.g. in Kubernetes device plugins. By using the same `hostPath` mounts for `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/source.d/` and `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/` in the side-car (e.g. device plugin) creates a shared area for deploying hooks and feature files to NFD. NFD will periodically scan the directories and run any hooks and read any feature files it finds. ## Custom feature source The `custom` feature source in nfd-worker provides a rule-based mechanism for label creation, similar to the [`NodeFeatureRule`](#nodefeaturerule-custom-resource) objects. The difference is that the rules are specified in the worker configuration instead of a Kubernetes API object. See [worker configuration](deployment-and-usage.md#worker-configuration) for instructions how to set-up and manage the worker configuration. ### An example custom feature source configuration Consider the following referential configuration for nfd-worker: ```yaml core: labelSources: ["custom"] sources: custom: - name: "my sample rule" labels: "my-sample-feature": "true" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: dummy: {op: Exists} - feature: kernel.config matchExpressions: X86: {op: In, value: ["y"]} ``` It specifies one rule which creates node label `feature.node.kubenernetes.io/my-sample-feature=true` if both of the following conditions are true (`matchFeatures` implements a logical AND over the matchers): - The `dummy` network driver module has been loaded - X86 option in kernel config is set to `=y` In addition, the configuration only enables the `custom` source, disabling all built-in labels. Now, on X86 platforms the feature label appears after doing `modprobe dummy` on a system and correspondingly the label is removed after `rmmod dummy`. Note a re-labeling delay up to the sleep-interval of nfd-worker (1 minute by default). ### Additional configuration directory In addition to the rules defined in the nfd-worker configuration file, the `custom` feature source can read more configuration files located in the `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/custom.d/` directory. This makes more dynamic and flexible configuration easier. As an example, consider having file `/etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/custom.d/my-rule.yaml` with the following content: ```yaml - name: "my e1000 rule" labels: "e1000.present": "true" matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: e1000: {op: Exists} ``` This simple rule will create `feature.node.kubenernetes.io/e1000.present=true` label if the `e1000` kernel module has been loaded. The [`samples/custom-rules`](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery/blob/{{site.release}}/deployment/overlays/samples/custom-rules) kustomize overlay sample contains an example for deploying a custom rule from a ConfigMap. ## Node labels Feature labels have the following format: ```plaintext / = ``` The namespace part (i.e. prefix) of the labels is controlled by nfd: - All built-in labels use `feature.node.kubernetes.io`. This is also the default for user defined features that don't specify any namespace. - User-defined labels are allowed to use: - `feature.node.kubernetes.io` and `profile.node.kubernetes.io` plus their sub-namespaces (e.g. `vendor.profile.node.kubernetes.io` and `sub.ns.profile.node.kubernetes.io`) by default - Additional namespaces may be enabled with the [`-extra-label-ns`](../advanced/master-commandline-reference#-extra-label-ns) command line flag of nfd-master ## Label rule format This section describes the rule format used in [`NodeFeatureRule`](#nodefeaturerule-custom-resource) objects and in the configuration of the [`custom`](#custom-feature-source) feature source. It is based on a generic feature matcher that covers all features discovered by nfd-worker. The rules rely on a unified data model of the available features and a generic expression-based format. Features that can be used in the rules are described in detail in [available features](#available-features) below. Take this rule as a referential example: ```yaml - name: "my feature rule" labels: "my-special-feature": "my-value" matchFeatures: - feature: cpu.cpuid matchExpressions: AVX512F: {op: Exists} - feature: kernel.version matchExpressions: major: {op: In, value: ["5"]} minor: {op: Gt, value: ["1"]} - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]} ``` This will yield `feature.node.kubenernetes.io/my-special-feature=my-value` node label if all of these are true (`matchFeatures` implements a logical AND over the matchers): - the CPU has AVX512F capability - kernel version is 5.2 or later (must be v5.x) - an Intel network controller is present ### Fields #### Name The `.name` field is required and used as an identifier of the rule. #### Labels The `.labels` is a map of the node labels to create if the rule matches. #### Labels template The `.labelsTemplate` field specifies a text template for dynamically creating labels based on the matched features. See [templating](#templating) for details. **NOTE** The `labels` field has priority over `labelsTemplate`, i.e. labels specified in the `labels` field will override anything originating from `labelsTemplate`. #### Vars The `.vars` field is a map of values (key-value pairs) to store for subsequent rules to use. In other words, these are variables that are not advertised as node labels. See [backreferences](#backreferences) for more details on the usage of vars. #### Vars template The `.varsTemplate` field specifies a text template for dynamically creating vars based on the matched features. See [templating](#templating) for details on using templates and [backreferences](#backreferences) for more details on the usage of vars. **NOTE** The `vars` field has priority over `varsTemplate`, i.e. vars specified in the `vars` field will override anything originating from `varsTemplate`. #### MatchFeatures The `.matchFeatures` field specifies a feature matcher, consisting of a list of feature matcher terms. It implements a logical AND over the terms i.e. all of them must match in order for the rule to trigger. ```yaml matchFeatures: - feature: matchExpressions: : op: value: - - ... ``` The `.matchFeatures[].feature` field specifies the feature against which to match. The `.matchFeatures[].matchExpressions` field specifies a map of expressions which to evaluate against the elements of the feature. In each MatchExpression `op` specifies the operator to apply. Valid values are described below. | Operator | Number of values | Matches when | --------------- | ---------------- | ----------- | `In` | 1 or greater | Input is equal to one of the values | `NotIn` | 1 or greater | Input is not equal to any of the values | `InRegexp` | 1 or greater | Values of the MatchExpression are treated as regexps and input matches one or more of them | `Exists` | 0 | The key exists | `DoesNotExist` | 0 | The key does not exists | `Gt` | 1 | Input is greater than the value. Both the input and value must be integer numbers. | `Lt` | 1 | Input is less than the value. Both the input and value must be integer numbers. | `GtLt` | 2 | Input is between two values. Both the input and value must be integer numbers. | `IsTrue` | 0 | Input is equal to "true" | `IsFalse` | 0 | Input is equal "false" The `value` field of MatchExpression is a list of string arguments to the operator. The behavior of MatchExpression depends on the [feature type](#feature-types): for *flag* and *attribute* features the MatchExpression operates on the feature element whose name matches the ``. However, for *instance* features all MatchExpressions are evaluated against the attributes of each instance separately. A special case of an empty `matchExpressions` field matches everything, i.e. matches/returns all elements of the feature. This makes it possible to write [templates](#templating) that run over all discovered features. #### MatchAny The `.matchAny` field is a list of of [`matchFeatures`](#matchfeatures) matchers. A logical OR is applied over the matchers, i.e. at least one of them must match in order for the rule to trigger. Consider the following example: ```yaml matchAny: - matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: kmod-1: {op: Exists} - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["0eee"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]} - matchFeatures: - feature: kernel.loadedmodule matchExpressions: kmod-2: {op: Exists} - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: vendor: {op: In, value: ["0fff"]} class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]} ``` This matches if kernel module kmod-1 is loaded and a network controller from vendor 0eee is present, OR, if kernel module kmod-2 has been loaded and a network controller from vendor 0fff is present (OR both of these conditions are true). ### Available features #### Feature types Features are divided into three different types: - **flag** features: a set of names without any associated values, e.g. CPUID flags or loaded kernel modules - **attribute** features: a set of names each of which has a single value associated with it (essentially a map of key-value pairs), e.g. kernel config flags or os release information - **instance** features: a list of instances, each of which has multiple attributes (key-value pairs of their own) associated with it, e.g. PCI or USB devices #### List of features The following features are available for matching: | Feature | Feature type | Elements | Value type | Description | ---------------- | ------------ | -------- | ---------- | ----------- | **`cpu.cpuid`** | flag | | | Supported CPU capabilities | | | **``** | | CPUID flag is present | **`cpu.cstate`** | attribute | | | Status of cstates in the intel_idle cpuidle driver | | | **`enabled`** | bool | 'true' if cstates are set, otherwise 'false'. Does not exist of intel_idle driver is not active. | **`cpu.pstate`** | attribute | | | State of the Intel pstate driver. Does not exist if the driver is not enabled. | | | **`status`** | string | Status of the driver, possible values are 'active' and 'passive' | | | **`turbo`** | bool | 'true' if turbo frequencies are enabled, otherwise 'false' | | | **`scaling`** | string | Active scaling_governor, possible values are 'powersave' or 'performance'. | **`cpu.rdt`** | flag | | | Intel RDT capabilities supported by the system | | | **``** | | RDT capability is supported, see [RDT flags](../get-started/features#intel-rdt-flags) for details | **`cpu.sgx`** | attribute | | | Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) capabilities | | | **`enabled`** | bool | `true` if Intel SGX has been enabled, otherwise does not exist | **`cpu.sst`** | attribute | | | Intel SST (Speed Select Technology) capabilities | | | **`bf.enabled`** | bool | `true` if Intel SST-BF (Intel Speed Select Technology - Base frequency) has been enabled, otherwise does not exist | **`cpu.topology`** | attribute | | | CPU topology related features | | | **`hardware_multithreading`** | bool | Hardware multithreading, such as Intel HTT, is enabled | **`kernel.config`** | attribute | | | Kernel configuration options | | | **``** | string | Value of the kconfig option | **`kernel.loadedmodule`** | flag | | | Loaded kernel modules | | | **`mod-name`** | | Kernel module `` is loaded | **`kernel.selinux`** | attribute | | | Kernel SELinux related features | | | **`enabled`** | bool | `true` if SELinux has been enabled and is in enforcing mode, otherwise `false` | **`kernel.version`** | attribute | | | Kernel version information | | | **`full`** | string | Full kernel version (e.g. ‘4.5.6-7-g123abcde') | | | **`major`** | int | First component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘4') | | | **`minor`** | int | Second component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘5') | | | **`revision`** | int | Third component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘6') | **`local.label`** | attribute | | | Features from hooks and feature files, i.e. labels from the [*local* feature source](#local-feature-source) | | | **``** | string | Label `` created by the local feature source, value equals the value of the label | **`memory.nv`** | instance | | | NVDIMM devices present in the system | | | **``** | string | Value of the sysfs device attribute, available attributes: `devtype`, `mode` | **`memory.numa`** | attribute | | | NUMA nodes | | | **`is_numa`** | bool | `true` if NUMA architecture, `false` otherwise | | | **`node_count`** | int | Number of NUMA nodes | **`network.device`** | instance | | | Physical (non-virtual) network interfaces present in the system | | | **`name`** | string | Name of the network interface | | | **``** | string | Sysfs network interface attribute, available attributes: `operstate`, `speed`, `sriov_numvfs`, `sriov_totalvfs` | **`pci.device`** | instance | | | PCI devices present in the system | | | **``** | string | Value of the sysfs device attribute, available attributes: `class`, `vendor`, `device`, `subsystem_vendor`, `subsystem_device`, `sriov_totalvfs`, `iommu_group/type` | **`storage.device`** | instance | | | Block storage devices present in the system | | | **`name`** | string | Name of the block device | | | **``** | string | Sysfs network interface attribute, available attributes: `dax`, `rotational`, `nr_zones`, `zoned` | **`system.osrelease`** | attribute | | | System identification data from `/etc/os-release` | | | **``** | string | One parameter from `/etc/os-release` | **`system.name`** | attribute | | | System name information | | | **`nodename`** | string | Name of the kubernetes node object | **`usb.device`** | instance | | | USB devices present in the system | | | **``** | string | Value of the sysfs device attribute, available attributes: `class`, `vendor`, `device`, `serial` | **`rule.matched`** | attribute | | | Previously matched rules | | | **``** | string | Label or var from a preceding rule that matched ### Templating Rules support template-based creation of labels and vars with the `.labelsTemplate` and `.varsTemplate` fields. These makes it possible to dynamically generate labels and vars based on the features that matched. The template must expand into a simple format with `=` pairs separated by newline. Consider the following example: ```yaml labelsTemplate: | {{ range .pci.device }}vendor-{{ .class }}-{{ .device }}.present=true {{ end }} matchFeatures: - feature: pci.device matchExpressions: class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^02"]} vendor: ["0fff"] ``` The rule above will create individual labels `feature.node.kubernetes.io/vendor--.present=true` for each network controller device (device class starting with 02) from vendor 0ffff. All the matched features of each feature matcher term under `matchFeatures` fields are available for the template engine. Matched features can be referenced with `{%raw%}{{ . }}{%endraw%}` in the template, and the available data could be described in yaml as follows: ```yaml . : - Name: - ... : - Name: Value: - ... : - : : ... - ... ``` That is, the per-feature data is a list of objects whose data fields depend on the type of the feature: - for *flag* features only 'Name' is available - for *value* features 'Name' and 'Value' are available - for *instance* features all attributes of the matched instance are available A simple example of a template utilizing name and value from an *attribute* feature: ```yaml labelsTemplate: | {{ range .system.osrelease }}system-{{ .Name }}={{ .Value }} {{ end }} matchFeatures: - feature: system.osRelease matchExpressions: ID: {op: Exists} VERSION_ID.major: {op: Exists} ``` **NOTE** In case of matchAny is specified, the template is executed separately against each individual `matchFeatures` field and the final set of labels will be superset of all these separate template expansions. E.g. consider the following: ```yaml - name: labelsTemplate: